I say this every time the topic comes up, and I’m always downvoted for it but here goes again:
YouTube is going to do this suit because YouTube CAN do this shit. It’s their company. They can enshitify it as much as they’d like. And they WILL enshitify it as much as they like as long as people continue to use it.
How long have they been in existence now? 18-19 years? And with every year they gets worse and worse, while growing bigger and bigger. Why do you think that is?
Could it be because they know that although everyone will bitch about them, complain about them, and write scathing tech articles about them- people will still gobble their shit up regardless.
Don’t like what YouTube is doing? Maybe think about not using it. Because as long as you’re participating- either by creating content or viewing it- you are a big part of the reason they’re getting away with doing this shit.
Downvote away.
Youtube started when hosting video’s was way easier. The files where smaller, the bandwidth of most people wasn’t that great either. Storage was more expensive though.
These days everybody wants 4K footage and everybody was 100-1000+ mbps internet and we have 4K screens so we can also watch it.
The competitors who host it are either paid up front or porn sites. Because there is no real way to start up a competitor to YouTube. I decided to accept that and I have RSSfeeds of all the creators I like to watch so I bypass the algorithm
I’m very surprised you got downvoted for saying that
Me too. I never try to come off as pushy on the topic. Just suggesting an option, but man… people haven’t responded well to it in the past.
They get away with it because they don’t have serious competition and the reason for that is that allowing anyone to upload videos for free, to be viewed by anyone else for free, is by itself not a viable business model.
It’s the size really. As with most social media platforms, often they are fairly easy to create (YouTube definitely isn’t, but many could). Problem is that it’s impossible to compete with, because people expect the activity you get from hundreds of millions of users.
Same goes for Twitter, Reddit and whatnot. Since capitalism took over the internet completely, basically none of the large plattforms have been outcompeted really.
To big to fail isn’t the banks nowadays, well then to, but it’s IT as well.
Let’s just say, unless YouTube crosses people’s bottom lines and there’s an alternative being actively advertised, people won’t move.
Otherwise, they push that bottom line further.
The lack of alternatives where creators actually get paid for people watching their videos is the biggest problem.
Even youtube doesn’t pay the creators that much. Lois Rossman in a recent video showed some of his video in YT that had over 200k views and generated ~100 USD of income.
And that’s probably what will kill them as payouts get worse and worse making other platforms more attractive as you’re not losing as much. A lot of YouTubers I follow seem to becoming more and more reliant on Patreon as ad revenue goes down.
On a related note. Why would creators add sponsored segments/other sponsoring/patreon etc if YT pays them enough?
YT doesn’t pay them enough. Unless your some kind of super star.
Nebula pays creators, and you pay to Nebula.
I have nebula, but still pay also for YT subscriptions
Agreed. Seems there no floor to what people will put up with from them. I can’t understand it. I’ve tried products and services I found that I absolutely hated. I don’t have those products or services anymore.
It’s pretty easy to not do something.
People well not pay for anything. I mean you can get YouTube premium without ads. But the vast majority don’t want it. And since no one well pay for anything how does a computer to YouTube make money?
Shit tons of people are paying for it. And the ones that aren’t, are viewing ads- both of these things are a profit for YouTube.
The only option you have is to not use the services at all. This is how you hurt them.
Nope. I don’t pay for it, and I don’t get ads.
For now.
The day I’m forced to watch YouTube ads is the day I never use it again
At the end of the day, we’d all be better off if everyone just never used it again, because as long as people put up with what they do- the more they’ll do it.
@aeternum @technology Adguard blocks all advertisements on there. I’ve installed that, and I’ve never received a single one. As much as I wish I could simply mix YouTube for my life, I can’t, because too many of the folks who produce content up there use it as their only means of sharing that content with the world, so I’ve sort of struck a balancing act between watching the things I want to watch, Will still remaining conscientious of what the companies behind it are doing.
does it count as viewing if every time I just download the videos with yt-dlp, and watch in a good media player?
Yeah, what the fuck is the article talking about? I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube in years.
Did u mean “tax for the poor and stupid”?
And since they made so much while people are effectively using adblocker, there’s no need to fight them back, right?
It’s not about making money, it’s about making all the money. Stock holders will pressure to fire the guy that does that.
It’s not about making money, it’s about making all the money.
It’s probably also about sending a message.
And yet they aggressively demonitize channels.
I mean they don’t want to pay the creators thats abundantly clear.
Line go up
Still need a good strategy for blocking ads on my TV. Mostly watching YouTube through a Chromecast so I can control it from my phone
Same but I don’t use YouTube I tend to use it for TV. Cast and forget cable TV for free.
I hate edge but edge also let’s you stream from your PC to TV with no ads.
Android TV https://smarttubeapp.github.io/
PiHole can mostly block ads on propetiary software
Not YouTube because the ads come from the same “source”, so blocking that DNS would mean blocking the actual video, too. That’s my week understanding of it, at least.
Subbed to find out what your month understanding will be
My true fans will hang around for my year understanding.
Can’t weight!
GrayJay seems to work for that.
You need an android TV or an android box similar to a Roku to use that? Not super familiar. Any recommendations to be compatible with my current non-smart TV?
Android streaming boxes are the most flexible. Replace the stock launcher with projectivy once set up.
Inexpensive/basic: Onn
Best for multi-speaker theaters and video upscaling: Nvidia Shield Pro
I have no issue in paying creators with my YouTube Premium subscription. What annoys me is seeing creators feed the algorithm with “regular posts” or create filler videos for sponsors when they have nothing to say.
That and seeing explainer videos from someone who learned something five minutes before recording… the number of copycats and regurgitating the same news content is depressing.
The same goes for the epidemic of faceless AI videos narrating generic content… horrible. The “don’t recommend channel” must be worn off by now, from me alone. :-)
Fantastic exceptions from talented creators make it worth it, so I am happy.
Youtube has ads? Since when.
What rock have you been hiding under?
Duck player bro
I think he means native sponsored segment when you’re the first person to watch with sponsor blocks. But that’s mostly only videos realeased under 5 minutes ago.
Fortunately LibreTube and NewPipe exist 👍
Yeah. What ads?
I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock. I never see any ads on youtube.
Reminder that Firefox on mobile also has ublock origin and other add ons that improve the experience.
Does Firefox on iOS have extensions? I have to use Orion by Kagi to get extensions on iOS.
It does not. If you don’t want to sideload, consider AdGuard and/or Vinegar. Only works with Safari, though.
Look into Sideloadly and uYouPlus by qnblackcat . I’ve been using it for years now, and while a hassle to sign the apps every week, it’s the best we have unfortunately.
Yeah extensions on Firefox mobile is fucking awesome
Safari in itself also blocks a lot of ads, but if that is not enough IOS users can also install Firefox. There is no reason to watch ads anymore
As far as I know, Firefox doesn’t have ad blocking or extensions on iOS. Safari with AdGuard does pretty well though, and there’s Vinegar for YouTube specifically.
I find using it in a browser clunky. Much prefer a dedicated app (now I use Tubular), which gives some extra functions like downloads, history and playlists.
This is the way. Just make sure to disable the YouTube app on your phone so links people send you don’t open in the app.
What ads? My adblocker still works.
I don’t hate them. I think 80% should go back to the creators though.
When they’re every few minutes, screw that. I do.
… And has made video content for billions of people unbearable to watch or enjoy.
Ads? What ads?
I pay for a YouTube premium family plan. It’s probably a rip off but my kids enjoy content on YouTube more than any other platform but YouTube is not safe for children with ads enabled (and YouTube kids is a joke)
Soggy cereal made a video about how YouTube ads are unsafe a few weeks ago and that was exactly my experience before I started paying for yt premium, look that up if you are curious
There’s literally porn ads on yt. Recently an acquaintance of mine got one of those “Look what she said when she saw the size of his dick. You can have a bigger dick if you just buy our product”, with plenty of suggestive imagery. And scam ads. My mother got scammed because of a youtube ad pretending to sell products in the name of a famous brand of supermarkets in my region.
It’s not just ads on Youtube. It’s also all the sponsor crap and filler content to get to 10 minute videos.
I use it with an adblocker and sponsorblock but it’s still shit.
Why ten mins? Do they only paid if they make it ten mins or longer?
For sure. YouTube creators shilling for honey while Honey stole their affiliation money shows how little time they spend vetting their sponsors. The stuff they peddle is usually a few ticks away from scam, pretty much always overpriced. The day sponsorblock stops working, is the day I stop paying for YouTube premium and using youtube. It’s a pity, because there is a lot of good content on there.
I’ll just share with you my experience:
I was also paying for a YouTube Premium family plan, but still got ads. What made me cancel was the fact that they’re still using trackers, so they were making money off me three times (subscription, ads, and selling my data)!
Coupled with the fact that “content creators” don’t really make content for the love of making it. It’s all created “for the algorithm”, especially the “watch to the end”, clickbait titles and thumbnails, “like and subscribe” begging, “only 15% of you are subscribers”, sponsored content disguised as education, etc… Videos today are nothing like they were 15 years ago, because it became solely about making money.
Google is one of the pioneers of the enshittification movement!
Tinfoil hat time:
YouTube allows/endorses/pushes ads not suitable for kids because they know parents, of all people, have no time to curate their kids’ ad experience and will just fork over the cash.
I think your theory is plausible. On the YT smart TV app, the ads seem to be increasingly about unpleasant things like dick pills, period pads, and constipation treatments. I think they literally serve up unsavory ad content as a way of punishing you into shelling out for a subscription. Jokes on them, I just switched to SmartTube.
And youtube. Kids sucks so much because they don’t really want anyone to use it… Sadly though, they don’t have to plan to do these things. They just don’t invest in making them kid safe.
Can confirm. As soon as I turn off personalized ads, I get nothing but “find hot ladies in your area” and “play this hentai game” ads across all Google products. It’s ridiculous.
YouTube ReVanced all the way
Do you think a GrayJay will stand o a NewPipe for this?
I’ve been getting NewPiped down, myself.
But it’s nice to see alternatives floating.
PipePipe worked for me when stock NewPipe didn’t. YMMV