That’s the one thing that gets me about the system is the USA. You have health insurance from your employer that can just fire you if you get sick. Doesn’t make a lot of sense, even if they don’t the insurance company might just decide not to pay out, and even if they do you have to pay hundreds of dollars in premiums.
I mean I can’t get fired on the spot at my work place. Don’t have to worry about a crazy neighbour shooting me. Don’t have to worry about healthcare or its costs. Nobody tells me what books I can and cannot read I can express whichever sexuality I was born with without fear of backlash Don’t have to worry if my kid will come back from school Protected by unions and the like from work bullshittery
You are right though, there is no out dated piece of paper that doesn’t update with the times :( you got me.
You don’t need Facebook to use WhatsApp.