Is the worth as news? Ain’t that an open secret already?
It’s good to keep pounding this info to normies. Maybe they’ll understand one day.
Now that’s a word that does not need to be used in journalism.
It’s OK, they changed the headline to say “slurping” instead. Clearly much better.
Why was SCRAPING off the proverbial table??
I’ve got a 2021 Kindle Fire HD 10 tablet and I’m sick of Amazon’s crap. I mostly use it for watching YouTube, any recommendations for a ~$150 (non-Samsung) tablet the same size or bigger with a headphone jack? Willing to buy used.
See if there’s a jailbreak or root available.
There’s not, it’s too new. There’s some stuff Fire toolkit could do but it’s severely limited on newer Fire tablets.
Can you disable some stuff? ADB?
“snarfing" and “throbber” are two of my favorite niche tech terms
But Lion-O, Kit and Kat are in trouble!
It’s okay Snarf, we know you did nothing wrong.
I like it! What a great word. I’m gonna snarf it
Found the Thunder Cat.
Let me guess Java Script they load on their website?
Block that shit with noscrypt, website still works since they want to sell you shit
uBlock 3rd-party frames & scripts blocked. Same effect but with predefined lists.
Question on that topic, is blocking JavaScript generally advised in browser settings? I’ve tried it once or twice and noticed things like login buttons might not work. Any difference with using the extensions?
JavaScript is backbone of modern web app and a privacy and security nightmare.
As such my policy is only load what is a must for me to get what I need from the website.
There various options but I prefer noscrypt on top of ublock on Firefox.
Ublock cleans up ads and I use noscrypt for fine control.
Generally you must load on the main website scrypt for it work, sometimes cdn. I then turn them on one by one until I get what I want.
It takes time to learn but once you understand what each parasite does and you tweaks are saved. It is a smooth sailing. It will take time though.
I degoogled so I keep sundar the creep blocked most of the time. No Facebook.
With payment processing you have to let their party scrypt run etc.
Hope this helps, let me know if you got questions.
And remember, freedom ain’t free!
Java is baxkbone of modern web app and a privacy and security nightmare.
JavaScript. Two very different things. Though Java can also be as it’s used in backend quite a lot.
Correct… Let me fix that
Awesome explanation. Thank you! I’ve been getting more into privacy and security here and there and I’ve also degoogled with graphene, run brave with strict blocking, VPN with ad blocking, etc. I knew JavaScript could be bad but never looked into it much. I may make that my next endeavor.
You are already 90% there from normie perspective… Unless your concern is a state threat actor, like my fed Joe.
Jshelter is also useful but it breaks a lot of web outright.
Yeah. I’m trying to compromise based on “threat level” but I’m also happy to try a way to f*** over the data tracking/profiling anyway I can. Lol