My suggestion is to download something like Windows Privacy Dashboard and disabling/uninstalling as much telemetry options as possible.
I’ve never got that kind of ad push, so i have to ask where you got it? Was it from using the search bar beside the start button? If so, maybe completely disabling and uninstalling Cortana might fix it.
use a service like o&o shutup that’ll cripple this among other bloat.
Edge/Windows is literally the technological equivalent of an obsessive ex-girlfriend.
With a crazy disposition to boot.
Makes me quite disposed to dual-boot
That’s not as bad. Imagine if it was the equivalent of an obsessive ex-boyfriend.
Relevant blog post …from 2016!
Fuck windows. I use Linux and sometimes I do need Windows for certain things, but I just take the long route and figure it out on Linux, just so I don’t have to deal with Microsoft and their bullshit
Sorry to be that guy: Install Linux?
But seriously: l’d like to know as well.
I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!
But seriously: another comment here points out some tool
Cool info. If you were going for a copypasta type thing you nailed it.
I knew it!
I’ve noticed that over the top satire tends to be taken entirely at face value on lemmy. Doesn’t mean I’ll ever stop posting it, but I have noticed it. Also, demographics run much younger than most seem to believe.
That’s because leftists have no sense of humor.
Don’t be so naive, you’re allowed to stay after all.
I’ve noticed that over the top satire tends to be taken entirely at face value on lemmy
And sometimes it’s taken as both, to be laughed at, and commented on.
See, that makes perfect sense to me. Satire is meant to be taken as a talking point in the overwhelming majority of cases. I’m happy when the message I put out is extrapolated on, but upset when the conversation immediately dies at “no, that’s a silly interpretation.”
I’ve noticed this too, and I imagine it must be a side effect of Lemmy’s largest value prop having an outsized appeal to autistic people.
Most likely. I see many satirical or ironic jokes go over many heads here.
it’s so sad that people aren’t recognizing this
man, so many old school internet references will go unnoticed on lemmy :(
holds up spork
You know I thought it was copypasta but thought maybe it was rude to say it (if it wasn’t). I must be delirious after making my 2am chili. I need to take a refreshing shower with icesoap.
Spork is the guy from Star Trek, right?
“Use the force Spork” ~ Gandalf
This copypasta has done so much more to inform people about GNU than any somewhat reasonable piece of writing could ever have done.
TL;DR: Linux is just the engine, GNU/Linux is the whole car.
Go play with your HURD Stallman
Or simply use Firefox?
As if that stops Windows from spamming you with popups that you should be using Edge with Bing instead.
The pop up specifically mentions chrome, it’s not asking to switch browser but just the search engine. It’s anecdotal but I only use Firefox and have never gotten this pop up.
I also have never
I use Firefox on windows 11. I never get pop ups.
Then Microsoft will either tell you to use Edge and Bing (or else!), or just set this automatically.
I had this issue on the windows box at work. For some time, whenever I opened Firefox, it told me that it was not set as the default browser. I fixed this, only to get the same message again the next day.
Are you sure it’s not just your IT locking in the default browser? I for sure never had this problem before.
Nope. At least not on purpose. And for some reason, it only happened on my PC.
I’d say it might be a borked install, then. I’ve had some windows installation that doesn’t lock in settings properly, which is fixed after a reinstall. The reinstall is mostly because I’m too lazy to troubleshoot the actual reason.
I recently moved to Linux mint after years of thinking it would be hard or wouldn’t offer the tools I needed. I’ve been extremely pleasantly surprised! I’ve moved over fully, working in CAD, spreadsheets, all the normal stuff without any hassle. And none of these pop ups anymore.
Hi, what do you use for spreadsheets? I’ve tried librecalc but so far its a major hassle - the cells are way too small on my 1440p monitor and I cant figure out how to fix it.
You just need to zoom in. To make sure it applies to everything, completely close librecalc, open a new spreadsheet, zoom in using the slider on the bottom right, or ctrl+scroll up, until the cells are a good size for you, then close it and that should set the value as the default for all your sheets :)
I don’t even need this information, but I wanted to say thank you for the great and detailed response!
Thank you, I really appreciate that.
What sort of CAD work to you do? What are you using for CAD?
Residential metal work. Kind of complex things. Dining from AutoCAD and inventor. Still learning it but now using bricscad. Freecad seems ok but like it’s cobbled together by a bunch of volunteers 🤣😜
I hate this response but it was my first thought this time.
The worst part is that its not a bad response. Linux mint is such a good alternative.
I ditched Windows for a Linux Mint just over a month ago. Best decision.
I ditched Linux Mint for TempleOS. The holiest decision I’ve ever made.
I use Hannah Montana OS myself
Well that was an entertaining read.
The eternal circle jerk
I ditched Ubuntu for Mint a few months ago. Also a good decision.
Last distro I installed for personal use was Ubuntu and it was lousy with these types of popups (note: this was about 10 years ago)
Edit: It’s really bizarre to me that nobody remembers how intrusive and persistent Ubuntu One was (decom’d 2014), though in fairness it’s not precisely what OP is experiencing with regards to Bing/Chrome
which planet was this on?
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Side note as an ex-Windows user (from Windows 3.1 - W10) - Go with OSX and all the Windows-ification plugins you can find.
Apple out windows Windows.
If I didn’t game so much, I’d go to all Linux and OSX devices.
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This comment is honestly incredibly thought provoking. When you really think about it and the whole of games that just work on Linux now thanks to proton, there really isn’t a game outside of games with proprietary anti cheat that don’t work, and even then, some do like Apex. There really isn’t anything out there keeping me on Windows.
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That’s kind of the unfortunate thing about VR. The most attainable HMDs are provided by shitty companies like Samsung and Meta who have no incentive to support anything other than Windows. Besides that, high fidelity VR is prohibitively expensive.
There were rumours some time ago of Valve working on a standalone, semi modular VR system. I hope it comes to market, as I’d imagine it’d have the potential to be much more affordable (at some level) than the index.
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That’s interesting, I have a Samsung Odyssey plus, but I’ve honestly never used it outside of half life alyx. That was when I was still dual booting with Windows 10, now that I’ve beaten alyx and realistically there’s not a ton of replay value, I don’t really have a need for VR.
Sadly Clip Studio just doesn’t work on WINE at all so I have to dual boot exclusively for that little shit required in my classes.
gaming on linux has gotten MUCH, MUCH better over the past handful of years. I’ve been on linux exclusively for 6 years and in that time ive gone from using Lutris for everything and only installing the few verified titles through fairly complex wineconfigs other people made, to a brief check of protondb before installing whatever i want from Steam and having it work out of the box. basically the only things that don’t work anymore are competitive anticheat softwares, like Valorant’s.
If a game doesn’t support Linux I refund it. Haven’t had to refund in a good long while.
Gaming in Linux is fine but it would be a crime to not mention, getting mods to work on Linux is still shit
That’s a really big deal breaker. For me atleast.
Can you specify which games? I’ve modded plenty and it all still works as expected honestly
Oh my god, any game that either relies on nexus or a mod launcher, take your pick, I mean sure, it’s doable, usually if you have a windows pc to install the actual mods on and copy the file directory over, but that’s a slim chance that it’ll work, if you’re having no problems missing you’re probably playing Skyrim
But the thing is, mod launchers have been working fine for me through wine. Though most games these days have integrated steam workshop support anyway.
Mods that are installed by moving files (which covers most games) work fine most of the time; you’ll probably need .dll overrides.
Mods that need certain libraries can be a hassle, or mixed bag (eg. RSMods for Rocksmith 2014 (CDLCs work fine though), RDR2 Mods based on ScriptHook.NET).
Mods that require a launcher are hard or impossible (pretty much anything on the Frostbite Engine. I think this is your best bet with it. Don’t know if OpenIV currently works on Linux or if you need a VM with shared folders to use it).
Linux has come a long way with gaming fortunately. I daily drive fedora and use Proton-GE/Wine-GE and can play most games with the exception of some problem ones (Assetto Corsa & Rust, I’m looking at you).
Only time I ever fool with W11 these days is when I use Studio One for music or play on of the (very few) problem games some friends want me to join them on. I’d recommend checking out the Nobara distro for games.
Not surprising OSX is a better Windows in some ways. Switched to iPhone last summer for my daily driver and don’t regret it. Best mobile experience I’ve had since my custom ROMs days on Android. Even started out setting up app folders to copy my Nova Launcher setup. That said, I’ll be excited when more privacy respecting options come around to the mobile market for my next phone.
Switching to Apple looks to be expensive. OP may not be able to use their existing machine and would have to spend a few thousand to buy a Mac. All that just to avoid an annoying pop-up?
If you’re going to the trouble of learning a new OS, IMO you might as well just go straight for Linux. Gaming is a lot better on Linux than on OSX as well.
But Mac pretty much requires specific, ultra-expensive, not very repairable or upgradable devices.
Yeah but it’s a trade off; if you want to tinker go Linux, if you want an OS that works really well with the hardware it was designed for go Mac. Not sure why anyone would use windows honestly.
Those that a) use whatever comes preinstalled on the computer (and Windows is on the affordable ones); b) need software that’s not available on Linux. But yea, I would say that most people I know wouldn’t even notice a switch to Linux. There are distros that “just work”.
My MacBook Air and Mac Mini may not be internally upgradeable, but they didn’t cost any more than comparable Windows machines.
Came here to make this (half)joke.
Sadly, it’s not just a joke, it’s also the only way to actually do this.
It’s not such a joke for about 70 percent of the people who use a computer. All most people do is use the internet, write a document or two and check their email (most of the time using a web based service).
All of which can be done by any OS.
The only reason anyone would want Microsoft is if they specifically ran a program that required Windows … most will say that MS Word runs better on Windows which is true but most people I know write or view the most basic documents that any word processing software is more than adequate.
And even if MS word is required by your school or work … get them to pay for the OS and the word processing software.
Otherwise, the majority of the people I know with a computer only use it as a glorified tablet to access the internet and browse social media … all of which can be done with the most basic Linux distro that won’t hassle you with annoying popups asking you to do things you shouldn’t even be thinking about.
There is virtually no difference between running Word 2007 on modern Windows or under Wine, and I don’t need to use 365 (which is pushy about features in the Home tab and had a terrible redesign). I might pirate Office 2013 at some point if its compatibility rating increases. Still, I prefer LibreOffice unless I need to share the document.
Maybe have a look at the tool from 0&0 called “shut up windows 10”
The usual revert some of those settings during updates, so you’ll have the reapply them from time to time
It’s like the Microsoft anti-trust trial in 2001 never happened.
Using W11 today, that’s my first thought too…It’s just ad after ad for Microsoft services. You will fucking install O365 or Microsoft will kill a kitten.
Must buy OneDrive or X doesn’t work anymore
Need to buy a subscription for fcking MS Solitaire or you get inundated with ads
X is trash anyway
Weyland’s taking forever, though.
Wayland’s been pretty nice the 3-4 years I’ve been using sway
I swear I now can’t tell whether people mean twitter or an arbitrary variable when they say X now…
Can’t you install Windows 7 games package ? I did it with win 10 and I got all the solitaire, free cell, minesweeper, etc… without ads
It is not an official Microsoft package but you can find it easily on Internet.
A lot if things have changed since 2001. For example, the legal definition of “trust” when concerning giant corporations.
Mobile stole so many users from MS In the last 10 years that there is nothing the government could do about this.
Not a solution since I don’t use w11 but whatever solution you find, it’s most likely going to get reverted after a update since Microsoft, hooray!
But as others suggested maybe try ShutUp10, not sure if it has a fix for this but try your luck I guess
Using GNU/Linux instead
Oh you have a problem with your car? Just get a different one.
Same energy.
Have you ever tried GNU? It’s very different than just switching a car
I know it is. I couldn’t figure out where the keys went.
Well the different car is free though?
free as in beer yes, but not free as in the amount of time you will spend trying to install drivers for all your peripherals and then find yourself being castigated for asking for help in a GNU/Linux forum and being criticized by forum oldheads for not using the search even though you did use the search, but it only led you towards other threads which also all ended with terse messages to use the search, and then you’re directed to a 1200+ page megathread on driver issues and told to spend the next three months parsing through it repeatedly before daring to post again.
Installing drivers on Linux is faaaaaar easier than on windows. Most of the time you don’t have to do it and it’s just in the kernel by default, with the only major exception being Nvidia GPUs (in which case just open your software centre and search Nvidia then press install) and some broadcomm WiFi adapters.
I spend far more time working out how to do something on windows than I do on Linux.
Like when something goes wrong and I get an error code like “E819664167” and I’m like what the fuck is that supposed to mean??? Then you look it up online and all you find is people saying “I dunno, maybe you just need to reinstall Windows”.
Meanwhile in the extremely rare instance where something goes wrong on a Linux machine, the error message is typically very searchable or even immediately understandable, like “incorrect permissions to access [file]”
The “if you don’t value your time” argument applied 20 years ago. These days it’s mostly plug-and-play for typical users, you spend far less time troubleshooting than you would dealing this type of BS like OP does. My time is too valuable to be using Windows even if it has some advantages.
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These criticisms sound more like they’re from 2003 than 2023. The only time I’ve ever had to “install drivers” when using Linux was back when I had an NVIDIA card, and even then a working open source driver (nouveau) came included by default, as is the case for most peripherals.
If anything the situation is significantly worse on Windows, where you still have to download .msi files from hardware vendors’ websites to get even the most basic shit like wifi working on a clean install, and that’s assuming you already know exactly what’s in your computer to begin with.
Wow, a reply that’s not from the Linux circlejerk that seems to be the default of the fediverse. I had to make sure that I was still at the correct website.
Linux isn’t that bad nowadays, though when you hit a problem it still entails quite a bit more work than when on Windows. I do get the frustration with the oldheads though!
Assuming compatible hardware, what kind of problem would you hit that would be easier to troubleshoot in Windows?
Linux isn’t that bad nowadays, though when you hit a problem it still entails quite a bit more work than when on Windows.
I really don’t understand the people who say this. Having an issue on Windows is an absolute nightmare. You have to navigate through countless menus, look through a bunch of SEO farming shit pages that say they have solutions but they actually just want to sell you DriverEasy or whatever, look through similar if you’re lucky microsoft support pages, that basically all they say is “oh, do sfc /scannow in the terminal… oh it didn’t work? delete everything and reinstall windows”
On Linux if I have an issue I lookup the error and the solution is in the first few results, which is usually “put this command in the terminal” or “change this in this config file” and everything starts working again immediately. Most of the time I don’t even have to reboot.
You may like it or not, but it’s a very valid answer for OP’s question
No it’s not lol.
Completely changing your OS over a pop up is not a valid answer. It’s overkill.
By clicking yes you will never see it again 🙃
Say yes, but use Firefox.
Switch to linux
Have you tried clicking “Don’t switch”?
I imagine Windows treats “don’t switch” like “not yet” and will try again later
doesn’t everyone?
Yes, it continues to prompt occasionally afterwards.
They have a bunch of these things that get prompted periodically even if you said no initially (like things on install/upgrade). SOME of them only come back once. But Microsoft dynamically chooses what to push on people so that can change at any time.
I’d like to mention Windows 10 LTSC here. It’s an official Windows 10 Edition from Microsoft, designed for enterprise and embedded usage. Therefore it has no bloatware, no annoying feature updates, no ads and only the absolute minimum of telemetry. If you don’t like Windows but somehow have to use it, this might be the right choice for you.
Out of curiosity, except obviously people who don’t use Windows, who would it be the wrong choice for?
If you use modern hardware it doesn’t behave quite well and gets worse battery life. If you use any tools from Microsoft (WSL, Office, Windows Terminal, etc) most of those are incompatible or a pain to install. If you use anything from the Microsoft Store, including Game Pass, since it just doesn’t include the Microsoft Store.
Well, interesting to know. Thanks!
That’s somewhat wrong. I had no problem installing WSL, Office or Windows Terminal, and they all work fine. The only thing that’s actually a problem is the missing Microsoft Store, but since I’m not using it anyway it doesn’t bother me.
Doesn’t the Enterprise version require a bulk license agreement?
Have you tried switching your default search engine to Microsoft Bing in Chrome?
Straight up the same playbook that other entities used in the past to get your grandma to install unwanted search bars in internet explorer. No wonder Windows Defender is so advanced, Microsoft has a lot of experience as the developer of the most popular malware in the world.