Still waiting on a video free version, like I originally ordered… probably $30/mo next year
And I will “ramp down” my Prime subscription.
I canceled prime as soon as they introduced ads into prime video. You should do the same.
You’ll be less tempted to buy shit from them as an added benefit!
I know it’s only fractionally better, but I’ve started using AliExpress more for shit that I’d buy on Amazon in the past. Delivery takes a couple of weeks, but that’s had the added bonus of making think about how much I really need the thing I’m ordering.
But yeah, we canceled Prime when they added adverts. We didn’t really watch much on there, but it gave us the bump we needed to stop giving Amazon £10 a month, even if we didn’t order anything.
I also started to use AE, I feel a bit queasy about it for no good reason, but for some stuff AE is much cheaper and I don’t see the point of giving 30% to a middle man selling Chinese stuff they got of Alibaba on Amazon.
What I discovered is that they have warehouse in Europe so even though it’s not next day shipping, most stuff take no longer than a week sometime 3 days. I do remember the time when everything took a month or more.
Their app, though… Designed by a fucking lunatic, and the amount of scammy shit in there is astounding. Like products showing for $3 but when checking the product you realize the $3 is for an accessory and the product shown in the picture cost 20 times that. Most products have 3 or 4 variants which can be completely different items. There are literally no way to easily know what you’re buying without carefully trying to decipher broken English and voluntary confusing description.
Yeah, the app is batshit and has got much weirder over the past year or so. It’s now rammed full of competitions and ways to waste your time trying to get discounts that you’ll never actually achieve.
There’s also some really odd stuff on offer on there, which I kind of enjoy finding.
Looks like I cancelled at the right time. They seem to forget that we in fact do have a choice at the end of the day. And my choice is to sail the high seas.
Media clowns act like their engagement slop is food or shelter… Guess users haven’t voted with their feet enough on this 100% discretionary expense
[When launched] Prime Video with ads was given a “very light ad load,” providing subscribers “gentle entry into advertising that has exceeded customers expectations in terms of what the ad experience would be like." The executive pointed out that Prime Video with ads doesn’t show commercials in the middle of content. That could change next year.
Planned enshittification a la boiling frogs.
I’ll just pirate their shit. I’ll pirate it so hard and I’ll do it with both middle fingers in the air. But not literally, I would definitely need both hands to pirate their content.
We still need one person with a membership to download and post it all. Maybe we should start a fund to support their ever increasing membership costs…
Pretty sure you can be a decent pirate with a hook for a hand buddy. Don’t let your dreams be dreams!
If you train enough you can probably do it with your feet
So are executives born with an asshole where their mouth belongs or do they surgically put it on when you get the gig?
Humans, being deuterostomes, have an embryological stage where we are just anuses.
Some humans never develop past that.
The executive pointed out that Prime Video with ads doesn’t show commercials in the middle of content. That could change next year.
So regular TV is designed around the ads.
Cliff hangers before ads are done not only for the story, but to keep you there through the ad to get the outcome to the cliffhanger.
That partially went away with the no ad streaming.
Now that shitty behavior is going to come back.
Now that shitty behavior is going to come back.
Of course not. Streaming sites are far too lazy for that. They’ll just cram the commercial into the middle of the show with no regard for the story. It’s the only way they’ll be able to put ads in the middle of shows not made to have ads.
Ugh, you’re right. Enshittify to the max!
The executive pointed out that Prime Video with ads doesn’t show commercials in the middle of Content
That’s a blatant lie, it definitely does.
Copying my reply to someone else:
What did they interrupt the episode for? Because a number of companies have adopted the policy that, if the interruption is promoting something else offered by the platform - say, a different program, or another tier of service - that those interruptions aren’t really ads, because the company isn’t actually getting paid to air it. It absolutely looks and acts like an ad to the viewers, but the companies are trying to redefine the word.
I’m getting non-stop Samsung, insurance, food, and other kinds of ads in the middle of shows.
It makes me not want to use Prime. And in fact, I don’t anymore.
Pretty sure it was some random Aldi commercial or sth.
That’s not even true, they interrupted episode 2 of Rings of Power for me.
What did they interrupt the episode for? Because a number of companies have adopted the policy that, if the interruption is promoting something else offered by the platform - say, a different program, or another tier of service - that those interruptions aren’t really ads, because the company isn’t actually getting paid to air it. It absolutely looks and acts like an ad to the viewers, but the companies are trying to redefine the word.
Light my arse, from the start they’ve interrupted with adverts for their own crap making it barely tolerable. Even on the adfree tier.
Canceled and no intention of ever going back. Measuring your ad load by American standards doesn’t work when your competition is netflix and iPlayer.
Deeper into the high seas!
I cancelled prime when they first introduced ads. But the delivery fees without prime, damn. I think I’d pirate shows if I got prime but I’m pretty sure that just makes them think they should invest in fewer shows. And damned if, pre ads, prime didn’t have a lot of my favourites (boys, invincible, end of the expanse etc.)
What a ramble. I’m just torn.
Perhaps the ad-free prime video subscription could be a viable option if prime has a lot of your favourite shows and you are opposed to piracy?
Not judging or telling you what to do. Just thinking out loud.
I would just go with piracy if you don’t want to pay the ad free tier.
My gripe is that i was on an ad free tier. They just changed it so that the tier that was previously add free now had ads.
If they had added an ad free tier below my tier i would probably still be a subscriber.
“you watch ads now, pay more or fuck off” didnt sit well with me so i fucked off
Makes sense.
that would have been a good buisness plan as well, make the normal tier premium, but have an ad free tier under it that restricted the video quality down to 720p or something, and maybe removed signature content/prime originals.
I just went cold turkey because I can’t/won’t watch content with ads, and already felt the cost of our streaming services was too much for what we get out of it.
What I’ve found myself doing is if I do buy from Amazon and it’s below the free shipping amount, I try and buy from a marketplace seller who ships themselves for free. Often this ends up matching the Prime price, but it’s buried further down the result because it doesn’t have Prime shipping. Or I buy the same product via eBay, which is mostly cheaper. But main thing is, I’ve found I just buy less. Like A LOT less. As a family we’d often get 3 or 4 Amazon deliveries a week. That’s not been replaced with orders from other retailers. It’s almost as if having Prime encourages you to buy stuff you maybe don’t need!
just wait until you have like 40-50$ worth of items, a lot of the time they’ll give you free shipping at a certain price point. Plus some items give you free shipping regardless.
That being said, I still have prime myself cause I order /a lot/ of small orders and it’s shared with the house, plus I use the family member feature to give my mom prime as well and we just split the cost. When they do away with that feature is when I cancel my sub, 140-160 a year is not worth it for one person to pay alone, that’s roughly 2.5 orders a month
I’m subscribed to Prime because I order too much shit and want to save on delivery costs. Those little Amazon lockers are too damn convenient for me.
If I watch their content, it’s via my PC with an ad block. I stop watching their shit the day I can’t block their ads because fuck’em.
Fwiw, I’ve been prime free now for almost three years. If you batch your orders, you can still get free shipping.
Not only that but if you’re looking at a high priced item the manufacturer will often ship it for free at the same price as amazon.
I still pirate shows I would have the right to stream 😂😅quality is better and no tracking 🤷🏻
Fitting cover picture
Well, guess it’s time to get an eye patch and a pet parrot
Do you know any sea shanties to go along with that?
Is Alestorm close enough?
What shall we do with an ad filled service? What shall we do with an ad filled service? What shall we do with an ad filled service? Before we go crazy!
Ahoy the season is starting! Ahoy the season is starting! Ahoy the season is starting! Before we go crazy!
Cancel our subscription with greatest haste now! Cancel our subscription with greatest haste now! Cancel our subscription with greatest haste now! Before we go crazy!
Ahoy the season is starting! Ahoy the season is starting! Ahoy the season is starting! Before we go crazy!
Search for the show on pirate websites! Search for the show on pirate websites! Search for the show on pirate websites! Before we go crazy!
Ahoy the season is starting! Ahoy the season is starting! Ahoy the season is starting! Before we go crazy!
Yo ho ho and a terabyte of NAS!
Yarr harr fiddle dee dee
Stealing from Bezos is alright with me
Don’t watch their ads cause your time’s not for free
You are a pirate!
I have already ramped up on that one on their last ad ramp up.
I can’t stand it.
Hmmm maybe it’s time to solicit that VPN that doesn’t collect logs and is shady enough to accept cash payment…
In this day and age, accepting cash payments is the least shady and most customer friendly thing of all.
It’s the ones who want to know ALL about you and partner with payment processors who want to know ALL about you that are shady.
You know you can pay proton with cash, right? No need to go all shady
Oh I know
Why is it that these fucks get to increase their price and just to offer shittier service but if I want a raise at my job I’ve got to go above and beyond?
Your employer probably made you sign a contract, Amazon just changes their eula/terms&conditions. Amazon aren’t legally bound to keep their prices the same.
I’m not even sure how many streaming services make a profit at this point. They all seem to lower the quality everywhere at the same time.
Raises where you work are still based on merit? Damn!
They aren’t, it’s just an excuse.
You guys get raises?
Technically, no. The last few have been significantly below either measure of inflation. So in real terms, I’ve had a wage cut!
Likewise. My promotion was less than the annual inflation.
Just in time for me to have already cancelled my Prime membership last month. I’ve also not purchased from Amazon at all since then. Plan working as intended?!
I do have a prime account as do use Amazon, but we haven’t watched a second of prime TV since they put ads in the included video subscription.
For some reason this was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I setup a NAS, Plex server and all the arr apps. It’s been amazing. Haven’t looked back.
I’m using plex but still hosting it on my desktop which is a little inconvenient at times. I really should set up an always available NAS
I watch their content, I just dont pay them for it
When they announced the ads it was just the incentive I needed to quit Prime totally. I don’t miss it. I already was wary of buying from Amazon due to the sketchy sellers and fake products, so I’m glad buying my stuff elsewhere except when I can’t find something somewhere else, which has been rare.
Same, dumped them, but they resubscribed me twice weeks later to Prime after I got two confirmation emails I was cancelled
Piracy is going to be as popular as ever.
Great news!