Ex-Tesla employee reveals shocking details on worker conditions: ‘You get fired on the spot.’::Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s ‘ultra hardcore’ work culture is revealed to have led to long hours, unsafe conditions, and harassment for employees.
Is this actually shocking or does this make perfect sense to anyone who has paid even a shred of attention to Musk’s manbaby tantrums?
If you are suprised about Elon, then it’s your fault. He has always been like this.
I am in the odd area of “I’m poor, my family is rich”
My grandma asked me if she should buy Tesla stock. Glad I told her Hell No.
Send her the quote where even he says it’s overpriced.
I don’t understand why anyone idolizes this bastard. There are too many bootlickers out there, which is why nothing ever changes and assholes like him can continue to exploit people.
Tesla is also known for its shit build quality. So why not buy an EV from practically anyone else?
Cult of personality is an infectious disease.
And a really good song
The same issues persist to this day, but if you said something bad about Tesla 3 or 4 years ago, you’d get all these left-wing environmentalists screaming down your neck because they sooooooo wanted EVs to succeed that they completely fell for that clown Elon’s bullshit. Lo and behold that he was totally just playing liberals like a fiddle and he actually is a right wing psychopath.
Especially now that actual car companies are coming up with their electric models.
Actual car companies are the same as tesla, even worst. Tesla is so popular because old car companies bribed politicians to avoid transition out of fuel, and cheated (diesel gate was the norm, not an exception).
Unfortunately tesla is still better than other companies. And this says all about how corrupted is automotive industry
I don’t disagree with you that old-world car companies have corrupt practices, but this is not why Tesla is so popular. Tesla is popular because they make luxury cars that feel fun and because Elon used to be so ebullient and good at PR.
As for Tesla being better, how? The company is just as corrupt and their R&D into self driving cars is a bit behind competitors
Teslas are not luxury cars lol.
Tesla was the first company to show that ev were an economically viable solution, and demonstrated to the world that old companies were unprepared for the future, willingly jeopardizing any innovation, if a newcomer could so easily solve the problem. That’s why tesla became a stock bubble and elon is so full of money.
And everything was true at the time, traditional car companies were unfit for the challenge. Old, corrupt, bureaucratized monsters actively blocking any type of innovation. If you read automotive ceos interviews at the time, they were betting on methane to be the only viable future. Methane, not joking… Like they didn’t even consulted a junior chemist to know how stupid of idea it was… Traditional car companies are unfortunately much worse than elon. Simply their ceos are not on X… They are to old and technically inept to do so.
Elon is bad, but the rest is worst for everyone. We shouldn’t cheer for those companies getting back the power they are luckily losing. Luckily for humanity future
The GM EV-1 in the 1990s was an absolutely viable electric car that was lease-only, and practically every letter wanted to keep the car once the lease was up, but GM took them all back and crushed them.
The feasibility was there. The will to market it was not.
This is exactly what I am saying! Without tesla, market would be on the same position, because the lack of willingness came from the corruption of the existing automotive companies of the time.
You are confirming what I am saying. Old car companies are even worst than tesla… This is the bleak situation we are living
You are so utterly clueless about cars, the car industry, and pretty much everything involving ICE and EV cars. You are far better off just stopping right here and stop commenting on subjects you know jack shit about.
I am happy you know better. Because than you know I am right.
Otherwise I’d follow your own suggestion, and stop commenting on topics you don’t know jack shit about
Older companies are not stifling innovation the way you think they’re doing, in fact, I think there are fascinating research being done these days. As for the fact that their CEOs are not on Twitter, isn’t that a good thing? Would you want the CEO of a company to tweet something idiotic at 4 in the morning, wreaking havoc on stock prices and driving the company into firefighting mode, detracting energy from other parts of work?
It is absolutely good they are not on Twitter, elon unfortunately is not the answer.
Research-wise, old companies have proved for decades that they actively bribed politicians and cheated to jeopardize innovation.
I don’t know what research you are referring to, but traditional automotive companies haven’t moved forward since decades. They refined old, inadequate technologies to a extreme level until the reality bit them and they are now they’re chasing.
Automotive sector, between elon and the old, corrupted, incompetent monsters, looks bleak
Batteries, energy, computer vision, deep learning, and crash safety. I’m most excited about better and better virtual human body models reflecting actual human sizes (male, female, adult, children, obese, average sized…) being released for testing, instead of the old default-male crash dummy.
Having said all that, I only use my car on holidays. I bike to work and prefer to take long distance trains for work related trips. So, yeah, fuck cars and fuck ever expanding roads. Streets are for humans, not for cars and parking.
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The economical viability to put evs in the market.
Clearly ev was viable. Electric engines have always been better, batteries were simply not good enough 20 years ago. Old automotive companies have been lobbying to claim evs weren’t economical viable until very recently. Tesla is the first company that showed otherwise. Nowadays everyone is selling evs
I don’t get why people want EVs so bad. We need electric public transport and electric bicycles
EVs are meant to save the car industry, not the planet.
Surely they’re better but you’re right- we should be focusing on more transit rather than just EVs.
Because I travel in-between cities, not only intercity. Also, a travel time of 20 minutes with no changing of vehicles is nice too.
Is this legal in the US?
Can you imagine living somewhere with so little personal freedom?
I do whatever the fuck I want in the USA pretty much every day. It’s great.
Do you have a Bill of Rights, including all the freedoms that ours has?
I mean I can’t get fired on the spot at my work place. Don’t have to worry about a crazy neighbour shooting me. Don’t have to worry about healthcare or its costs. Nobody tells me what books I can and cannot read I can express whichever sexuality I was born with without fear of backlash Don’t have to worry if my kid will come back from school Protected by unions and the like from work bullshittery
You are right though, there is no out dated piece of paper that doesn’t update with the times :( you got me.
I really don’t have to worry about any of those problems either, and I have all my needs met and everything is going well, and I have safety nets established in case they aren’t. It really is great here for me.
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That’s the one thing that gets me about the system is the USA. You have health insurance from your employer that can just fire you if you get sick. Doesn’t make a lot of sense, even if they don’t the insurance company might just decide not to pay out, and even if they do you have to pay hundreds of dollars in premiums.
You have very high taxes to pay for it all and some unions can hold the country hostage (rail strikes). Unemployment is higher because employers are slow to hire because it is so hard to fire anyone and you have less pressure to work.
Nobody tells me what books I can and cannot read
There is no such restriction here. Just because a few local small town libraries complain and get a lot of media attention you can still buy and read anything.
I can express whichever sexuality I was born with
It is protected legally here also.
@RaoulDook @settoloki I can tell you Canada has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms that guarantees about the same right as America’s BoR. The difference is that americans are regularly told theirs is the greatest document, so many believe it without even knowing what other countries have.
You don’t have the Right to Bear Arms, and we do. Thus your rights are inferior and America wins as usual.
@RaoulDook You’re showing your American indoctrination even more. You’ve been told over and over and over that the right to bear arms is of utmost importance. Gun ownership in Canada is quite high and yet we don’t have the violence Americans have to endure every day.
You still don’t have a Right to bear arms, you have a privilege that can be significantly infringed and has been in recent years in Canada.
I don’t care what you think about my alleged “indoctrination” because you are living in fear of unlikely dangers, while I live in peace, comfort, and contentment with all these wonderful rights. Gun violence is statistically rare and unlikely to affect the vast majority of Americans, despite how the news media frames it to maximize attention on every tragedy.
The right to bear arms is a crucial right, as the cornerstone of democracy it protects all of the other rights, because an authoritarian government simply cannot subjugate a fully armed citizenry.
@RaoulDook You clearly are unaware of the crime statistics between Canada and the US. I’m an American-Canadian with lots of friends and relatives in the US. The fear of crime there is much higher than it is here. Despite knowing more Canadians the only people I know who have been shot are Americans.
I’m sure if I pressed you more, on any of this, you’d start spouting NRA propaganda. So just look up violent crime and gun crime statistics in both countries and let’s leave it at that.
@RaoulDook Every independent freedom index I see rates Canada in the top ten, (or close) even the American-based ones, and the US lags another 10 or so slots below. These ratings literally mean there are 20 or more countries more free than the US.
So, enjoy your indoctrination. I
wonder why people want you to think you’re the most free.
It is. Most states are so fucked up they have barely any employment protection laws
And some are even trying further reduce the little remaining legislation that deters child labor exploitation.
But they don’t bat an eye using the same children as a scapegoat to push through intrusive laws, under the illusion of protecting the children 😭
The US lacks the freedoms we enjoy.
sortof. my advice would be to refuse signing a severance or anything else they might give you after that point, and to give it to a lawyer instead. they will probably consult for free and let you know if you have a case. i bet a company like that sees a lot of wrongful termination lawsuits, and they probably like to settle outside of court.
Shocking to who?
Sounds like Tesla factory workers should form a union.
Wonder how much harder is it to form one in Texas compared to California
As a western European, to me the problem isn’t that they’re fired on the spot, but that a company can actually do that. You guys should’ve fought for your rights.
Population density, it’s easy to protest when the capital is just 30 minutes away by bike like it is in a lot of Western European countries.
Conversely, I’m an American, it will take days for me to reach the nearest major city by car… it will take me around 2.5 hours to reach the newest minor City.
I live in North Carolina by the way.
You could drive through three countries in Western europe, by the time I could get to my nation’s capital. My nation’s capital is in virginia, that is the state north of me.
Much of our population lives in California, Texas, and New York, all much much further away from Washington DC then where I live.
Combine that with the fact that a lot of us can’t take any days off of work without falling way behind on our bills, and even if the capital was somewhere where we could all get to it to hold picket signs… there is simply too much to lose, the workers of the world can’t Unite when there is more on the table than our chains. I hate it here
Do you walk to those cities or what?
Do you think that in Europe we all live right next to the capital or even next to one of the top 4 biggest cities of our country?
I literally already said that the times listed were driving. America as a country is too big for protest to be a feasible solution.
Why don’t you protest on the steps of the company you work at?
Ok I’m not even from the states, but you should be able to get to Washington DC in less than a day from North Carolina. Hell, anywhere on the east coast is within 5 hours from a huge metropolitan centre
Fellow Tarheel here, and bud if it takes you “days” to drive to the nearest major city, you should have your car looked at. I drove from San Diego to Raleigh in 60 hours once.
naw she just learned to drive in vermont
Notice how that’s almost three days
This example was provided as an estimated upper limit - you could drive to basically the furthest-away big city within 60 hours. Other cities would be substantially less than that, because that’s an upper limit.
Driving from a small town on the western tip of NC… let’s say Franklin, NC, to Washington DC takes only 8 hours… but driving to Knoxville, TN or Atlanta, GA would only take you 2 hours.
If that drive takes you “days” by car, you might have an issue.
I get your point that the US is big, but it shouldn’t take days to get to a major city from anywhere in NC. It’s what, a 9 hour drive to Washington from the furthest end of NC?
Maybe 10 hours if you’re in Murphy and there’s a rock slide. If you’re on Ocracoke island after 9 PM you might have to wait for morning for the next ferry.
Also, it’s REAL hard to be 6 hours away from Charlotte while you’re in either of the Carolinas, as long as you can travel at the Interstate speed limits. You should be able to drive from Bath to Boone in about 10 hours.
Welcome to ‘at-will employment’ America, where you can fire anyone for any reason as long as they can’t prove it was because you are one of the protected classes under the Civil Rights Act (does not include LGBT+ people). They can literally fire you because they don’t like your ears.
(does not include LGBT+ people)
And political views aren’t a protected class. 🤡 World.
Are you comparing an intentional political stance that someone (hopefully) reasoned themselves into as equally inescapable of the colour of one’s skin, or sexual orientation?
Crazy thought, if you’re getting put on blast due to your political views you absolutely do not need to continue sharing them with the class.
You’re right perhaps you shouldn’t have all of media running interference for you and your ilk.
Let me get this right so you feel that it’s appropriate to discriminate in the workplace based on political views? You would.
Yes, I think if your political views are actively hurting someone or advocating for harm to a group of people then you should be held responsible for the shit that comes out of your own mouth.
This is not even remotely comparable to being unable to fire someone just because they’re black, or gay, or a woman.
Certain views?
“All libs should be executed in the streets” is a political view.
And that is why it is not a protected class.
Is that what I said or even alluded to? Or is it just your prerogative to put words in people’s mouths? You think it’s perfectly acceptable that liberals outnumbers everyone in the workplace perhaps in your big city, however you’re far from the majority.
The sooner you wake up to that the better.
Hey! What’s wrong with my ears??
Too round. Return your passkey and get out.
80 years of living in the church of capitalism will do that to you.
Looking good for your age!
Not to mention protesting likely means becoming homeless. It means losing insurance, it means losing you car insurance and likely paying a hefty premium when you can get it again. It means losing access to food, Healthcare. It means risking being barred from future employment.
So let’s vote? Well turns out your district is shaped like a contorted snake, and unless you convince 60% of people who will vote for any loony who hates the same people they do, to help their neighbor for once, well you’re SOL.
Leaving your job doesn’t automatically mean becoming homeless and starving. That is a pretty extreme and unrealistic stance.
When 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck (by design) it really does.
How do you propose they make rent the next month with no money?
By having a social security net like in any developed country
Did you maybe not see the context of my comment?
We’re talking about whether or not it’s feasible for your average American to quit their job in protest in order to secure workers rights (of which a social security net is part) and your contribution is that they can quit their job in protest to get things like a social security net, by already having a social security net?
Very helpful, thank you
Sadly for too many people this is the case. If you’re paycheck to paycheck losing a job could leave you chose between starving or homelessness. Not to mention how long it might that unfortunate soul to get another source of income that is enough to back to just making it. They might have to settle for lower pay.
No it pretty much does, I’m lucky I’m on disability. Cuz in this one horse town, you can go months or years between jobs. I may be getting paid in chump change and pizza parties…
But at least I can eat pizza…
Isn’t something like 50% of the US workforce paycheck to paycheck? That’s very much by design. Look up any strikebreaking action in history, the strategy is always for businesses to see if they can hold out longer than their workers, and if they can, no concessions are necessary.
Our stability and ability to strike is diametrically opposed to the desires of those in power. Until we get the guillotines out again, I’m not really sure how any of this could possibly change. Under capitalism, there is no incentive for it.
we could probably manage it with a concerted long rent strike, but everyone would have to be in on it, and the way this country is divided, doesn’t seem possible.
Too many of us thought of ourselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
I did when I was a teenager, it seems most of our parents never grew out of being teenagers.
Too many of us thought of ourselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Don’t know why that was in past tense. This is still such a massive issue in American society.
I do think it’s good to create a healthy culture that respects workers, but I don’t understand why being able to fire an employee is a bad thing
Imagine you’re not allowed to fire people you don’t like who you think are doing a bad job at work
Yeah it’s not all or nothing though. You’re acting like outside the US it’s impossible to fire people. That’s simply not even remotely true.
Indeed. That still happens. Just you have to have a valid reason to fire them. Not liking someone is a petty reason to fire someone. Not doing their job is another thing altogether.
It’s obviously not forbidden to fire people. You just can’t do it like that, because you woke up grumpy that particular morning. Employees are highly protected in France, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be fired.
USA. The no vacation nation.
The trade off between job security and arbitrary firings and people who are unproductive but can’t be fired.
And yet productivity is very similar between the US and Europe…
The first is a problem for the worker, the second is mainly a problem for the employer.
While I bet that the employers claim that it’s impossible to do and will lead to the downfall of the economy it has worked just fine in Europe.
they can’t, really. they probably see a lot of wrongful termination lawsuits, and try to settle them out of court.
Wrongful termination suits are hard to win. If they can point at you failing to do your job in any way your case is shot.
No way. That would be un American. /s
should we start patitioning that elon musk not be involved with any companies. everything ive heard about him makes me think he has no respect for us peasants.
He’s a billionaire, probably thinks he pays us peasants too much for what we deliver, and would absolutely replace us for slaves if he could
Nah he’d 100% replace humans with robots if he could. Way more efficient. No need for water, food, toilets, breaks, hell even lights technically speaking. Huge huge list of pros for him. (Don’t hate me I’m all for complete world automation)
He’s south African and has roots in emerald mining… he’d use slaves in a heartbeat and not lose sleep at all.
Firing for relatively small mistakes just means people will cover up mistakes in the future leading to them causing serious accidents. People who make mistakes learn from them and not only rarely make that mistake again, but help others learn from that mistake.
I’ll happily admit when something is my fault. And I’ll document and implement changes that help prevent it from happening not just to the teams I lead but as much of the company as I can influence.
Meanwhile the thing other employees learn from the firing approach is to get better at covering up their mistakes.
And guess what happen when you ask workers to work 10 hours a day every day? Mistakes.
Or when workers aren’t guaranteed vacations. Or when vacation days are mixed up with you sick days.
A sick employee who can afford to stay home won’t cost the extra due to other employees getting sick.
There is a story about a Japanese airline pilot who had to ditch a plane near I want to say San Francisco. No major injuries, no fatalities. When questioned during the inquiry, he said something to the effect of “I believe you Americans have a saying ‘I fucked up’”, and completely took responsibility. Instead of firing him, in recognition of his honesty, the airline demoted him back to the beginning of the pilot rankings and had him work his way back up. Within a decade he was back in his former position. The lesson is, own your mistakes!
Same thing when children get punished too harshly or unfairly. They just learn how to lie and hide things
Non-fun fact: If you punish kids unfairly enough, they’ll stop giving a shit about lying because they get punished whether they lie or tell the truth anyway. Fucked up personal experience.
But they do still hide stuff. And lose all respect for punishment.
Companies pay when people make mistakes.
Why the fuck would you fire someone when you just paid for a lesson that prevents further mistakes?
Textbook narcissist play. Expect everyone around you stand at attention to make your dreams happen. Maybe if you offered tangible rewards like bonuses and pay increases instead of vague promises of “exceptional reward” then people would work harder for you. Also, studies prove time and again that working excessive hours leads to diminishing returns. Also, throwing a fucking baby tantrum when a burned-out employee makes a mistake is a great way to lose talent.
I’m not sure I’d consider it “shocking” more like “on par”
Right?! It’s like the guy literally modeled himself after Trump from The Apprentice.
He’s so dumb he probably thinks Trump is a good businessman.
Not surprised
long hours, unsafe conditions, and harassment for employees
He’s racing Jeff Bezos to the bottom.
Wish he’d race Stockton Rush instead.
but but but elon sleeps on the floor!!!1!! hes so hardworking when hes tweeting literally all day and night!
Power tripping is exhausting.
Also, abusers need to keep a close eye on their victims.
when hes tweeting literally all day and night!
…when he’s Exing all night… ;-)