Hi folks,
I installed Radicale earlier today and when I installed it as a user as described on the homepage using $ python3 -m pip install --upgrade radicale
I initially created a local storage and ran as normal user $ python3 -m radicale --storage-filesystem-folder=~/.var/lib/radicale/collections
. I was able to see the webpage when I type the server address (VM on Truenas)
. So the install went well. But I wanted to create system wide so that I can have multiple users loggin in (family members).
So i did the following:
$sudo useradd --system --user-group --home-dir / --shell /sbin/nologin radicale
$sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/radicale/collections && sudo chown -R radicale:radicale /var/lib/radicale/collections
sudo mkdir -p /etc/radicale && sudo chown -R radicale:radicale /etc/radicale
Then I created the config file which looks like:
# Bind all addresses
hosts =, [::]:5234
max_connections = 10
# 100 MB
max_content_length = 100000000
timeout = 30
type = htpasswd
htpasswd_filename = /etc/radicale/users
htpasswd_encryption = md5
filesystem_folder = /var/lib/radicale/collections
level = debug
Of course the users file also exists in the /etc/radicale
. Then I created the service file as per the guidance without changing anything:
Description=A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -m radicale
# Deny other users access to the calendar data
# Optional security settings
Then I hit the usual sequence:
$ sudo systemctl enable radicale
$ sudo systemctl start radicale
$ sudo systemctl status radicale
and of course it all seems to be running:
user@vm101:/$ sudo systemctl status radicale
● radicale.service - A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/radicale.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-05-25 19:44:54 BST; 18min ago
Main PID: 313311 (python3)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4638)
Memory: 13.1M
CPU: 166ms
CGroup: /system.slice/radicale.service
└─313311 python3 -m radicale
May 25 19:44:54 vm101 systemd[1]: Started A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.
When I run $ journalctl --unit radicale.service
it only provide the following output, despite the logging level is set to debug:
user@vm101:/etc/radical$ sudo journalctl --unit radicale.service
-- Journal begins at Sat 2022-12-31 15:45:51 GMT, ends at Sat 2024-05-25 20:04:37 BST. --
May 25 19:25:46 vm101 systemd[1]: Started A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.
May 25 19:44:46 vm101 systemd[1]: Stopping A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server...
May 25 19:44:46 vm101 systemd[1]: radicale.service: Succeeded.
May 25 19:44:46 vm101 systemd[1]: Stopped A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.
May 25 19:44:54 vm101 systemd[1]: Started A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.
Any clue as to why i get “Can’t establish a connection …” error when I type
. I’m clearly missing something but can’t quite get what it is. Any help would be appreciated.
BTW, I’m connecting to the Truenas server (where the VM runs) from my laptop, the same one that allowed me to connect when I used the normal user approach described at the start.
Your two bind addresses might be in conflict with each other since
includes binding to the first one.Ok, removed the conflicting bit but it made no difference. I wonder if this is to do with ‘radicale’ user not being able to open ports or something like that …?
What does
ss -tlnp
return? Does the process listen on any ports?ss -tlnp
Yes, it returning the right address:port
but as I said earlier, the problem was me mis-spelling the config folder so it was ignoring the config file.
Turned out I had created
rather than /etc/radicale
and of course the app was looking for a folder that didn’t exist. I can confirm the above procedure works for anyone trying to install it.Appreciate the walkthrough and follow up.
That should only affect ports below 1024.
They do not conflict, the first is an IPv4 address and the second is an IPv6 address.
What I don’t understand is why one of them is a specific address and the second is the ALL address. They should either both be specific or both ALL ( for IPv4).
IPv6 binds on wildcard addresses include binding to the IPv4 addresses.