This seems like further confirmation of that theory that I saw posted on here that the Saudi oil barons funded Elon’s purchase of Twitter for the sole purpose of destroying it. They want to silence online discussions of climate change and other left wing topics.
Combined with Reddit being owned by Tencent, Facebook being eternally evil, and TikTok being unconducive to any form of coherent dialogue, there are not many places for left wing discourse on the internet anymore.
“climate change and other left wing topics”… I know that’s basically how it works in some countries, but it’s insane to consider certain scientific facts left wing, and we really shouldn’t support such statements.
Politicising climate change was yet another distraction from dealing with it in a cohesive and unified manner. Divide and conquer.
Yes, in Europe, most political parties, both left and right, have their own climate change mitigation policies, because if they don’t, they risk just not being elected.
Also no mainstream political party in Europe dares to touch Universal Healthcare.
Well, they have privatised it and made it worse and worse, with longer queues and worse quality of care.
That strongly depends on your country.
The access is universal, but its run by private companies now.
That strongly depends on your country.
Found the round-earther.
The reason it’s overwhelmingly called “climate change” instead of global warming now is because of language change pushed by billionaire foundations. The Koch network specifically focus grouped and created the term change. Whether we want it considered left wing or not, the billionaire backed right has made such statements left wing.
Climate change was adopted because global warming doesn’t intuitively line up with winters being much colder on top of the average temperature being higher.
The reason it’s overwhelmingly called “climate change” instead of global warming now is because of language change pushed by billionaire foundations.
I do think “global warming” struggles to convince some more simple people anyway, unfortunately. Because while the average temperature of the globe is increasing and causing the changes in climate that we’re seeing, I’ve come across far too many comments from people saying things like “global warming must be a myth because it snows more than it used to” and things themselves smarter than all climate scientists combined for that observation.
Of course, those same people probably think global warming is good because they like their summer holidays so perhaps their opinions shouldn’t matter much either way!
Is this really true?
Idiots would walk around on cold days saying “see - this global warming stuff is bullshit”.
Climate change describes the danger much more aptly.
You should read “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer. Goes into it and a lot of other very eye opening stuff about how the billionaire foundations changed this country.
Thanks for pointing that out. It’s just so normal to think that way here that they’ve even corrupted me into framing climate change that way. It’s not a left wing topic; it’s a reality.
I just hope young people who are thinking of voting conservative here keep in mind that those assholes literally don’t believe in climate change and by extension science and facts. That alone should automatically disqualify conservatives from anyone’s consideration.
It’s not a lack of belief, it’s just an abundance of “fuck you, I got mine”.
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In 2024, anything that makes sense is un-conservative.
And yet, here we are :/
Reality has a left-wing bias.
This seems like further confirmation of that theory that I saw posted on here that the Saudi oil barons funded Elon’s purchase of Twitter for the sole purpose of destroying it.
Then why did Twitter needed to sue him to get him to abide by the deal? Musk often promotes stuff in a pump and dump scheme. One of the many examples is when he briefly promoted bitcoin. He made loads of money off that.
I’m guessing he thought he could make a lot of money quickly in some way. But then interest rates rose quickly and whatever he was planning fell through.
It’s possible it was a initially pump and dump that turned into a Saudi funded venture. He’s a useful idiot from the Arabs’ perspective.
Twitter is really big there. It’s basically the most used social media by a vast majority compared to other ones. It’s way more plausible that some ‘too much rich to know what to do with all the money’ Saudi princes decided something like a few percent of their wealth to own the biggest social media on their country for bragging rights and admin privilege to be worth it. Plus, they probably thought Twitter was too big to fail and die, They didn’t expect Elon would fuck it up so bad. I don’t think anybody expected Elon to fuck it up so bad.
Yeah that’s possible too. It’s all speculation until the Netflix documentary comes out years later lol
The purchase itself was a leveraged buyout, they didn’t pay the entire $44bn as Twitter took out a loan to cover $13bn. Like all leveraged buyouts (eg Toys R Us) the purchase itself is meant to kill the business. Even before Musk started screwing the revenue there was little hope Twitter could pay the interest, let along the principle. Now, Twitter is worth less than the debt, by some estimates.
I’ve had the same theory for a while. They saw the Arab Spring and other populist movements. With their vast oil wealth, tanking Twitter was a small price to pay to re-fracture descent and silence the left. The concentration of wealth has given insane power to wealthy who skew overwhelmingly on the side of themselves. The rise of the right is a direct result of billionaires funding across numerous avenues. The right aligns best with their self interest. They played the long game because they only have to pay people and let them do it for them. Regular folks have to stay engaged in the battle after working to support themselves. Billionaires are the matastasized cancer of capitalism.
Why would they spend billions for this when they could (and still can) just block the website? It’s not like you can sue the King in Saudi Arabia (lest you think you have too many heads)
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Reddit’s owned by tencent now? When did this happen?
My bad, Reddit is still owned by an American company but Tencent has a large stake in it since 2019, at least enough to influence the platform into complying with pro-CCP censorship and etc
Conservatives are desperately trying to force TikTok to sell because even though its format is garbage, it’s gathered a large leftwing userbase
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This seems like further confirmation of that theory that I saw posted on here that the Saudi oil barons funded Elon’s purchase of Twitter for the sole purpose of destroying it.
Then why does it still exist? Musk took Twitter private, they could’ve just pulled the plug if they wanted to.
That terse action would have made mastodon flourish. It had to be gradual.
Holy shit you might be right
My sides
If this dude had any experience running an online site he would know how many stolen credit cards are out there.
X is a fly-coated chum bucket.
Hey now…that’s really rude! If fly-coated chum buckets could read they would be very very upset!
Or PayPal accounts.
Was just about to say this.
You know how easy it is these days to get credit card dumps? Legally, I don’t know the exact answer, but…
This is not going to stop bots.
This will absolutely stop by far the most bots, because hostile governments like Russia and China use THOUSANDS of bots, having to pay $1 extra to maintain each bot, will be prohibitively expensive for those governments. Remember this can mean THOUSANDS in extra cost for those programs. No way either Russia or China will be able to afford that. So my guess is this will be 99.99% effective at preventing bots. The problem for Musk that he may not have foreseen is, the same will be true for MAGA racist anti LGBT propaganda bots. So now Twitter will go back to be dominated by liberals and socialists. Making it necessary for Musk to pay for another platform all over again, if he wants to have a free space to blurt his idiocy.
You had me in the first 1/4, NGL
Yes I was joking, the real explanation is of course that most bots are made by underage kids that don’t have access to credit cards, and can’t afford $1 out of their allowance. 😋
here’s hoping it stops site growth
Most people don’t get out of bed for a dollar so no, it won’t outside the usual 10-30% pareto ratio, which is probably already getting impacted by Xitter being run into the ground.
Isn’t that the started intent? Like adding a small roadblock or captcha.
I’m not saying I agree but the simple logic should work. It’ll likely reduce the user base and still let bits in with cash to burn.
This is what Craigslist did and now nobody uses it and we’re forced to use the garbage platform that is Facebook Marketplace.
In theory, maybe. In practice, the bots might just pay and post anyway. If they can recoup those costs in the scam, it costs them basically nothing.
So bots pay to continue what they’re doing, but Musky now gets money for it?
Ray Charles could see what’s going on here.
This is just another attempt at establishing a new status quo for other social media before Twitter dies a death due to the insurmountable debt that Musk’s purchase saddled it with. We’ve had a bunch of things tried, so far the only thing that stuck was charging for API access (which reddit soon adopted). Let’s not have this as well, please.
Hopefully Twitter dying because of this will give other companies pause (or not, would it really be that bad if facebook kills itself copying him?)
“Unfortunately, a small fee for new user write access is the only way to curb the relentless onslaught of bots,” Musk wrote on X.
…that makes no sense. By “bots” usually we mean accounts that advertise one thing or another to make money. And if there’s any cause worth paying money for, it’s making more money. But some sports fan or BTS stan or whatever just wanting to cheer on their thing is just gonna stop posting.
Well, you can invest money to get rid of bots, or you can try to make money to get rid of bots. He tries the latter, and will kill the platform doing that.
It’s completely absurd that he’s saying this as an anti-bot measure. The bots exist because they generate revenue for the scumbags behind them, a small fee is just going to be part of doing business for them. He’s not trying to stop bots, he’s trying to monetize them and use them as an excuse to charge everyone. “The bot problem” will never be fixed and will be used as an excuse for every anti-user measure they put forward.
Anti-user measures on a social media platform
Hopefully more people change to mastodon now
*keys and *omas are more fun though. mastodon’s way too businesslike to encourage a fair share of people to pick it over shitter (it works other way around as well tho)
And make it a shitty place. Lemmy world already is in my block list
I hate to tell you this, but you’re in a community right now, so your block list isn’t working very well.
What? Why?
Bots and politics
That’s every instance, not just Lemmy world
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Opps was I not smiling hard enough while sucking Netanyahu’s dick? Was there just no enthusiasm in the blow job? My bad ill do better next time.
Meh, you still ise Twitter, you get what you deserve.
What does vaggumon digivolve to? MetalVaggumon. ヴァグモン
Indeed I deserve porn, so I get porn.
“This is going to make so much easy money”, Musk thinks, delusionaly, as he further alienates the former core user base of the site he bought for literal billions of dollars and yet has never made any money. “They are going to be lining up to pay for this”, he imagines, forgetting that paid checkmarks was a huge ass failure and twitter still has never turned a profit.
This is, I think his train of thought. He thinks Twitter is a utility that people need. Meanwhile, many of us never had an account and moves like this will just move people away. Before twitter there was other social media, and before social media we also got on fine.
There are literal alternatives to this service, I cannot believe people are still using it now. But surely this kills it?
Who is going to pay to post on twitter? Not only has he destroyed what was there but he’s stopping any route for growth with new users. Most people won’t bother.
He really has managed to destroy that company with his knee jerk decisions.
People with “hot link in bio” and all that jazz
Gotta get them 44 billion back somehow.
Well, this ain’t it chief
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Well, if nothing else, it does reduce some load on their servers because less people will be posting.
That’s not what free speech is, and there never has been free speech on Twitter, and that’s mostly a good thing. Jesus.
That’s not what free speech is
Well yeah, obviously. It’s just wordplay based on the two common definitions of free.
Everybody knows what free speech means. It’s just a bit of wordplay that you’ve taken very literally.
Everybody knows what free speech means.
i really dont think so.
free speech is a pretty complicated thing and i feel like many people dont have a solid grasp on it. i think a good number of people think they know what free speech means because they know “it only applies to what the government can do to you”, but there’s quite a bit more to it than that. like how to deal with hate speech, threats, misinformation, disinformation, etc.
and this is directly related to the problems twitter is facing: elon musk started out by saying hes a “free speech absolutist”, but twitter has been slowly rediscovering why “free speech absolutism” doesnt work. and you can see those discoveries in real time with twitter reintroducing moderation policies (among other things)
Ok then. People know enough about what it means to know it doesn’t refer to not having to pay a fee to open your mouth.
It’s very clear that the headline is a little wordplay joke. It doesn’t literally convey that the journalist thought free speech means you don’t have to pay to make a twitter post. You’re taking it way too literally.
elon musk started out by saying hes a “free speech absolutist”, but twitter has been slowly rediscovering why “free speech absolutism” doesnt work.
I’m in agreement that it doesn’t work.
But it should also be called to attention that Musk never tried free speech absolutism on his platform (not that I think he actually should). He has been willing to bend over backwards in assisting dictatorships in censoring content, and he culled a lot of left-leaning and anti-Musk accounts/comments on day one. It’s always been a lie to pander to the freeze peach crowd.
Elon Musk said free speech like once and then immediately threw a bunch of journalists off the site. And apparently every news article for the rest of my life is going to be about how he was hypocritical instead of whether he wants power or influence or has power and influence or the meaning of giving him those things.
Don’t trust every industrialist you meet even if they invested in one company where competent people make cool space ships. He’s clearly on Ket and some uppers. Grimes divorced him and her music isn’t even good. He’s not that complicated.
Elon and his sycophants have been the idiots talking about free speech on Twitter. It’s perfectly fine to use that talking point as criticism. If he’s not interested in free speech then what was he doing allowing banned Nazi accounts back on?
I’m not a fan of him, nor a twitter user, but as far as free speech is concerned, that should mean your opinion is not censored, but the platform doesn’t have to be free to use, but if it doesn’t discriminate opinions, and everyone is allowed to make an account, and everyone has to pay the same
That’s equal treatment, and isn’t going against free speech.
None of that was ever true for Twitter, anyway. It wasn’t true before Musk bought it and it’s only got worse.
I stole this line from someone else, but its great.
Elon Musk has invented fee speech, not free speech.
It’s a clever line, but Musk hasn’t invented a single goddamn thing in his life.
Hey that’s not fair - he invents his own narrative about reality all the time.
Yeah, pay to post was Something Awful founder lowtax’s idea.
SA used to be great. That move actually made the forums a pretty good place for a while because it kept out a few demographics including bots and kids.
Something Awful, YTMND and Newgrounds were basically the comedic engines of the internet back then.
Good 'ol pre-YouTube internet.
Money is speech? This is clearly in-line with current US legal definitions so what’s the problem?