You can fit lots of modern hardware inside—and prop your monitor on top.
finally, an NEC PC-108
FINALLY! A return to sensible PC design!
…I’m going to put a raspberry pi inside.
Just keep in mind the longer you have one the yellower it gets
I’ll wait for the beige tower
I would totally use a retro style beige case for my next build…
I just recently adopted an old gateway PC with this intent in mind. I’m excited about it.
Meanwhile I’ve got a ryzen 7800/radeon 6800 system housed in a full sized beige tower that I’ve had since like 1998.
With this design you have a few fans closer to your ears. That will also sound retro. Not 100 percent convinced.
Does it play Tokyo Drift as a boot sound?
I’d love to see something like this in a tower format, and with regular 5.25" bays with faceplates rather than these faux floppy drives.
I’d pay a somewhat unreasonable amount for that.
I hope the fake floppy drives are just covers for external 3.5" bays. Maybe something hotswapable even
Something like a 5 ¼" archival SSD would be really cool. Just a solid storage chonk, that you can forget in a drawer.
Pipedream, I know.
SSDs are not suitable for long term storage. Modern consumer grade SSDs are only rated for 1 year of data retention without power. Only SLC flash is suitable for long term storage, but those are very expensive and low capacity.
Oh no, I was really happy having thought we had moved past the beige 😬
Black is the new beige.
But why into blue LEDs?
Because blue LEDs are a MIRACLE, dammit!
The “and prop your monitor on top” thing: I kinda wish there were more modern PC cases that could stand being horizontal. Most are designed to be towers.
It’s a little too tongue in cheek with the faux disk Bays. I’d rather see something that takes the 80s asthetic but modernizes it a bit. Still a roomy easy to work on case that pays homage to the esthetic rather than kind of mocks it.
I can sell you one with real floppy drives!
Yeah there was a lot of really nice design going on at the time. This looks like the discount cases from the early 90s clones.
It’s really too bad they couldn’t have made the bay covers either plain or actually look like a floppy drive.
So close, and yet, so far.
I bet USB c connections could fit in a floppy drive slot
If they’re removable, could just put actual floppy drives in.
EDIT: Oh, they’re flip-down drawer covers rather than fixed panels. Well, still might be removable.
A drawer option would’ve been sweet. I love my 5.25" drawer. Perfect for flash drives, dongles, extra screws, little screwdriver, or a hiding spot almost nobody would know is there.
I mean even if you could remove them, the problem is that beige is not always the same beige: same problem you had 30 years ago.
The colors would never, at any point, remotely match the rest of the beige, and it’d be nice if a premium product that exists only for the aesthetics, would have just you know, done that last itty bitty little thing so it’d look right (from at least a distance) and be color matched.
Honestly the mismatching beiges just make it even more period correct. At least from how I remember them
Right??? Also you need a 13 inch monogrome green screen. Like the original game boy…except giant.
…what? 13 inches WAS giant back then.
I think big was 17 inches, but they were like 24 deep and 50lbs.
Everything is removable with the right tools
All I have is a hammer. I was told in the early 90s that it’s Hammer time. I was never told of a ceasing of it being Hammer time.
No no no, it is in fact still hammer time, but there are 26 main types of hammer and countless subtypes
Just being able to fit a modern GPU inside makes it top-tier.
I’m going to guess that an old mid or full size tower could fit a modern GPU. With a bit of dremelling on the back you cold probably make it work. My son has been mulling such a mod.
Needs more stickers peeling off.
Has it got a turbo button that just switches a light on?
The turbo button actually slowed your PC down to be able to play old DOS games.
Be like my smart friend and put fridge magnets on it