I’m having trouble getting community/domain filters to work the way I expect.
My goal is to be able to filter out certain domains/communities that tend to post spam and inside jokes when browsing “everything” (same way I used to filter out random communities from /r/all on Reddit) but adding domains or community names does not appear to work at all.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
Settings -> Filters -> Instance filters -> INSTANCE NAME
This is working just fine for me. Perhaps you need to update if yours isn’t?
Edit: ahhh, I actually haven’t tried specific granular filtering, only the whole instance. Sorry!
No that actually helps a lot! I was actually trying to filter an entire instance, but thought I had to do so but putting the domain of that instance into “Domain Filters”
If I’m right about what you’re asking, you can do this from the actual post while you’re scrolling. You use the 3 dot menu then tap on filters. This gives the option to filter the user, community, domain or the entire instance. Hope this helps.