Tipping ‘nudges’ are now popping up on DoorDash. If you don’t leave a gratuity, you’ll hear about it.::DoorDash is the latest delivery service to nudge customers who don’t tip. It shows how intrusive tip requests are, and how important tips are to gig workers.
I think wages should be increased and tip if the service is good, not force those employees to live off of only tips.
I don’t think people should even be expected to tip if the service is exceptional. It places a lot of social pressure on people who may not be able to afford a tip and weren’t expecting to need to give one. If you MUST have an additional incentivisation system for good service, a better way to do it would be ask customers to rate the people serving them (digitally) and just use an internal reward system.
I don’t personally like the idea of being expected to assign a numerical value to a living, breathing person either way.
Easily the app with the worst delivery service quality, in my experience, now also pushing hardest for gratuities… You’re fired.
I’ve never used GrubHub, DoorDash, or any of those meal delivery services. I know I’m in the minority here, but I just don’t trust people to not mess with my food in between the store and my house.
I’ve never once even considered it. I absolutely do not get this concept.
I used it during the pandemic. I also had the Chase card that gave you free DashPass for a year and it was fantastic. I made a couple orders once that promo was done and quickly determined that it was no longer worth it.
Shame that it doesn’t look like the financials involved could ever really work except in niche situations. It was nice having food delivered to my doorstep.
It’s born from the same idea that people will pass out Halloween candy with blades in it. Which is a thing that is everyone “knows” about but has never actually been reported to happen.
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I’m far from a cheap tipper, but the way tipping culture has evolved in North America is ridiculous.
I tip less and less the more they complain about it. I don’t even tip at those register prompts at all anymore. Conservatives keep talking about how raising wages will increase prices but they have no answer about why prices are going up anyway even without raising wages.
Conservatives keep talking about how raising wages will increase prices but they have no answer about why prices are going up anyway even without raising wages.
Wages are only one of the drivers of cost.
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This completly. Don’t include a delivery fee and service charge and then have the audacity to guilt trip me into adding tip. That type of bs just makes me boycott a place or service. Pay your employees a fair wage.
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I tip 10% for delivery. They’re just dropping my food off. Sit in dining 20% for average service.
The tipping culture has become insane. Historically it was a dollar or two for delivery.
It’s now expected that you tip even if YOU pick it up. I do not understand
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Some friends and I ordered 5 pizzas the other day, so our total was going to be about $100. I was going to pick it up and asked what everyone thought I should tip. Several of the people said 20%, but I was God damned if I was gonna pay someone $20 for me to pick up pizza from them.
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I remain confused about what you are tipping for at all for pickup orders? I assume you are under 30? Does purchasing food just equal tip, period? Is it totally detached from a service element and just a kind of bizarre tax for young Americans?
Restaurants rely more and more on tips to make up server wages as cost of living skyrockets and workers need more and more hourly in order to survive. It sucks that businesses aren’t making the difference from their own pockets, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tip. You’re not fighting the system, you’re denying people a living wage.
I am over 40. The person who suggested over 20% is over 50. So it’s not just a young person thing.
Why tip anything if you are picking up? There is no service. Where do you think that money goes?
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Curious why a dollar or two? Do you just generally feel that food is underpriced? Is there a scenario where you would just pay the asked price?
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It just sounds like a strange American tax that is paid for food. The problem of tipping is getting worse. Why pay extra for the basic level of food preparation with no additional services rendered? In what scenario would you not pay extra? Why has this become like this for food but not flowers for example?
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I have traditionally been a good tipper. Often others will mention it.
But the recent changes have me turned into a mister pink in a lot of cases.
Anything take out or not full service I just hit no now. Also the round up for some random cause, I found companies only have to donate like 10% of those to stay in the clear.
Also in the few instances I’m getting take out type shit like pizza and hit “no” and they made a comment. I no longer go there.
I stick with the tipping habits I grew up with.
If I’m getting table service at a restaurant, I tip the waitstaff.
If I’m getting food delivered, I tip the delivery person.
I tip taxi drivers.
I tip bartenders. I’m honestly not sure how to tip bartenders these days though, because it used to be “$1 per drink”, which seemed quite generous when drinks were less than $5. Now a single drink might be $12. Am I really supposed to tip 20% on that?
If I’m walking up to a counter and getting takeout or fast food, I’m not tipping. That’s nutty. Nobody would even consider that if they didn’t use these customer-facing tablets everywhere nowadays.
Sometimes I’ll toss a buck in the tip jar at my favorite coffee shop or pizzeria, but it’s not a percentage thing.
I’ve always known old people to be shitty tippers. Maybe I’m on my way to becoming one of them now, failing to keep up with social norms. But I really don’t think this is the norm, and I don’t want it to become the norm.
Yeah I’m mostly at the same. But coffee shops and pizza shacks etc have gotten to be the worst on the tipping thing, and being vocal about it.
I guess I’m just old now. But even at restaurants we have stopped going in the last year because the level of dgaf is through the roof and the service is shit, burgers are 17 bucks and it’s just not enjoyable. One of our favorite pizza places is like that. Get the waiter that is AirPods in, asking you to repeat your order, fucking up the order, forgetting shit or even to fire an entire part of the parties order, and the ordeal taking 2 hours.
I worked at a coffee shop and 40% of my wage was tips. I wouldn’t be able to afford to live otherwkse. Please tip your barista.
Are you also supposed to tip valet? And does anyone know what the normal tip for that should be?
Its usually around 2 to 5 bucks. But these days who knows
I just stopped eating out. It’s gotten ridiculous, it’s cheaper and healthier to just cook yourself
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i maintain 1 dollar per drink with bars and coffee shops
I wasn’t a cheap tipper before, but I’m rapidly moving in that direction as tip culture spirals out of control.
My guilt-o-meter is getting desensitized out of necessity and soon I’ll be a cheap or non-tipper and feel no remorse.
This is happening to me right now, too. And it feels shitty because I know the servers aren’t asking for this.
But you hit it on the head. My guilt levels are rapidly diminishing over time because I am just bombarded with requests for tips in every scenario no matter how ridiculous. My internal threshold for when a tip is merited has been steadily going up as I’m forced to sit and think about it during what feels like over half of transactions I make.
I’m in this same boat. I used to tip 30% or more depending on multiple factors. Now some restaurants add a forced tip, of 10-20%, and all they’ll get from me because they just set their own tip instead of just increasing their prices. Apps who cannot get their service employees (which they really are) to follow the most basic of instructions then have the gall to demand tips up front, instead of paying people enough to give a fuck, have me tipping zero as often as not if not most of the time.
America’s whole tipping thing is a nightmare. Just make companies pay employees properly and if they can’t, maybe they shouldn’t be a business.
I swear to God, yesterday I was checking out at an online pharmacy and they asked if I wanted to tip. People are tipping for prescription medication now?!
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Don’t want to pay your employees a decent wage? No need to worry, that’s for the customers to sort out!
American tipping culture is off the rails, and business owners are rejoicing, I bet.
I killed all delivery nonsense a while ago. It was like 4 fees plus a demand for a tip on top of inflated prices; go to the restaurant and pay $15 or pay DoorDash $35 for the same shit? Fuck that, I’ll drive and pick my own damn food up.
And bonus, if half of it gets eaten in the car - I mean “wasn’t given to me by the restaurant”, sorry - at least I’m the one who ate the damn thing.
Except now you’re supposed to tip on pickup orders. I am feeling so much tripping fatigue.
I work from home and am very happy to get out of the house to pick up food.
I used one of those shit delivery services twice. First time they completed fucked my order and I had to drive to the restaurant to get it fixed. Second time the food literally never arrived and I called the restaurant who said it was picked up. Took me an hour of playing phone tag with a bunch of super unhelpful morons and then I still had to go over from a completely different restaurant to get food.
Never again.
I view tipping as a form of hostage payment, I’ll tip you today so you don’t mess with my food tomorrow. My highschool time showed me how vulnerable people’s food was to the whims of teenagers.
When a app nudges for tipping I just think they haven’t set the right price for the service.
Luckily I live in a place without a tip culture now, so relaxing to know how much things actually cost.
Their fees and tipping finally got me to stop using the service at all. So many times a $10 tip would be left only for my food to show up an hour later and cold. It just stopped being worth it. Half the “drivers” are on foot or e-scooters at this point and the food is destroyed by the time it gets there.
I’m sure I’m not the only one coming to this conclusion too. The prices keep going up and the quality goes down
Absolutely! I finally took DoorDash off my phone when I realized how they were slowly increasing the price of each part of the service over time. What started as a reasonable service for a reasonable price has turned into a game of boiling the frog without him noticing the heat is rising. I noped out hard.
My coworkers are doing a doordash lunch once a week and I was ok-ish with until my fav sandwich cost me twice as much as the restaurant price. Later that week I got an email from said coworkers informing us that we were having DISCOUNTED food because they bought a doordash pass which has since expired and we need a new one to keep the prices low. This was the end of it for me.
First I don’t use door dash.
Second I basically tip when I get excellent service. A tip is not given in the service isn’t great. If it’s average service then you might or might not get a tip depending on my mood.
The tip isn’t a replacement for a wage.
Edit to add . If I am having something delivered, the tip is in cash at time of delivery, NOT in advance. Why would I tip before I even get the item?
This makes no sense to me. When you submit the order, it gives you the option to add your tip. 0% is not an option. Though I did notice recently the option for an additional tip.
The fact I’m getting asked to leave a tip before the service is rendered is what drives me really nuts. I’ve tipped on things and got terrible service and there is no way to adjust your tip down (and it can even be hard to increase it if they really do go above and beyond in some way).
It’s very easy to increase the tip.
Tip in cash. Never use the app to tip. When the item gets to you have a cash tip ready, if you want to tip. Nice thing about cash, if they don’t want to report the tip, there’s really no way to prove the tip was given.
The best thing about gig deliveries is dropoff service imo. I never see the driver so cash isn’t an option. Uber eats at least makes it easy to adjust tips and I often do adjust if surprisingly early or if they forget a drink.
I don’t keep an ATM in my bedroom, unfortunately.
Only time I have cash for tipping is when I get tipped.
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Fuck the service industry as a whole
- Ban tipping as a substitute for min wage.
- Ban tipping companies,
- Allow tipping people.
Until then, tip people with cash.
Good luck with the logistics of that. Just ban tipping. It’s bad for business, bad for individuals (in the long run), and a highly discriminatory practice.
Ban tipping
Generally agree, but if you use an app that only exists because of tipping being expected like food devliery apps, then if you don’t put down a tip then no one is going to pick up your order. All they will see is a terrible pay for an order.
At that point, that’s not a tip, that’s a bid in a market. Maybe they should just rename the terms like a trading app.
In my country it is not expected to tip. Not in restaurants and not in delivery. Just pay your fucking employees. It’s not that hard.
i know, that doesn’t matter though does it, if you engage with a gig economy it doesn’t matter what the tipping system is in your country. your food order is essentially a job that anyone can choose to pick up or not pick up, and because the payment rates are so low from uber and the like they will only take orders with good tips.
so basically, if you don’t want to tip, don’t engage with gig economy companies. but if you do engage with gig economy companies you have to tip.
They can choose to pick up a job or not. I can choose whether I want to pay extra because the employer doesn’t want to pay them fairly. Just because the driver is exploited by their employer doesn’t mean that has to roll down to me.
What I’m trying to tell you, is that if you don’t tip, your order won’t get picked up. or on some platforms, the drivers will be forced to pick up because their reject rate is too high, so essentially by not tipping, but still engaging with the platform, you are costing the gig workers money.
it’s pretty simple, if you don’t want to tip, don’t use these platforms, which is good it shows a strong message that you don’t want these kind of platforms to exist. but if you do use these platforms, and you dont’ tip. then you are just taking advantage of the gig workers like the companies are. you might think that the companies should give the gig workers more money, but they won’t, and you are enabling them to not do that.
At that point it’s not a tip it’s a delivery charge… just call it what it is.
But they won’t because then they’d have to pay tax… Although the taxman is going to notice sooner or later anyway…
the taxman does not notice, because the tax is paid. it’s paid by the drivers.
Tips aren’t taxed.