Dude can’t build cars that don’t fall apart when they get wet, and can’t build a truck that doesn’t fall apart for uh, existing, and we’re supposed to let him stick stuff in our brains?
No, thanks, but no.
Why are you saying “No, thanks, but no” when you could be saying “FUCK NO! GET OUTTA HERE WITH THE GARBAGE!”
You can even add a jersy accient if you want to be extra fun in your telling elon to fuck off.
I’d prefer a more New Yorker ‘HEY! My brain is working fine over here!’, personally.
Let’s not forget an important distinction here. This man is not making any of these things, and he isn’t capable of making them. But, he is capable of directly and indirectly impacting the people who are capable of making them negatively enough that we get utter failures like the cybertruck.
Don’t give him more credit than he deserves.
Don’t give him more credit than he deserves.
Banks should have listened to this when he wanted a loan to buy twitter.
Oh for sure: Musk can barely make a shitpost on Twitter, let alone actually do anything else.
But, conversely, he’s in a position to dictate culture and policy and direction and that’s led to shitty cars and whatever the fuck is going on at Twitter.
Aaaand yes, past performance is not a predictor for future outcomes, but uh, somehow I don’t think it’s irrelevant either.
Also important:
This tech has been around for about 25 years already, first success was 1998…
Johnny received his implants in March 1998. During a 12-hour operation, Bakay inserted the electrodes, housed in two glass cones, into the area of Johnny’s cortex that controls left-hand movement. Once the cones were implanted, the doctors believed that axons – parts of the brain cell that transmit electrical impulses – would grow through them. When an impulse passed along an axon, it would be intercepted by tiny gold contacts and transmitted through the electrodes. ‘‘Axons are really like telephone lines,’’ Kennedy explains. ‘‘We’re just diverting the lines and eavesdropping on the call.’’
The hope was that by imagining he was moving his paralyzed left hand, Johnny would cause an increase in electrical impulses passing among the neurons there. These impulses could then be transmitted by the implanted electrodes to a receiver placed on Johnny’s pillow, and from there, the analog brain signals could be translated into digital commands that Johnny’s computer could understand. In theory, by controlling the frequency with which the neurons in his motor cortex fire, Johnny could move a cursor up or down, left or right on his screen.
Musk is just paying people to miniaturize existing tech and is using marketing to make people believe he’s personally inventing it
The bad part is his absolute disregard for basic lab safety and pretty much any other regulation.
It’s like how SpaceX doesn’t care how many rockets explode, Musk probably views early adaptors as sacrificial lambs.
the strategy of sacrifical ginney pigs is good for progress, bad for ethics.
Or rocket launch pads that don’t break the rocket launching/get destroyed on launch
I ignored SpaceX because as far as things go, they’re pretty successful. Rockets blowing up and crashing during testing is pretty much just… a thing rockets do.
(And Shotwell is in charge far more than Spaceman Musk.)
It’s more the issues and failures happen a lot more as soon as musk gets involved. Like the starship launchpad failure
we’re supposed to let him
He won’t ask you.
New YA dystopian fiction plot entering reality.
removed by mod
Why can this loser fart in an elevator and it warrants an article?
And why are so many engaged to the point, including government, that they will listen to that? Like abandoning highspeed rail in favor of hyperloop?
Like what the fuck is going on?
Like it or not, when the richest man in the world wants to do something big. even if bad, it is worth it to report on it instead of quietely allowing him to do it.
Just stop him, remove all his government contracts, and never allow him anywhere near anything of value. And when he does something stupid, report it honestly. With all his current fuckups.
He’s rich and says controversial things… that’s about it
Like abandoning highspeed rail in favor of hyperloop?
They wanted to do that and he gave them the excuse.
See, that’s how this works.
Day 1 after implantation: this is great! I now have photographic memory of everything! Best decision ever.
Day 20: I’ve memorized so much so fast, I’m going to have to go for the next higher up subscription level to unlock more storage.
Day 200: I’m running out of space again. Going for the plus subscription.
Day 600: ran out of storage space again. I can’t afford the next higher subscription. I’m going to have to start deleting unnecessary memories. My brain has lost its natural ability to make and retain memories by itself. I can’t even function on a daily basis without free storage space.
Day 700: I have run out of memories that I’m willing to part away with. I still can’t afford the higher subscription. Luckily there is a cheaper tier. All I have to do is give NeuraLink full access and rights over my memories for marketing and AI training purposes.
Day 900: They have increased the cost of subscription. I can’t afford it. I’m going to lose half of my storage space. I have two days to choose which of my memories to keep. The rest will be no longer accessible to me, but will still be used by Neuralink for their own purposes as they own those memories now.
Day 1200: the chip will no longer be supported next month. I can’t afford the new model. It will be disabled in 30 days.
Day 1235: I have just found this diary. It explains a lot. I only wished it told me what my name is.
You forgot the part where you agreed to let them harvest your organs if you fail to pay your subscription fees.
Also, suddenly you’re unable to say negative things about Elon Musk for some reason.
He hopes to woo advertisers back by beaming ads directly into your most treasured memories
Well done, do you write for work/hobby?
Nah, I just follow orders
Nah, I’m just a bored guy on the internet
Well kudos bored guy on the internet. It was a riveting read.
So the plot of Johnny Mnemonic?
Musk wanting it is more than enough reason for me to want to avoid it like the plague.
Not that I would want any sort of brain implant anyway, but Musk being involved make it even less desirable than it already was.
After COVID we have to retire “avoid like the plague”. Too many people were happy to go to plague gatherings.
Too many people were happy to go to plague gatherings.
I also avoid the types of people who would intentionally do something that idiotic.
Made by the same guy who brought you the cyber truck , yeah, I’ll pass
To be fair, I don’t think he was really involved in the development of that thing other than the original idea maybe. But, to be fair, that original idea was probably even worse than the finished product.
What is really scary to me is that many people dont see billionaires as they are, especially since they want to be rich themselves and likely look up to them like some twisted rolemodels.
Ultimately, we are at the mercy of the masses and those masses are somewhat controlled by few people. If somehow people want to start using those implants, those who dont want to will be pressured to get one too.
With his ethics there’s no way I’d let any company controlled by him attach itself to my brain.
I have a hard time imagining that for any profit driven corporation, but most especially him.
Fuuuuuuckk no.
No thank you.
Well I’d like to implant my foot in his ass so….
Another weird thing that Conservatives want to do.
While complaining that “the left” are trying to inject tracking chips into our bodies.
Many of their conspiracy theories are distractions from the very real and very scary conspiracies they’re actually engaged in
I do love this. They worry about Bill gates doing this, a guy who is primarily focused on putting toilets in Africa… When an electric car guy (they used to hate electric cars) wants to literally microchip peoples brains but also gives mega money and a platform to the GOP, he’s great, no conspiracy theories to be found here.
What in the hell are people with brain implants going to do when they stop supporting their hardware or keep additional features behind a paywall. People would be forced to pay whatever the company wanted.
This is ripe for human rights abuse on a level we have never seen before. Imagine being locked out of your own body. Without important safety guards and laws to protect people it would surely cause untold suffering.
Well, one can design and make and test implants that’ll still work 50 years after there’s no more Elon.
But! Today’s “progress” is about increasing functionality and performance, not reliability. And such implants will be made only when there’s taboo on unreliable stuff in such critical areas in 3 different dimensions - company getting murdered legally is the first, its management getting murdered physically is the second, nobody in their right mind buying such is the third.
Either that, or just straight up obsolescence like what happened with some bionic vision aids
Just stops working one day, or eventually an exploit will drop that will never end up patched because the company folded. or due to planned force-upgrade
How do you even exploit a bionic eye, it should just DAP the picture.
Even better way to enslave people than tying basic things like food, water and shelter to money and controlling how to get money. You will have to pay anything you are told or you will die and/or suffer. Try to rebel in any way and its kill or pain switch for you or refusal of service if its too early for that.
Its scary how this doesnt sound as crazy as it should
“business wants to sell lots of products” fucking duh who cares.
“include streaming music directly to the brain”
Music is misspelled. It’s ads, not music.
It’s called a jingle and it’s catchy
And an earworm.
If he doesn’t go first no nation should allow it. Dude is a fraud.
Are you a bot?
No, you?
I mean I can certainly understand where the confusion may have come from.
Oh that’s weird, no idea, thanks 🤣
Yeah skimming it very briefly, it looks like your instance doesn’t even show bot indicators, so, no way you could’ve known really. But there should be a button to turn it off somewhere in your user settings, probably down near the bottom.
I don’t have a “bot account” indicator, so … no. Though I have been confused for one.
Sorry, no idea why it says that but I’m pretty new to lemmy so it’s probably something I did, I’ll look into it
Sorry I snapped at you, being mistaken for ai or bots is a sore spot for me