Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000 a year package with a mixture of anger and admiration::Some tech workers questioned whether UPS drivers deserved high pay — others jumped in to note the importance of the jobs and harsh working conditions.
Hopefully, the mixture is 1% anger to 99% admiration. And that they are inspired to demand more for their labor as well.
Tech workers have no right to be angry. Unionize or shut up. (Excluding all the supportive tech workers, including those in the comments.) Source: am a tech worker
I’ve never understood the idea of being mad about what another industry is making. They make more money than you? Great go put in an application. Don’t want to work in that industry? Then maybe they deserve the better pay. If you truly think you are that superior to the other industry then use their pay to bargain at your own job.
If you’re a nurse who’s working long hours at a job that requires an education and you’re getting paid the same as a McDonald’s cook, don’t be mad at the cook, be mad at your employer. Go to them and demand a raise, and say I could work there for the same pay, spend more time with my family and not be responsible for keeping people alive. Pay me or I’m going to peace out.
I doubt any tech workers are angry. The article is click-bait to enrage non-tech workers.
I work in tech and have enjoyed good salaries, I wish everyone was so fortunate.
As for myself, it would actually be a huge relief to know that there are many career options for me that paid just as well, because sometimes I really want to do something else. If wages had grown fairly, then a lot more people would be making 100,000+.
As a tech worker, good for them. Why would I be opposed to someone else getting paid more, especially if they’re being paid by a private company whose services I enjoy?
My guess the naysayers are toxic tech bros. There are some really toxic tech bros. More accurate, there are some really toxic people in tech only as a means to a high salary.
Same reason straight people are opposed to gay marriage? Who the fuck knows
Blind is a tech bro incel cesspool sometimes.
Yeah but have you sat in a UPS truck even it’s parked? It just beeps non stop.
Come on, business insider and “some tech workers”…
The idea is that unions can secure higher wages to show you it can be done. Now both union and non-union drivers can reference UPS for a salary “that reflects increasing industry averages”.
Software techbros, if you think you’re worth more than UPS drivers, tell your boss. If you think your boss is gonna dismiss you, then get all your co-workers who think you’re worth more than 170k then get your boss to hear you out as a group. Did I hear, “you nyan eyes”?
I mean techbro pay is often way past that. Total yearly comp in the 400+. It’s just all in RSU.
No anger at the UPS drivers, just my employer. But I can’t exactly stop working without risking my life collapsing around me so 🙃
As one of the tech workers: fuck yeah, good for them for negotiating well, and getting what they’re owed.
This is also why most jobs should be unionized
Maybe. I know shipping things via UPS is about to get a lot more expensive, and maybe it should be.
Yeah, if shipping gets more expensive that means that shipping was cheap because of exploitation of people. I don’t know about anyone else, I personally wouldn’t want that.
Exactly. This logic can also be applied to fast food, hard labor, etc…
how is possible that a driver makes much more than average Engineer in R&D?
They don’t…and if you aren’t in that range with 2-5 years of experience, you should be exploring opportunities.
The other thing, it looks like their TOC is 170k, not their base pay. So that includes their health, time off, retirement, etc…
Any halfway competent engineer should be making that TOC.
Finally…good for them. If you’re bitching about them making too much, I’m pretty sure they’re hiring.
TLDR article prob funded by big corporations wants general public to get triggered by unionized organizations.
“Business insider”…yea. With quotes from the CEO about how unfair things are.
Business Insider is such a garbage publication.
I don’t really think so, it’s a magazine geared toward management employees writing to suit its audience
I’ve spent about 20 years in management and I still disagree.
Hmmm Dev bros, what we do now?
Keep doing our jobs. We get paid well enough to afford the price increase in shipping things via UPS.
Grind leetcode!
Talk about an NP-hard problem.
Fuck off with this class war baiting bullshit
Tech workers need to ask themselves why their boss makes more than them for doing nothing
Tech worker here. I’m gd pleased to bits for anyone making a decent income. Congrats UPS drivers. Do teachers next!
There’s no way any substantial amount of tech workers are concerned about what UPS workers are making. These kinds of articles are rage bait targeted at “low skill” workers to make them furious at what they perceive to be high salary earners complaining about “blue collar” workers earning more money.
All of this bullshit is a distraction from the fact that the middle class is shrinking at a massive rate and the lower class is being turned against itself so nobody can rightfully blame the rich.
Fuck this article and the hatred it’s designed to generate. This is all bullshit.
“Wait, it’s all bullshit?” points gun “Always has been”
It’s Business Insider. What do you expect?
They earn every dollar because I would nope the fuck out of there so fast
I’ll take my lower salary to sit in my home office with central air
I wouldn’t last a day as a driver with their expectations and the need to move/lift heavy packages in the heat
As a tech worker for over 25 years, I say good for them.
Hell, if my back, knees and neck weren’t already fucked, I’d be damned tempted to start driving for UPS.
I’m already kind of nearing a point where a move away from tech is appealing, but even if I accept the idea of some reduction in pay, I’m at a loss for what I can do that wouldn’t see me losing half my income which would just be more than I’d like to bear.
My UPS guy deserves every penny of it.
My housing development is a confusing maze of twisty streets. The street I live on takes multiple turns where another street starts when my street should have gone straight on. My UPS person deserves every penny just for being able to figure out which house is which.