EV never has to be recharged… Because it recharges on the way downhill.
“World’s largest EV never has to be plugged in” is sufficiently click-baity without being so dumbly self contradicting
Reminds me of some guy with a OneWheel that was saying he’d never charged his board in like a thousand miles as his daily commuter.
He lives near the top of a mountain lift, so he takes it home and just runs on pure regen lol.
So he’s just breaking? What a silly thing to claim. I bet he’s not even regening a lot. When i ride up a mountain until my battery is down to 40% or so and ride down i regenerate around 1% or something. It might even be in the 0.6% or something
More like “never has to stop working to charge”. It is novel that its charging mechanism operates as a function of doing its primary job.
Not novel. I think there was a train somewhere in Africa, that transported some ore from mountain to port. On the way down with ore it charged and uphill it used charge.
Is novel for a dump truck to use this. Of course it’s not a completely new concept entirely.
That’s genius. Who cares if thermodynamics wins, it weighs less on the way up so works out just fine.
Just like the example in TFA.
I think it’s still pretty cool. Turning potential energy to kenetic
Yeah I was gonna say I’m pretty sure this isn’t a single use, disposable vehicle
Till elon finds out that if he manages to cover the sun, he can charge us on sunscription
Don’t give hime ideas…
Pretty sure its also not solar. The machine gets loaded with weight at the top of the hill, its regenerative brakes store power on the way down, it drops the load off, and the lightened machine stored enough charge to drive back up.
Stupid title. It recharges every trip.
It is very obvious they meant it draws no power from the grid. And it doesn’t, indeed, acting fully autonomously.
But it does recharge. And does need to be recharged.
I don’t really care what they meant. They’re being deliberately ambiguous for clicks.
I read the story.
I saw the comments on the story
I laughed at the pedantic slapfights happening in the comments.
I came here to comment on the neat story and poke fun at the silliness, to find the same pedantic slapfights here.
Oh cool they’re using the same principle the guys at Edison are using for their logging trucks on a much larger scale
Very cool! It’s a pretty specialized use case, but still awesome to see.
deleted by creator
Back in my day we drove back and forth to work uphill, both ways, and we only lost weight because we could never afford enough Starbucks and avocado toast!
I cannot avoid to be pedantic on this, it is recharged during half the trip… it just does not require plug-like recharging
Yeah another clickbait headline. It’s getting recharged all the time, it’s just very lucky to be in a use case where it goes down hills with large loads all the time
It’s more than a clickbait headline, the first paragraph is just flat out wrong:
Perhaps best of all, it consumes no energy doing it.
Obviously it’s consuming energy going uphill. Just because the power source is gravity doesn’t mean it’s not consuming energy.
Wow what a great use case.
I’m pretty sure they’ve been doing this for years in South America already.
Reminds of this bucket-line system
Not very smart that they waste all that energy in mechanical brakes. See my comment (the one with the picture) for a way bigger and electricity-generating ropeway, including a video of a guy less squeamish than Tom Scott riding most of the 45-minute way up.
He literally has
Filmed safely: https://www.tomscott.com/safe/
in the description. Meanwhile, that fat dude from Vrchlabí jumped into a moving bucket of one that is faster, 2.5x longer, at deadly height, and his only plan of getting down safely was a mattress. He acknowledged how illegal and dangerous it is and yet publishes the video with his full name.
Just accept it, Tom Scott was being way more cautious.
firstly I was joking
secondly, cautious ≠ squeamish. we shouldn’t be setting masculinity as an exampleYeah, sounds like maybe he just didn’t have a death wish.
A 600 kwh battery pack so… Rocks can roll down hill? Galaxy brain moment.
Genuinely, I cannot tell what your point is. In some alternate universe, are we just rolling the rocks downhill? Don’t you think we’d already be doing that? This seems like a great use case to replace diesel trucks with ones that recharge themselves using potential energy from ore. This absolutely is a galaxy brain moment, in that it’s a very smart idea.
Probably a lot less safe (and harder to aim) if you don’t use the truck. Also unlikely they get all the way down unless you mine it in wheel shapes (increasing labor and also, luckily, danger).
Are you surprised by the concept of potential energy?
“EDumper” is a great name for a dump truck.
Or a very niche onlyfans camgirl
Also my shiny metal ass
Very interesting use case but kind of dependant on this very specific setup? I feel like an even more efficient and low maintenance method would be like… a ramp.
Well sure but if you just dump ore onto a ramp/chute then you’re constained to high angles and material so it can’t also double as a drivable road.
At 50 tons and 700 kilowatt-hours, this truck is the biggest EV in the world Each round trip will generate 10kWh of spare electricity for the grid.