I’ve decided that I want to delete my reddit account. I want to remove all of my posts and comments first. What is the best way to do this? I’ve had the account for several years so it would be too tedious to delete everything individually. So far I’ve tried the Redact android app, which did not work when I signed in. I also tried the browser extension Bulk Delete Reddit, but it can only delete up to 50 posts or comments per day. Is there any other option?
If you are in eu or California, then best way is https://thomashunter.name/posts/2023-06-19-how-to-delete-reddit-account-gdpr-ccpa
Redact on desktop worked fine a month or two ago, I imagine the API changes have caught it out though.
Keep in mind they will bring some stuff back, slowly and sneakily, so my advice is keep the account for a while so you can keep an eye on (and control over) your stuff. If youre in the EU send them an email gdpr request to delete your data. When they invevitably reply with the copy pasted “click this link to read about how you can delete your posts and comments” simply answer back that it is legally their responsibility to do it and youre not doing shit. Tell them if they dont comply you will be lodging a formal complain with your country’s data protection officer (again, if youre in the EU), as I did when they brought back some deleted content for the third time.
Reddit Mass Delete browser bookmark still works, but it takes several hours.
The only way I’ve found to reliably delete a huge amount of comments and posts is to do a GDPR request for your data, extract the resulting zip file and then use the free shreddit utility to delete your data. The utility has an option where you can point it to the extracted GDPR data, and it will handle everything.
It’s pretty much too late. You can try doing it manually but reddit will not show you all your posts and comments even after you appear to have reached the “end”… there will still be quite a few that just don’t show up in your overview at all.
It’s so badly designed it isn’t even funny.
Supposedly Shreddit uses the archive of your data that you can request from Reddit to delete the stuff that isn’t currently viewable but I haven’t tried it first-hand (costs money). If you could feed the archive data into one of the other scripts mentioned in the comments here somehow, that would probably be the most thorough option, assuming you don’t hit an API rate limit.
I used Power Delete Suite but with the API changes it may not work anymore.
Seemed to work fine when I ran this recently.
It doesn’t rely on the API, but it does rely on old.reddit.com. I expect this will be disabled in the near future as well.