Now do israel.
I thought of that too, but then realized they need the latest graphic card updates to run Google, Amazon and Microsoft mass-surveillance applications!
Sucks to suck.
How to do nothing while appearing to.
Weird timing
I don’t think so. It’s been making the tech waves for the past year. As a multinational, my company went department by department, ensuring we clean up and remove anything potentially connected to Russia. I’m guessing it’s never been newsworthy enough for the average person.
Yes, especially in light of the Linux thing this morning
Yeah, did US added more sanctions?
I would guess some people have received a friendly reminder
I’m OOTL. What Linux thing are you talking about?
A bunch of .ru email holders have been removed from the linux kernel group because of sanctions
Ahhh I see. Thank you!
The Linux project removed maintainers who were Russian or were using Russian e-mail addresses, probably to comply with sanctions. Linus hasn’t talked about the legal details because he doesn’t know if he can (and because Daddy Vladdy’s Dick Chuggers are out in full force).
Yeah… weird how sanctions work… it’s like they’re broad and affect many people and entities…
We should ask Deepcool about their experience with non-compliance.
Ok cool but we are talking about timing so
Huh, it’s almost as if, when sanctions are declared, they go into effect for everyone at once.
Most likely coincidence. The sanctions came into effect and their respective lawyers took about the same time to come up with a policy that complies with them. There’s nothing more to the story that would make it weird.
Yeah, along with this I am suspecting there’s been a “suggested interpretation” from western governments to large orgs.
That’s a very good way to put it !
Damn, that’s fucked.
Yeah, but so are Russians, so it works out.
they gonna stop the mirror operators that reside outside those areas yet serve them?
“Does nobody think of the people?” they asked while putin sends his citizens into a certain death.
And for the crime of being send to death they should be punished by not having the newest divers. That’ll show them.
Exactly. Those russian CS gamers are the worst scum in the world and deserve to be (cybernetically) wacked.
They should give access to one last update that displays “Fuck Putin” on your screen at all times
Feel bad for the average Joe over there.
I feel bad for the average Joe in Ukraine, and I dont feel any need to pity Russia or Russians at all.
Nvidia is a western lie, comrade. You don’t need it.
It was a joke why you’re being downvoted lol
Obligatory Poe’s Law mention, since Lenny seems to have agreed that it’s important.
To be fair, with the amount of tankies in this site, you can never play safe lol
Be that as it may, this is very much part of the intent of the sanctions. Creating popular dissent and dissatisfaction within Russia due to Putin’s insistence on carrying out a war of aggression is very much by design. This is the Second Cold War. We’re in it.
Sure… Their anger will be directed at Putin, not at who actually imposed those sanctions.
I am worried that these sanctions will make them band together and support Putin even more.
Sure… Their anger will be directed at Putin, not at who actually imposed those sanctions.
I am worried that these sanctions will make them band together and support Putin even more.
And then what? They’ll go to war even harder? And if Putin is such a good leader, why doesn’t he just have Russia produce alternatives to the goods and services under sanctions?
The old status quo without sanctions got the world into the current situation. Why would keeping it the same fix it?
One could also make the opposite case for your logic: I am worried that without sanctions, people will see Putin as a strong leader, and as such hand together and support him even more.
Sanctions have not succeeded in lessening support or creating regime change. They are a siege warfare tactic, and a way of inflicting suffering upon the masses of people. There’s plenty of books on the topic, I’d recommend Sanctions as War, edited by Stuart Davis and Immanuel Ness.
Well, I never argued for not sanctioning them. I just think it’s kind of fucked either way - if sanctions work, they start hating sanction imposers and band behind the dictator; if sanctions don’t work, then obviously they are going to praise the dictator for his good work. It’s lose-lose.
And I don’t know if you have noticed or not, unfortunately, the sanctions aren’t working that well… Maybe the answer is more sanctions? idk
And I don’t know if you noticed or not, unfortunately, the sanctions aren’t working that well… Maybe the answer is more sanctions? idk
I’m in favor of more of them, but I don’t think the current ones aren’t working. It was clear from the beginning that they’d be escalating so that Russia has a way out. They’re not using it so sanctions get worse.
Could go both ways, but really the change has to come from within, they will have to change this in the end
Really sucks though that 90% of war supporters are brainwashed/indoctrinated anyway
UPD: as of right now, the access isn’t blocked in any way.
It is still unclear whether or not the block was intentional, Nvidia gave no comments.
“To access the update, please overthrow your government”
“have you tried restarting your government?”
Pretty much for form I suppose, there are other ways to get those drivers.
I’ve been in a few online games with RU players and it struck me as so weird to be playing a game with someone from a nation we are basically at war with. Major WWI Xmas football vibes.
I feel that many Russians are against Putler’s regime, but are (rightfully so) too afraid to speak up.
You are wrong. More than half are in favor of the war in Ukraine.
In favor of what? They aren’t being told the truth about anything. They’re in favor of an imaginary war for imaginary reasons.
That may be true. But I tend to believe factual journalism over a random internet person’s conjecture that you seem to be sure of for some reason.
Yikes. Sucks to live there. Maybe they should do something about it?
I mean given that you get arrested for a showing a blank piece of paper and sent to prison/gulag… Do you really think that de-annonymised people would put their opinions forward?
But also in the west where we don’t have quite such a police state, we still do have many people who vote against their interests until their own interests are being affected…
Moral of the story… Humans suck
deleted by creator
How would that number change if all those people had access to independent reporting?
There’s an old joke about agents from the CIA and KGB sharing a drink at a pub in Berlin.
“I have to admit, I’m always so impressed by Soviet propaganda. You really know how to get people worked up,” the CIA agent says.
“Thank you,” the KGB says. “We do our best but truly, it’s nothing compared to American propaganda. Your people believe everything your state media tells them.”
The CIA agent drops his drink in shock and disgust. “Thank you friend, but you must be confused… There’s no propaganda in America.”
That is a truly excellent joke. I will remember that
Joke is going over my head can you explain?
CIA agent ‘drinks the kool-aid’
Cold-war era joke, pre-suppose all us media is ‘State’ media
Maybe it would change but Russian culture is still Russian culture.
Seriously, you can’t unshit a pool.
The Trumpublicans in the U.S. have access to independent reporting, yet they choose instead to limit themselves to lies that make them feel like they’re better than everyone else.
I don’t have access to it, but allegedly on VK which is the Russian knockoff of Facebook, they also have similar numbers of a majority in favor of destroying Ukraine.
Ahh yes, polling in a country where saying the wrong thing gets you locked up. Very useful /s
How is what he said wrong? 25% is “many Russians”.
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25% of millions of people is still many people, they didn’t say “a majority of people”.
25% of 150 million is a pretty large number of people. “Many” is vague enough that you shouldn’t be calling anyone dumb over it.
75% of 150 million is still a significantly larger number, regardless. In this context, does not fall under “many”.
And calling a pro-Russian troll dumb is fine, because only feelings are hurt, meanwhile actual lives are being lost thanks to Russians invading Ukraine, and is competitively worse.
I think you’re mistaking “many” for “most”. There are objectively many Russians against putins bullshit. And the original comment specifically said they’re afraid to speak out, meaning part of those you say are for putin are just stuck, like so many others around the world. The only troll here is you, every reply you’ve gotten is way more friendly than you deserve. (I refuse to capitalize putins name, and wish nothing but death to him, his regime and everyone supporting him).
There can be multiple groups of many people in a population. It doesn’t have to be a majority to be significant.
Hmm little aggressive ya?
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I’m going by this definition of “many”: a large but indefinite number. Identifying the larger percentage, 75% or 25%, isn’t much of a challenge 😉
brbposting’s hypothetical response upon having read the above comment:
I think you’re confusing “many” with “most”. The definition of “many” does not mean the largest, just simply large.
As they should be. US/NATO expansion is an existential threat to Russia. CIA even more brazenly embraced would divide and conquer Russia through splitting it into warring provinces. US has no intention of improving humanity/world if it reduces subjugation to the empire.
The last thing the US wants is a civil war and mass instability in a nuclear nation. That has the capability to shatter MAD. At best, the US wants a regime change.
They have no qualms about taunting a nuclear powered Russia. The return of a CIA puppet like Yeltsin is not likely, but just as Ukraine, there is not the slightest US concern for the welfare/benefit of people. Just destruction, hike price of oil, sell a lot of weapons, and buy the ruins for cheap.
Russia is the existential threat to Russia, that’s literally all of Russian history in a nutshell followed by ‘and then it got worse’.
Russia will collapse into multiple fragments, because Russians are just idiots who have never agreed on anything without a gun pointed at their families.
It’s hilarious how lucky China is to have the largest natural resource motherlode right next door, Russia was asking to be dismantled!
It’s not that they’re for or against. They don’t care.
I feel that many Russians are against Putler’s regime
Well thats not what any polls anywhere say. Where did you get that from? Reminds me of this saying: “Wish into one hand and shit into the other and see which one gets full first.”
Nah, propaganda is a hell of a drug
there are other ways to get those drivers.
Not only will they have back doors, but they’ll be screening for shittier updates and working on hacks that liberate the hardware from proprietary software updates.
Beginning to feel like the good old Internet Wild West over on the eastern internet.
They will just come up with a new Runix OS with Ruvidia drivers. It might be like the time the Germans invented modern rocketry, the pulse engine and the turbine engine.
It’s relatively bad news maybe. Same in China.
I’m sure they’ll try, just like they tried to copy IBM mainframes, the IBM pc, the Apollo program, and nuclear power.
They’re too stupid to do it, you see, all the smart soviets who were capable of thinking were from Ukraine, which is why they’re designing Hunter killer drones in a cave with a box of scraps.
Russians without Ukrainians can’t invent anything, which is why the t14 and su57 aren’t in Ukraine, the semhat exploded on the pad (which would be hilarious if it had a payload), and they’re just generally pathetic failures at everything else.
I sure hope this is the case. I know for sure that China will try very hard to develop technology as the world sort of closes access to high tech. I assume Russia will try too. Unfortunately that’s how innovation happens sometimes. Extreme limitations lead to extreme efficiency if the other option is total failure.
China will succeed, over time.
Russia? Never has, never will.
Why bother when these blocks are so easily circumvented with VPN?
VPNs are banned in Russia to make sure they don’t accidentally get inaccurate information about the special military operation.
They aren’t legally, but many sites to get them (besides market apps) are not easily accessible and payment is not easy.
You can operate a VPN service in Russia legally, but it is obligated to block state-specified stuff internally to the VPN.
VPN vendors have to get approval from the authorities to operate within the Russian borders. Usually, this means the provider has to comply with Russia’s censorship demands, like connecting to the FSIS.
Wasn’t sure about that, thank you.
My and my friend’s non-selfhosted vpns work, but it’s probably the case of security by obscurity.
Hacker sanctions are finally real.