Can’t wait for three days from now, when they roll that back in a panic.
Good luck peeling all copies of my balls off their chin of a website by then!
nothing but goatse.
worse. rabbithole. ever.
Do they still have enough staff on board to roll back anything?
Do they even have enough staff on board to panic?
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“What do you mean Coca-Cola doesn’t want their ads next to a video of three men fisting each other?”
Coke would pay them and supply 2 liter coke bottles if they thought it would would be more profitable than damaging to their image.
Honestly, all the respectable advertisers left anyway so they have nothing to lose
Does this mean in certain US states that you will have to provide ID in order to view X content?
Pussy in bio ☝️☝️☝️👅
Liar! I got excited for no reason! 😠
All I see is ice cream with… beans?
If they censored it like they did pornhub then how would all the right wing States get their propaganda?
Pornhub set up their geofence. X won’t listen and no one will enforce it.
Rules for thee but not for me.
How long would it take to make it have above that threshold?
Probably by morning.
Helldivers can complete any mission in 48 hours. Just ask Sony…
DDOS now means distributed distribution of sex, obviously.
if we start after lunch, I bet we can wrap this shit up before the bars close.
If Twitch’s little experiment is anything to go by, it already is.
As someone in Utah as well, who exactly measures that? Can I get their job?
This appears to have only 30% porn, thus it’s okay…
So you’re saying all PornHub has to do is add a large non-fiction eBook library or something?
I don’t think their enough books in existence to balance out that much porn.
Save every page as a RAW image file. Then take an 8k video of each page of the book on paper, slowly enough to read them. Problem solved.
Nice try but you’re not tricking me that easily into using Twitter!
You underestimate how horny the internet is.
Probably no, unless it turns out to have more porn than non-porn. Which could definitely happen!
(And with a site name like X, probably should happen.)
Time to create an account
I thought they were already allowed… There’s tons of adult performers already on there showing full frontal nudity and pornography.
My friend says he wants the sauce
🤓☝️ erm its X now not twitter
so he fucked up the whole platform so he has to raise money with porn? not suprised to be honest
Porn. Always good for the money.
So he is that desperate already? His user numbers must be close to the ground to try this in the US.
Adult content has always been defacto allowed on Twitter AFAIK. That’s why the headline uses the word “explicitly”. They’re just making it dejure allowed.
Allowed under policy, not de jure!
If X becomes XXX does he gain more power? The more times his favorite letter appears, the stronger his dipshittery becomes!
Am I missing something here? I thought X/Twitter always allowed NSFW content.
It had no specific rules for it or against it. It was just a secret rule that you could upload on it. Now it’s official ig.
As much as X can get bent The eradication of human sexuality from mass media culture is a clear sign of intense rot at the heart of our civilization. How can such a fundamental element of thr human experience can be so conspicuously absent for almost all art and media. A clear sign of the omnipresent censure and purge of dissenting opinion in our supposedly “free” society.
Yeah, I’ll always give credit where credit is due, and no matter how much I detest Musk, this is a legitimately good move and I fully endorse it.
How can such a fundamental element of thr human experience can be so conspicuously absent for almost all art and media.
What are you talking about? Heaps of movies have sex scenes. Heaps of songs are about sex. There are heaps of books and other stories about sex. The internet is packed with sex stuff of all kinds. Advertisements in the street are obvious implicitly or explicitly about sex. So how can you say that sex is ‘conspicuously absent from almost all art and media’? Are you looking?
Allowing explicit porn on twitter doesn’t make it ground-breaking in any way. It just changes the tone and target audience of the site, such that you will now see porn inserted into basically any conversation or topic.
Every new game that is released with a character dressed in even a slightly sexually suggestive way results in a rabid meltdown from braindead Twitter users. Payment processors like PayPal are forbidding the use of their services for NSFW content due to pressure from fundamentalist christian organizations like Exodus Cry, under the guise of “child safety”
I should have clarified, freely available mainstream media and art. I don’t watch ads so I can’t say for sure, I don’t consider advertising to be part of art and media, more like a form of pollution on top.
From what I’ve senn tge most you might get are suggestive allusions to sex. It’s just not treated as the everyday part of life that it is.
By comparison, it is entirely overshadowed by violence and gore.
Religion is the word you’re looking for.
And why religion? The answer is: control.
I mean they did have religions in greece and rome, yet it’s full of nude art
Yea but Greco-Roman paganism didn’t treat women as owned property of men like the Abrahamic faiths do. It’s not necessarily religion in total, it’s that the current dominant religions are extremely controlling and more about self-oppression for eventual reward than guidelines for a good life like most pagan sects
Greco-Roman paganism didn’t treat women as owned property of men like the Abrahamic faiths do
Yes they fucking did lmao. Greek women had absolutely no rights
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I was going to say, isn’t the Kama Sutra a Hindu text? We have a bunch of sex positions that may have been lost to time if it weren’t for the Hindu religion.
So maybe just an old tradition that hasn’t died out yet ? A sharp edged piece of societal flotsam that we’re still dealing with ?
Is muskrat religious?
His only religion appears to be financial technofeudalism. I guess the religious fundamentalists aren’t lucrative enough for him to enforce their commandments.
As a foreigner, this is more of a US (maybe England?) thing in my perception (together with some Muslim and East cultures). The US was always a bit strange with sexuality themes.
The UK* is waaaaaaaaaaaay more open about sex and nudity than the US
yup especially in the usa. Violence and blood is okay but god forbid if u see coochie or cock.
Remember the nipple that ruined a household name celebrity’s career? Despite the cover being removed having more to do with the actions of another celebrity whose career wasn’t ruined rather than her, adding a layer of misogyny to what was already puritan stupidity?
Even if kids saw it, so what? I can’t see any harm resulting from telling a child of any age that women have breasts for feeding babies, that it is done through the nipple, and that women without babies still have breasts and nipples because the body prepares for maybe having a baby later. And men have nipples because that part of the body doesn’t get different until puberty. And that it can be rude to ask or talk to someone about theirs, and it is very rude (and illegal) to touch them without permission.
exactly its bizzare how the usa has tabooed breasts so hard especially in non sexual settings like a women having to cover herself or go in the bathroom to breast feed. Yes boobies are fantastic and erotic but at the same time not that a big deal and people should be able at the very least tolerate their barren presence.
The eradication of human sexuality from mass media culture is a clear sign of intense rot at the heart of our civilization
In what way though? We see all kinds of sexual and suggestive displays everywhere in media because “sex sells”. I guess you and the people up voting you don’t use Instagram, which is essentially what Twitter is now trying to emulate via this rule change.
How can such a fundamental element of thr human experience can be so conspicuously absent for almost all art and media.
But it’s not? Every visual form of art has some kind of sexualized content. Go literally anywhere (online or off) and it’s there. The reason why the more overt and pornographic content is behind NSFW is because it’s titillating. Experiencing prolonged bouts of arousal is mentally exhausting and often leads to depression or worsens it, a higher and hyperstable,3%2C7%2C8].
It’s why looking at porn all day is not mentally relaxing, necessarily. Some people also find overt sexual displays distracting as all they want to do is focus without being stimulated into another direction. That said, there are plenty of video games, movies, art forms, music experiences which explore human sexuality. They’re fun because it’s stimulation at a time when you’re in the frame of mind for it.
I feel a lot of times when people talk about “something is like this” what they’re really saying “my experiences show that something is like this”, and that to me just indicates they need to broaden their experiences.
We’re missing sex positivity in modern US society with respect to women’s reproductive rights and acceptance of different sexual orientations or gender identities. We’re not missing sex or sexualized content.
You are misunderstanding the meaning of the paper you linked; it is not referring to sexual arousal but rather the psychological state of hyperarousal aka the fight-or-flight response. These are two very different meanings of the term “arousal” and are not at all interchangable.
I am not misunderstanding it, heightened emotions = arousal, and sexual stimulation leads to heightened emotions
You are misunderstanding it. Don’t worry though, yours is a common misunderstanding! So common, in fact, that the Wikipedia article on arousal starts with, “not to be confused with sexual arousal”.
In psychology, “arousal” is a technical term and not all arousal causes harm. In fact, many forms of arousal are quite healthy. Being awake, for example, is a type of arousal and most people stay awake for 16+ hours per day without issue.
Now, you are correct that sexual arousal is a type of arousal, but there is no reason to believe that sexual arousal would cause the pathology of arousal that is discussed in the paper. In fact, the specific section you linked refers to “hyperstable arousal regulation” which refers to a tendency for a person’s level of arousal to remain too constant over time rather than varying appropriately to the situation they are in. And on top of all that, causation is not indicated. There is no reason to believe that the arousal is causing the depression rather than the other way around.
I know :) I’ve done research in affective psychology. I was connecting the thread from arousal (in general) to sexual arousal. I think my follow up post shows that logic in a pithy one liner
Got it and thanks for clarifying. I also amended my last comment since I had a bit of extra time to read the study more thoroughly. I’d be quite interested to see which way the causation goes. Although I suspect that hyperstable arousal may be a symptom of depression rather than a cause of depression, I have heard that the intense adrenaline rush of skydiving may alleviate depression for some people. To me this suggests there may be a way to break out of that hyperstable arousal state by intentionally reaching a state of extremely high arousal, perhaps ending a bout of depression early.
On the other hand it means no more browsing X at work. NSFW is aptly named.
Another arbitrary imposition.
While you’re not wrong, there’s a time and place for everything
Some workplaces do allow showing tits at work, but It’s not arbitrary. It’s imposed by societies norms.
Aren’t society’s norms arbitrary? There are certainly societies where showing tits is normal.
I know what you are saying but usually “arbitrary” is at the individual level, not at societal level.
E.g. laws being arbitrarily enforced but you’d never describe the law itself as arbitrary.
Your point is well illustrated with the Joseon trend in Korea in the late 1800’s. But that was more societal than individual.
it’s not arbitrary… there’s this whole thing with sexual harassment and a hostile workplace that makes porn a bad idea for a large diverse team….
some reactions definitely go too far but it’s not arbitrary
You make a good point, it"s definitly part of the outline of that social wound.
Some people are so fragile and the topic that they consider mere exposure as an attack or harrasement.
And whoever is most fragile seems to the decider for everyone, of what is forbidden.
Really a powerful position to be in …
i don’t really see being too fragile as a powerful position….
it has definitely been abused by people pretending to be fragile… but the amount of very hostile, sexually aggressive people at many workplaces has made it this way, not the fragile people.
work is a place people are dependent on to make money to survive, with people they have to see every day.
a good friend of mine was a manager and very mildly cussed at a worker when they made a mistake… not even at her but just cussed as he was walking off….
she went to h.r., said it was because he hated lesbians (he doesn’t, has a lesbian aunt and several lesbian friends).
they fired him after ten years of being a good worker, working overtime or filling in whenever asked… never being late….
just fired him over one person saying one thing.
everyone else backed him up, but they didn’t care.
unions are pretty good, btw.anecdotes aren’t data. even if this is true, which i don’t believe it is to be honest, it pales in comparison to the innumerable discriminatory practices towards women and all sorts of minorities. also even in your own friend’s probably distorted version of the events he’s in the wrong.
my point is sometimes it does get abused…. but it’s in place for good reasons
and the fact that you think you know whether my friend was in the wrong or not means that you’re not worth talking to
let me guess, you’re not a woman.
The fact that someone’s gender makes a difference is part of that “social wound” they mentioned.
of course it makes a difference. that’s how power dynamics work. i think it’s very rich to complain about people being fragile while demonstrating peak fragility that you can’t just show porn to people who don’t consent to it.
Eradication? If anything, streaming services turn the sex dial to 11 for a while now. It’s as if they won’t greenlight a new show unless it has a certain amount of sex and nudity scenes.
I’m not really including paywalled media in this. I’m not subscribed so I really don’t see any of what you mention. What I’m seeing in my browser windows is almost completely sterile. The only place I see sex, is places that are ONLY about sex. There is no meaningful mixing.
Yeah which creates a division where all sane and sensible visions of sexuality are forbidden leaving only more extreme depictions from porn focused sites which race to extremes.
I think it’s an unhealthy approach, we need sensible and loving eroticism to serve as a good example otherwise all we have is the absurdity of porn - I’m no prude and not al all against fetish porn or whatever as long as it’s consensual and safe but objectification and extremism don’t make healthy relationships or happy lives (not say they can’t be part of a great relationship but they dont work as the basis for it)
Yes, you get, tge few depictions tgat remain are either empty allusions to sex or grotesque, farcicsl refetences.the real thing is absent. It ends at, largely inaccessible movies almost only about love and then nothing and then parody like And we know the people who excised that middle portion and I don’t understand why we let them get away with it.
If you thought the bots were obnoxious now…
In 2019 I replied to a funny video on twitter.
I replied “Oh man, this kills me.”
Instantly banned, no warning, no explaination. Just…banned.
At least thats why I think they banned me. I have no idea. Instead of telling me why, I had to google likely reasons for an autoban, and found thats a common reason. Its the only thing I can think of.
That being said, I wasn’t threating murder, or suicide. I was saying “this video is funny” in different words.
So I don’t find the bots obnoxious now. I never see them!
It seems like banning someone who threatened suicide might backfire.
Problem solved
Time to drop a ton of photoshops of Musk with a diseased micropenis until he changes his mind about this. Maybe shops of Zuckerberg and Musk heads onto gay porn stars so it looks like Mark is dominating Elon’s asshole in the literal sense rather than just the figurative sense.
“And just like that the perfect use case for AI finally emerged.”
Gentlemen, you know what must be done. We ride at dawn.
…is THIS what we’re doing for gay pride month? I mean, I’m not against it, I just want to know the plan so I’m not caught off guard.
It’s one thing we’re doing. We’re also making pride look like an early 20th century labor parade. We’ve got a busy month ahead of us
Or… you could just… you know… stop using it.
Oh, I don’t, lol. That was more of a prediction than me saying that I’d be doing it. I never made a Twitter account. It already seemed shitty to me even before musk utterly destroyed it.
I think to get under his skin the most having musk be a sub to someone like zuck or hillary clinton or maybe some of the guys he asked for funds to help buy twitter
I wonder if him having a train run on him by a bunch of union guys would bug him the most
Is this old news? There’s been massive dicks on there for ages.
It’s all they have now. Huge dicks and a shit ton of bots.
Dicks in the posts, pussies in the bio.
Thank goodness.
I’m just here to say the thumbnail for this article is great.
Finally a feature for the people and a safe place to post all my dick pics
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So… let’s start uploading lots of gay/trans porn and swe how long it takes before the policy changes!
Yeah I don’t get this, I’ve known people who have posted trans porn for years on twitter lmaoo
What’s with trans porn? And why are men so into it, yet hate gay porn?
It’s like holy water against conservatives
Because hormones are a hell of a drug. I’m only into women, but that includes trans women. What’s unattractive to me about men is the effects of testosterone, not the penis
- trans male on male - kind of like girl w/ penis w/ male
- trans male on female - kinda like straight or lesbian, depending on perspective
- trans female on male - kinda like straight
- trans female on female - kinda like lesbian
But IDK, it’s really not my thing, so I can’t speak to that.
Sexuality is a spectrum.
Also, I only speak for myself, but I’m a man and I’m not into trans or gay porn (or lesbian porn), but I’m glad such porn exists for people who are.
I’m not against it, It just strikes me that most straight men I know are into this, that’s all.
Most straight men you know? Have you taken a survey of their porn habits or something?
Why so angry?
Your assessment of my emotions are about as accurate as your assessment of heterosexual men’s porn habits.
Ok Boomer
Gay men are men, trans women are women.
So since Deviantart, Imgur, and Tumblr died by banning porn, he’s hoping X will come back to life!?!?
Deviantart, Imgur, and Tumblr died by banning porn
None of them are dead.
No thanks, the fediverse is better at it, with way less nazis and tankies, those that are here are in their own containment zones.
Twitter is way better for certain topics. I haven’t been able to find the quantity or quality of OSINT stuff almost anywhere else at the level that Twitter has it.
If you want to know what’s happening on the ground day to day in Ukraine or Middle East, there’s no better place (edit: I lied. Telegram is pretty good, I forgot when I was writing this)
Like there are people who geolocate pictures to determine GPS coordinates and then get satellite scans to determine the effects of missile strikes or what have you
Foe example remember the Iran missile/drone salvo? There was an Israeli response to it? Claimed they blew up some Iranian radar for an air defense system with a missile?
Satellite images showed that was a lie. The damage on the ground implied only a small explosion that looks like other drone explosions. I only knew about it because I was on Twitter following specific people.
There’s a lot of shit you have to tread through, lots of bots and spam and crazies and propaganda accounts and what have you
But if you look around there’s a lot of gems
X is… dead? That’s news to me.
As of 2023, there are approximately 556 million active monthly users on X. As of April 2024, X receives around 6.1 billion visits per month.Apr 25, 2024
What… reality do you live in?
I think it’s more a twitterix is dying thing, as user count was declining last time I checked.
Glad I got to see this comment before the Lemmy hivemind downvoted you to oblivion for posting data that contradicts their world view!
Wasn’t the user count declining?
How many bots.
I could be wrong, but I thought Elon had a campaign to eliminate bots from X? Not sure if that ever took place though or if it’s in the process of.
But until you call tell me how many bots, your claim isn’t evidence that it’s actually as active as you imply it to be - at least by humans.
No one knows. Apparently all the bigots on X are the bots.
That’s the best that has been done /shrug
Plus, who really gives a fk about X if you’re not even using X? I don’t know why the hardon for the community size of X.
Probably very hard to know given that Musk had to buy the company to find out.
Well now he owns it so should be easy for him to publish that.
But then those who carry musky water for him probably wouldn’t be able to do so.