Bram Moolenaar, the creator of the widely respected Vim code editor, has passed away at the age of 62. The family announced his passing in a heartfelt Google Groups message on August 5, revealing a sudden progression of a medical condition that had afflicted him.
One of the few pieces of software I’m proud of having learned - and use!
I started my UNIX/Linux life on Vi and never stopped using it as my preferred editor. Vim was a great and somehow near invisible upgrade. This is truly a great loss but he has left a huge and lasting impact on the world of computing.
Oh god… I’m sad, all of a sudden. Condolences to family and friends
Calling it a code editor is like calling my car a “work transport vehicle”
Vim is an all purpose text-editing machine and although it has some definite quirks it solves problems. If you’ve used original vi you’ll know just how much more amazing vim is without changing the core concepts.
Much love to Bram, you made the world a better place ❤️
Vim is just way better than Vi if I have to use it to actually change more than a few characters in a text file/config.
It’s probably just me but with Vi I struggle with inputting any text because I’m used to using the arrow keys to navigate. It keeps putting a ‘B’, in particular, and newlines whenever I want to navigate text.
I used to use arrow keys with VIM, but found that using
worked better in some circumstances. Especially when writing reusable macros. It also avoids the need to move your fingers away from the main keys, making you faster.I highly recommend getting use to using
rather than the arrow keys.Some cases? hjkl is such a euphoric way to move around that all my keyboards have the arrow keys mapped to those letters under a layer. Truly a game changer.
100%. vim is pure genius.
:wq Thanks Bram for a great editor! Vim is probably one of the most useful pieces of software ever written. I know that I use it literally every day.
Everyone’s giving tribute with
, but don’t forget about:x!
This man has left behind a concept that could continue to be used for generations. More than anyone could hope to achieve in a lifetime. What a legend.
Very sad :(
So young (to die). I wonder what happened to him.