It’s pretty straightforward.
Yeah, but it always goes a bit sideways when it attacks.
Yesh? So explain en passant ya filthy animal!!
You know when you were a kid, playing tag, and someone would do a crazy contortion to get by you, and you just grazed the fabric of their shirt? And then you’re like, “I got you!” and they’re like, “Nuh-uh, I didn’t feel it!” and because you’re it, you have the final say. So you can either be like, “nah, you’re still in,” or, “fuck you, I tagged you,” and they have to go off and they start crying about how unfair it is for you to target them while you go easy on your friends, and everyone starts calling them crybaby.
En passant is almost nothing like that. Almost.
Hahaha had me all the way till the end
en passant is an abomination. In this house we play pre-1561 chess.
shhh youre gonna wake up anarchychess
holy hell!
actual zombies
Holy hell
Pretty straightforward leaves some room for ambiguity. You’re a pion until you decide you aren’t
En Passant