i’ve tried grocy a few times over and it’s burned a lot of time and brain cells. is there anything that does this (or even much less than this) and just works?
i understand why it was made this complex - i code and i work with people who want everything to be so theoretically ‘flexible’ that nothing simple works, so i’m used to the abstraction layers. but
- first try: looked at number and size of packages, no tree-shaking, code doesn’t pass sniff test. dozens of megabyes for this? nope
- second try: well i don’t want to build this myself. i’ll put it in its own instance to minimize security exposure. but hey, this release is months old and these terrible bugs have been fixed, i’ll just grab newer code. missed the thing where database migrations are tested only from official releases. database breaks.
- i learn sqlite syntax and reconstruct the database.
- months later i download new grocy android client, which expects a v4 grocy back end. all recipes break.
- i download official grocy v4 release (the third one in rapid succession, due to major bugs - luckily i hadn’t tried too early).
- database breaks.
i’m done. i don’t care that i lose the work i already put into it. i just want to open the cupboard twice and have the same thing be there both times. help
I put my shopping lists into logseq. I have a page called ‘shopping’ and I have entries for each store, with sub categories for each department. I have todo items for each item I want to buy.
At the top of the page, I have a query for the store that shows items marked ‘doing’. So when I want to add ‘milk’ to my current list, I go down to the ‘cold’ section, click ‘TODO’ so it changes to ‘DOING’, and it shows up on my list. When I put it in my cart, I click the check box and it changes to ‘DONE’ and it disappears from my list.
It’s not exactly polished, but it works well for me, and it fits into a tool I already use.
I use tandoor, try it. I like it very much.
Is that a paid service?
No, it’s on the awesome self hosted list. It’s a great simple recipe manager, shopping list. Nice ui. My wife uses it to meal prep and I’m trying to understand grocy to speed up the process of checking what we need to buy.
Oh thanks!
I’m in the same boat. I’d like to have something like this integrated with Home assistant but Grocy is just ludicrously complex. It’s like SAS for your fridge, only more complex. With rude developers who always know better than everyone else.
Mealie! Can import recipes from any site. Then it does automatic meal planning for the week and then creates shopping lists from the meal plans
I was thinking about trying Grocy, but your post scares me! Have you tried with a Docker container?
i haven’t tried the docker route - it seems fairly new. it also doesn’t seem like it would fix the issues i ran into. containerization is great for insulating the app from external dependency hell and environmental variation. but the problems i’ve had involve its own code and logic, and corruption of a sqlite database within its own filesystem; wrapping issues like that in a docker container only makes them harder to solve
I added mine to an existing compose file and was up and running in a couple minutes. I only use it for chore tracking so cant speak to the rest of it.
Docker is super easy. But the app itself has its quirks. If you only want shopping/planning, I think there are more suitable apps.
I started using it mostly for tracking stuff in the fridge because too much spoiled because it was hidden somewhere and I forgot about it.
I set it up as a docker container and the installation was very easy.
HOWEVER the data input and actually getting it off the ground is very complex and intimidating. I havent really gotten deep into it yet.
You could give KitchenOwl a try (disclaimer: I’m the developer). Has apps for iOS/android and other platforms.
Thanks, this looks really good! Super quick to spin up an instance on a VM that already had docked installed.
Had a quick glance. This looks useful to me.
FYI, at the bottom of the home page, the self host link: https://docs.kitchenowl.org/getting-started gives a 404https://docs.kitchenowl.org/self-hosting/ should be the link.
Thanks, you’re right. I’ve updated the docs yesterday a bit and changed some links and forgot to update them on the landing page. For anyone looking for more screenshots, they can be found in the GitHub readme.
looks great! the catch for me is that my current host doesn’t have docker support. your dependencies don’t look crazy so in theory i could burst it and install directly to the host environment, but at that point i’m giving myself grocy-level headaches.
reading about docker-capable hosts, i was surprised to see them starting at 1GB RAM - i couldn’t run pac-man in that. what would be a reasonable expectation for kitchenowl?
Just set kitchenowl up a week ago. Its a tad clunky imo but absolutely perfect for what my wife and I need. Thanks for the great app!
UI wise. Although Im sure some of the issues are due to it being a helmchart in truenas scale instead of the app itself. Ill fill some stuff out :).
Hey, could you PLEASE add ActivityPub to it?
The biggest issue with all these kind of apps is having to start from scratch, no recipes, no product info, zero, Day 1 has a very steep curve. If I just want to browse and save favorites, I’m out of luck.
I wish we could all share our recipes and product information along with their nutrition info and allergens. It would have a MASSIVE impact and a HUGE community.
All the SAAS apps are paid silos. A federated alternative could compete with them to be a similar alternative. Take Lemmy and Mastodon, for example, they have SO much content they replaced Twitter and Reddit for me.
All the Fediverse can cook. They just don’t have the proper app yet.
Also: it looks gorgeous. Congrats!