In a democracy, when you’re not in power what do you do to get that power back? You show the electorate that you’re fighting for what they think is important. If Democrats absolutely insist on business as usual, promoting corporate interests and occasionally pausing to shout “fascist” at Trump, all the while just plain ignoring people’s actual concerns we’re going to lose the next election and the next one.
That this was worse than nothing. Time after time we fall for the old “we’ll self-regulate trust us” and all it did was delay actual action being taken while a Democrat was in charge, and now we’re stuck for at least 4 more years. It was already godawful 4 years ago, 4 years from now the state of public discourse may be beyond repair.
I’m not going to downvote you and assume this is a genuine question. You appear to be aware that calling someone “abnormal” would be considered insulting. If you support the idea that someone having different sexual preferences is their own business, why would you want to use these labels? If one person likes math and the other likes literature, would you call one or the other abnormal? We all deviate from the norm because there is no norm.
That’s not at all amazing. What’s amazing is that a large number of people thought it was a great idea to hand over the power to decide what’s true or not to private companies. When they rolled out this “content moderation” used mostly against Trump the political left was beside itself with joy. I remember the taunts of “haha it’s a private company, they can publish whatever they want.” So incredibly stupid and short sighted.
The register is a tech magazine, so the DIY/3D printed angle is relevant here. It’s also relevant because it would, at least to some degree, allow someone to build it themselves in places where perhaps the legality of self determination is questionable. The Register is not a place where you’ll normally find unnecessary clickbait headlines.
This one paid off. Read the interviews given by mr Arbaugh. Musk is an ego-driven maniac, you won’t get any argument from me. But as a result a bunch of scientists got more funding than they normally would for this project that gave great joy and some measure of independence to a young quadriplegic, maybe with more to follow.
You want to hate on Musk? I’ll happily join you. But if you’re one of those assholes rooting against these doctors and scientists doing ground breaking work with Musk’s money, that’s a pretty terrible take.
For me, much better than that is that I’m working 100% from home now. I do my laundry on my lunch break, feel super relaxed while working, listening to a podcast of my own music. Also huge: no commuting.
I have an agreement with my boss that as long as I’m more or less available during office hours it’s fine if I take an hour to take a walk or get groceries. I even go to do sports twice a week now during office hours. (hours I compensate by working a bit extra where needed or when I have some time left)
The job itself is not the best career choice. I’ve been offered to 50% higher salary at other places but that would mean full time office, maybe one day per week WFH for some. They can forget it. My life has never felt this peaceful.