We really need to tax energy used by GPU-burning projects differently. AI training, blockchain, whatever. Such a wasteful endeavour.
Fun fact they pay lower rate than households because fuxk you peasants ;)
All industrial users pay lower, because they’re able to apply economies of scale and locate themselves in places with lower power costs. Some of them are big enough that the utilities will build power lines and plants specifically to make electricity cheaper. It’s not just a matter of “oh, they’re rich, so we’ll charge them less.”
I do understand the basics of how this works but big and/or business is directly subsidized by taxpayer and rate payer at every corner. It is getting tiring seeing this clown show when large swathes of population living hand to mouth, month in, month out.
You would think this would make people realize where the money is going ;)
That’s the true point. How much is this really helping? I know as a private company they can do what they want but we need medical care, food security, and housing security. Nobody seems to give a rat’s ass about being the Tony Stark of public or cheap housing. The things we truly need are not mystical ecosystem locking Jarvis’s, but plain old reliable social services and other public services to lower the daily strain on the individual worker.
But have you heard about AI and another millennial billionaire progidy who will save us all sorry peasants?
deleted by creator
Carbon tax, it was proposed so many years ago and it’s always been a good idea.
By now it should be a hard carbon budget and not a simple tax that can be dodged.
How would a budget be less dodgable than a tax?
Energy and water.
No significant blockchains use GPUs any more. As for AI training, that produces AIs. It’s not wasteful.
As for AI training, that produces AIs. It’s not wasteful.
I use AIs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that’s fine, but that’s just you. You can’t dismiss anything that you personally don’t have a use for as “wasteful.”
people still use nfts
Okay, so? NFTs aren’t AI, and they don’t use proof-of-work any more for that matter.
I use NFTs for a variety of productive purposes. You may not, and that’s fine, but that’s just you. You can’t dismiss anything that you personally don’t have a use for as “wasteful.”
I wasn’t. I pointed out that no significant blockchains used GPUs (especially not Ethereum, the main NFT-supporting blockchain, which has transitioned to proof-of-stake instead of proof-of-work). That puts them outside the question of “wastefulness” altogether, and irrelevant to the subject at hand.
You know, The Infinite Monkey Theorem states that if you chain a room full of monkeys to typewriters and let them all beat the keys at random, for an infinite amount of time, they will . . . eventually . . . through sheer random chance . . . produce the comple works of William Shakespeare. Maybe in 10 trillion years or so. THIS is current state of “AI.”
What Musk is proposing is like building an army of very expensive, very wasteful fusion-powered robots to beat the monkeys in the hope that the monkeys will work just a little bit faster.
that is to illustrate the vastness of infinity not the efficacy of monkeys
assuming one infinite monkey:
sonnet 18 has 592 characters- or a chance of 4.3x10^-848
10 trillion is ^-13 for reference.
And the universe is not even 14 billion years old.
And the ^-848 was 14 lines, a onehundredth of a single percent of the complete works.
However, it’s infinite monkeys, so the time it would take is effectively how every long it takes for one monkey to type that many lines. A few days? A week? In an infinite monkey cage it’s done at the first attempt: that’s the size of infinity.
All that to say, to replace that in power, if you converted all the mass in the universe to energy, and all the time until it’s heat death and could combine them into one machine: probably not enough to clear Titus Andronicus.
With what money? SpaceX is the only company with any kind of steady revenue to its name and that’s only because the US government subsidised it
I’m guessing from new investors. That still believe Enron Musk groks it.
In a presentation for investors, Elon Musk revealed that the new supercomputer will use as many as 100,000 Nvidia’s H100 GPUs
And how is he going to get all those cards? Does he know that all production is reserved for the big boys?
That’s probably the reason he is using an older version, the H200 is about to be released, and will free up supply of the older chips.
Ok I normally hate puns on peoples names, but Enron Musk is hilarious
UPS! That must have been a typo, any relation to a company that was fraudulent and went bankrupt is PURELY coincidental.
Better be careful, you might accidentally fall out of a helicopter.
Elon Musk is a full of shit cunt. That’s it. That’s the post.
Wait what? $4 billions worth of h100 🙃 such a funny guy…
H100 isn’t $40, it’s $40,000. You’re making the Bloomberg Mistake: it costs $4,000,000,000 - four billion.
I can’t wait to see what clownshoes nonsense way he absolutely fucks this one up, but that’ll take a lot of liquidity he probably doesn’t have access to unless he gets the $45bn Tesla payout.
Ohh my fault
xAI just finished up a funding round worth $6bn, he doesn’t need to use his own money. It’s the usual bunch of VC funds: Fidelity Sequoia, Kingdom Holdings (that’s a Saudi fund).
Want to do a startup with me? I am thinking of a fleet of AI powered autonomous ice cream trucks, that can target where the demand is via social media and weather patterns.
Would like to get $400 million for our first round of funding…
Him and everyone else. The only problem is that NVIDIA can only build them so fast, and there’s only so much high power datacenter space.
He’s calling it a gigafactory? He already has a gigafactory, and it’s actually a factory.
Just call it a datacenter, because that’s what you’re building.
It’s also funny to use “giga” in the marketing when everyone else is dealing with petabytes
processing measured in teraflops. data measued in petabytes. coolness measured in gigachads.
TeraFLOPs? We’re already up to ExaFLOPs!
Calling it a pedofactory fits his personality better.
(from Perplexity AI)
you should try to ask the same question using xAI / Grok if possible. May also ask ChatGPT about Altman as well
So what everyone else has been doing but smaller while calling it giga. Let me buy some TSLA shares.
Buy Nvidia shares. they’re making the shovels…
Yeah, but that’s already priced in. Anyone wanting to get on the Nvidia train for the AI push is a few years too late. Honestly, I expect it to be overpriced, with AI hype boosting it over the value it should have.
If you wanna bet that AMD accelerators become a viable alternative while the bubble is still going, maybe bet on them. It’s all gambling, in the end.
I was being sarcastic but yeah. 😁
Can he stay out of jail by then?
Why would he go to jail? I must be out of the loop?
Yes, you are out of the loop.
Makes very little sense to downvote this, there are several points where Musk could go to jail. Both regarding fraud towards investors and also customers.
Probably the most obvious case is that Musk claimed in 2019 it would be possible to earn money on owning a Tesla, because it would be able to be used as a robo taxi by 2020.
But Full self driving required for Robo Taxi is still nowhere near ready.He also claimed that Tesla would NOT depreciate like other cars, because they are the most future proof cars you can buy.
But Tesla cars have since depreciated faster than almost any other car, in part because of Tesla price reductions, and in part because the promises came to nothing.There could also be situations considering Hyperloop, where he promised faster and cheaper public transport, and that it was actually easy to make. But the projects he has accepted all came to nothing.
There may be cases on his promises every year since 2016 that Tesla cars would be capable of FSD next year.
He has also made wildly exaggerated promises about SpaceX, that may constitute fraud towards investors. Starting a Mars base 2022, and manned missions 2024, I don’t recall any SpaceX Mars missions.
People have invested their pensions on these false claims, and at some point, I have no doubt they will result in lawsuits, at least some of them.
Thanks much for this. Frankly it’s the Stochastiv Terrorism (buying twitter, banning accounts handpicked by the Andy Gno type, iirc, promoting anti-freedom-from/of-gender types, promoting zionists and anti-semites (but I repeat myself)…the general trend of amplifying danger for folks who whom the world is already primed to scapegoat or antagonize. It’s harmed journalism and is moving the electoral overton window to the far-right.
Yes it does seem the far right is doing better than they should be, this is unfortunately also the case in Europe. And it has very much to do with systematic control and manipulation of both normal media and social media by the 1%.
Thank you for elaborating. Surely any credible allegations are being pursued by the DOJ and you can reference them.
While this wasn’t treated as fraud, Musk did lose his $55 billion bonus as deemed an insider job, where Musk controlled the board to the detriment of other shareholders. Here (Denmark) we had a similar case in principle but by a majority shareholder (although much smaller), that resulted in 7 year jail time for the CEO/Stock majority holder that did it.
Why musk isn’t in jail for this IDK, but IMO he should be, and by better standards he would be.
Because he’s the pride and token of US (and their greenwashing). AND the US already poured too much of the taxpayers’ money into SpaceX & Tesla. To announce that they basically got granny-scammed by one loudmouth would be to destroy your international cred.
Google, I’m not your personal assistant.
I’m not the one committing libel my dude. You clearly can’t back up your feelings. You could have just mentioned something like FSD but apparently it’s easier to lash out.
I can back up my feelings, I just don’t have to. Not when I’m “required to present proof” by a rando with an internet access.
Did he just invent self-hosting?
Tech-bro’s finest minds.
How dare you! It’s not self-hosting. It clearly says “GIGAFACTORY OF COMPUTE”
I know but I’m sure he’s just throwing words around, what he meant is “gigafactory of COMPUTERS”
Dude acting like he invented HPC and datacenters now?
I don’t know, is he?
You haven’t heard of The Cyber AI/data center majiger factory? Or do you mean XHpc? Part of the almighty X
Wow that’s almost 6% of what Microsoft is buying this year for that same purpose.
Yeah, but is their compute called a Gigafactory? I didn’t think so.
Yeah, it seems like Musk’s innovation is calling it GIGAFACTORY!
Obligatory exclamation point.
It will produce bigoted falsehoods so damn fast!
Ah, some interesting technology news. Let’s read about what new developments are being made-
Oh, wait, Elon Musk is involved. I hate technology! Emerald mines and cave rescue submarines!
yeah because if musk wasn’t involved, lemmy’s community always loves news on the latest ai hype cycle
Ah yes, the wrong kind of technology.
If it’s a “hype cycle” I guess it’ll be going away aaaaaany day now.
Ah yes, the wrong kind of technology.
what point do you think you’re making here?
it’s /c/technology, not “/c/unquestionedpraisefortechnology”
If it’s a “hype cycle” I guess it’ll be going away aaaaaany day now.
my guy even people within the ai r&d sphere acknowledge that it’s a hype cycle
I think maybe you meant to link to AI Winter (which that link has a link to down at the bottom) as that article doesn’t really support your point (that people within AI acknowledge it has hype cycles) at all, there’s nothing about AI directly in it, although it does serve a refutation that ‘hype cycle’ means it’ll go away; if that’s what you meant your sentence was a bit odd.
the citation is because the only way you could claim ai isn’t in a hype cycle at the moment is if you don’t know that that’s a defined term within tech spaces
It’s more like “idiot billionaire builds bigger shiny gadget for a non specific purpose”
Like what’s the problem being solved here?
Like what’s the problem being solved here?
Training AIs.
🙄 this is interesting? Is there no new application or topology here?
If it’s just “more power vroom” this is only valuable for entertainment.