This is the longest, most elaborate dad joke I have ever seen. It has the strength of a thousand dads.
This sounds like the setting for a Guy Ritchie film.
Honestly, I would watch it lol.
Someone backed into this punchline, lol…
“Yooo, ‘chip monks’ is hilarious… How can I make this into a joke?”
Isn’t it the case for all dad’s joke ?
Sure, but that one took a lot of work to get there lol
If you ever get a chance to drop by their monastery be sure to say hello to their Abbot, brother Alvin.
You gotta watch that Brother Alvin though…
Dammit. Got too hung up on scoffing at the ‘more churches than casinos’ line to even expect the pun setup.
Ehh, that’s probably true. I think there are about 500 churches and around 150 casinos. Lots of people live there.
It depends what you count as a casino. I grew up in Las Vegas and there’s slot machines in most grocery stores and gas stations. Also the airport has slot machines. If that counts as a casino then there’s hundreds if not thousands.
We don’t call that gambling, no, no, we call that LOTTERY! In Georgia at least.
But there aren’t 150 catholic churches in Las vegas
I’ve never been to Vegas, but I’ve heard more than one person express surprise at how much more city there is besides the casino strip? No idea if that’d make up for the casino density on the strip
There are the BIG casinos, which only take up a finite space, but there are also little casinos pretty much everywhere you look. Even gas stations will have slot machines. That’s true of most of nevada, tbh.
If people pray while at the slot machines, does that make them churches?
Church Of Mammon?!
Maybe, hah, probably not to the god of catholics, though.
Not just Nevada, any state that legalizes VLTs soon becomes plagued by VLTs (slots by any other name are still slots) put into every existing building. Gas stations, bars, strip clubs, convenience stores, etc, everyone gets slots/VLTs. Bonus is that any empty building gets purchased and filled with them since nothing but gambling survives despite the surroundings. Illinois is my main example here as my home state, I can’t spit without hitting a slot machine it’s ridiculous
…I didn’t notice which community it was… Forehead fully on desk. Well done.
Fascinating! Do you have any kind of source for these claims?
Lol it’s a joke.
While gaming tokens do turn up in the collection plates of Las Vegas churches, those churches (Catholic or Protestant) don’t all send them out to a “nearby Franciscan monastery” for sorting and redemption by designated “chip monks.” Churches generally accumulate gaming tokens until they each individually tab one or more of their workers to take the chips around to casinos and redeem them for cash.
It is true that one church in Las Vegas, the Shrine of the Most Holy Redeemer, once had a Franciscan friar on staff who made the rounds of casino cages and thus, in the fashion of the joke, he was dubbed “the chip monk.” Church Employees tasked with handling chip redemptions at various Las Vegas-area churches are sometimes also referred to as “chip monks” in furtherance of the joke, but they are neither real monks nor are they employed by monasteries that sort and redeem the tokens.
Sounds like the verdict should at least be “partially true”
And if they could collect such an impressive amount of chips that they would be able to form hills of them and then work between them in the valley…
…they could be called The Chippendales.
So what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. I’m out.Chachachacha cip in dale rescue rangers
God always gets his money!
Good God
deleted by creator
Just like Jesus would have wanted. Christians really ignore gambling don’t they.
Next thing you know, those monks will start working in ships
But how many ships would a ship monk monk if a ship monk could monk ships?