Be me
Driving 2026 Ford shitbox down 99
Traffic is slowing up ahead
Suddenly the windshield becomes a full-screen ad for Nord VPN
Crash into semi
Just before I black out from the pain, hear from behind me “This traffic accident brought to you by Nord VPN.”
The system can listen to conversations and play ads when there’s a moment of silence. Or play a video when you’re close to the shops.
Oh good, I was worried the slide into dystopia might be slowing down for a second there.
Imagine driving to the doctors, you have a killer headache so the radio is muted, you drive past a set of shops near a red light.
“COME OVER TOCRAZY MIKES INSANE CRAPAGANZAAAAAAAA” *obnoxiously loud music plays behind the screaming mans words*
I’ve been saying it for years - business people are the scum of the earth. The whole situation is so stupid. Why do we train people how to
maketake as much money as they can… why not teach them to not be assholes instead?I knew someone who taught Marketing at a business school and we had some really weird discussions. They do teach students not to be assholes. They do teach ethics. They do teach respect for the viewer. But what they teach for Marketing is very different from what we experience from Marketing.
From my experiences it goes more like this “In an ideal world, we’d behave this way. We’re not in an ideal world though and your competitors have no problem doing this so you should know what to do, in case the market determines it’s the best course.” with a knowing wink thrown in.
No plan or ethical framework survives contact with the shareholders.
I want to blame shareholders. The constant drive to fuck the people working for you to make an extra 10 cents is disgusting. Record profits though! Here have a pizza party, only 1 slice per person though, more isn’t in the budget.
Ah i see, time for ford to go down in the history books.
Not like that will happen, but i truly think they deserve that as a result for even considering this.
I’m already sick of the amount of ads that find a way into my private living space, but i’ve managed to negate 90% of them.
“We need to make money” yeah sure, but not at the cost of me. If you want to make money off of me i need you to sell me stuff i get to keep and are actually worth the cost.
I work too much and make too little to allow them to invade my private space.
Time for a law to be passed that kills off this bad idea permanently.
The main cause of fatal accidents is driver distraction. Anything that adds to it is moving in the wrong direction.
They should also ban the use of tablet computers in place of proper displays and controls in vehicles.
Time for a law to be passed that kills off this bad idea permanently.
With governments (of all alignments) in the pockets of, or otherwise under the influence of, the very large corporations whose advertising would stand to benefit from this, I have only the following to say: Good luck with that.
That’s not enough. Amazon tablets started with ads only on Lock Screen and startup. Those are also not ok
Although the chances of me buying a Ford are extremely small, the odds of me getting a car with ads are 0%
If other people buy these, you won’t have much of a choice for much longer. I predict every auto manufacturer jumping directly onto this bandwagon if it doesn’t sink Ford’s sales (it won’t).
People like you and I are going to end up driving 2005 Honda “classic cars” 30 years past their lifespan.
Honestly there are a lot of variables involved. There will always be a market for cars without all that nonsense, and it’s cheaper to produce a car without a touch screen. If I have to drive shitmobiles to avoid having to deal with “car as a service”, then that’s what I will do.
So phones are illegal but not this? What in the actual fuck is going on right now. We are being forced so many damn ads it’s nearly impossible to get away from them. Now I need to worry about someone trying to hit skip instead of focusing on driving. As a motorcyclist I’m now even more terrified. Half the drivers now already don’t look up from their phones…
Don’t worry they will have an ad free subscription service where for an extra $100 a month you won’t be shown any ads.
Just take the 1 door free option.
Ford stopped making the types of vehicles I want to own several years ago.
Until my current vehicle, every previous vehicle (over a period of 43 years) I’ve owned was a small, low options, affordable, fuel efficient 4 cylinder Ford.
Since they stopped making anything like that to focus on F150s and bigger, I now own a Corolla.
That Corolla will outlast all of the fords you’ve owned put together too.
Note to self, no Fords…
Well, if you buy a used one, they first started putting the cellular modems in in 2017, and all models by 2020. You can check which models here
Every week I find a new reason to be glad for my 2016 Escape.
For those who don’t understand Ford’s strategy here: Ford has tons of goofy patents like this, and they’re just waiting for someone else to do this so they can get royalties.
They’re patent trolling bad ideas…
Maybe so at this point in history. Don’t be surprised when Ford implements it or something similar at a later date. Ads are in most everything now and they have already sold your data to insurance companies.
“it’s just in the corner, when you drive near one of our Partner companies”
“it’s just a square on the main menu”
“it’s just a brief full-screen suggestion”
“it’s just whispering sweet nothings at a forced-volume into your Harman Kardon premium audio system (we have always done this for plebs who opted for our standard audio system)”
“it just adds an additional waypoint to your route, like our new Signature Partner, Dunkin’ Doughnuts. Get a free small coffee when you spend $15 and say the keywords ‘ADS4LIFE’ into the drive-thru robot”
“it’s only taking control and driving you in comfort to your nearest Ford dealership to trade-in your vehicle at 100,000 miles”
“it’s only siphoning your blood plasma to keep the FordOS AI financially afloat”
“it’s only recording your banking details at the ATM and charging you a
monthlyweekly fee to support and assist you with our cutting-edge technology”“GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY NOW OR WE ARE DRIVING YOU OFF THE GRAND CANYON”
Can I just skip straight to this part?
That’s a lot more clever than actually building this grotesque idea.
Getting patents for hyper-annoying things, taking shit for possibility thinking about employing the tactic in the future, keeping other manufacturers from being able to without paying for it…
Are… are they the heros we need?
Thanks for calling attention to this. Oftentimes when a patent is applied for there is no intent to implement it. This is actually a clever way to get ahead of the direction of the market and license to other manufacturers.
Having said that, it’s still Ford, and once it’s generally accepted for this type of ad to be displayed they’ll jump on it real quick.
once it’s generally accepted for this type of ad to be displayed they’ll jump on it real quick.
That’s inevitable, but in this scenario they own the patent.
This is a patent troll, stiffling innovation gaming the patent system for something [we hope] they never intend to produce. Even if it’s a horrible idea we want stifled, that’s still a patent troll
“Your brakes operation will resume after this 10s ad”
Skip ad! Fuck for the love of God sk-
Those Chinese EV imports from BYD are looking better and better.
Good Guy Ford patents the worst possible technology so no other automaker can use it, and then never implements it themselves.
That’s what I was going to ask, should people start patenting things in order to prevent companies from using them?
Getting patent is fucking expensive, also it is afaik region-limited. You can get your patent for say EU, you need lawyers and lot of money for that, and if you would like to extend that to US, you need new lawyers and more money.
So it is out of realm of what’s possible for normal person.
It’s not that expensive in the US. A few hundred is typical, and you don’t need a lawyer (though spending the money on one up front will save you from spending more when you screw it up the first few times).
It’s not that expensive in the US. A few hundred
Ok, that’s less than what I would have expected, but still more than what most people want to invest into something that’s basically a joke.
Feasible for a non-profit however
Don’t you need working prototype to get a patent? Otherwise musk or bezos or another for-profit asshole could patent every known scifi gimmick, wait until someone actually invents it and then send him a bill…?
Google says no, you don’t need one.
If a prototype is requires, only people with wealth could afford to produce a working prototype without revealing their invention to investors and without risk of the idea being stolen…
I think you can sue to invalidate a patent in that situation
It looks like you’re about to die in a horrible 40-car collision! Don’t fret, though! Mutual Assurance can protect your family for just pennies a day! You’ll really regret not signing up for this policy!
We regret to inform you that your claim has been denied as your policy does not cover accidents due to distracted driving. Please refer to the attached dash cam footage showing claimant watching a Mutual Assurance ad while the vehicle was in motion. Have a nice day and thank you for choosing Mutual Assurance!
My dream car is, ironically, either a 1969 Mustang Mach 1 or a 1970s Australian Falcon XB. Note that these cars don’t have any smart shit in them.