A good breakdown on their progress: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43200604
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Politics aside, I’d be curious to see how far something like this can go. Can’t not think of Opera Software - even they were not successful while they were using their own proprietary tech.
Once Servo is finished, we might have a browser rennaisance (I hope)
That would be nice. I know lately I’ve been playing around with gopher sites with command line browsers. It’s been fun seeing what others have made.
Good, the world is in dire need of competition in this arena.
I’ll be great. The big question is how long it’s left until a stable release
Ladybird says 2026. Given the current state and progress, I believe it may be quite usable by then. I use it sometimes for basic surfing and leaving forum comments. It works surprisingly well often though it is still far from general use. I think the dev team tries to use it themselves for things like Discord and GutHub. They did a demo last month where it “almost” ran Gmail.
I am not sure that Servo has set a timeline. I expect it to take longer.
If you don’t mind my asking, what forums do you use? I’m trying to find new communities.
I’ve been testing it out, it’s pretty fucking rad.
Just installed it on void. Still not quite usable for daily use but it’s not bad.
The main issue I have right now: the jurisdiction of this is in the US, and to be honest, I don’t trust the US that much when it comes to privacy laws regarding the (near) future.
the EU wants backdoors to encryptions, so eu not any better.
It certainly is the lesser evil though.
what r they gonna do if it’s open source and doesn’t collect data. worry more about ur OS
I’m pretty sure my Debian doesn’t collect personal data either
I’m not naive enough anymore for this kind of trust.
Ask Mozilla
I love it when I see Ladybird come up! ESPECIALLY now with the ongoing enshittification of FF lmao
So keen for this.
same slogan everywhere, plant pictures for a strong greenwashing aesthetics, old white men smiling reassuringly. 5/7 homepage.
Ladybird is a brand-new browser & web engine.
That is not the point of making another browser.
Congratulations on completely misunderstanding the comic.
Ladybird is not a new standard. It is a new implementation of existing standards. Nobody has to change or adapt anything.
It still has some of the same problems as the comic, though not to the same extent, it doesn’t need to be a standard for the comic to make sense, it’s also about market share. Having yet another browser has the potential of diluting the market and making people just go for the default.
I might agree if it was another Chromium browser or something, but this uses its own rendering engine and thus directly opposes Google’s dominance on web standards. Currently, there are only 3 major rendering engines:
- Blink - Chromium browsers (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc)
- Gecko - Firefox browsers
- WebKit - Safari, GNOME Web (Epiphany), and Konqueror
Ladybird and Servo (Mozilla R&D project) are new ones, and Ladybird seems to have more traction.
Engine diversity is important. Browser diversity… a bit less so.
Excellent edit. Did you make it?
I actually saw someone make the same edit, but I couldn’t find it in time, so I made my own edit.
Currently there are 3 browsers available and one of them is only available on overpriced disposable hardware.
If the latter is Safari, then WebKit-based browsers are available for Windows and Unix-likes too.
Actually WebKit is often used in the same role Gecko would be used, until Mozilla decided they don’t want alternative browsers on Gecko.
If the latter is Safari, then WebKit-based browsers are available for Windows and Unix-likes too.
Which are? Please list a few current ones that have reasonable backing and at least a mid-size community.
I wasn’t thinking of such and meant
.Here are two on Linux:
- GNOME Web (was called Epiphany)
- Konquerer - KDE
Those are the two biggest desktops on Linux. In fact, when I run Tauri (like Electron, but uses your system webview instead of bundling it), it uses GNOME Web on my system.
They still exist? I was under the impression that they are abandoned.
They absolutely do. A lot of distros package Firefox or Chromium or something as the default, but those browsers are default for their respective DEs.
Here are their most recent releases:
- Konquerer - 24.12.2 2025-02-06
- GNOME Web - 47.3.1 (Jan 2025)
They don’t move very fast, but they don’t need to since they just pull in upstream changes. Their main purpose is to provide a default webview and browser, but most people use a different browser for everyday use.
Konqueror is more or less dead as a browser. I don’t even think kwebkitpart is maintained anymore since QtWebkit was abandoned with Qt6.
To go along with the alt right stuff, one of their major donors is Shopify.
So what?
Shopify willingly hosted and sold Kanye’s swastika shirt.
Why is this relevant to this sponsorship and the development of the browser? I wouldn’t mind Kanye donating himself if that ensures that we get a great browser. Who cares where the money comes from?
Wow. So if Nazis contributed to a project you like that’d be ok cause that’s what I’m reading from your reply…
Yes. Support is unidirectional not bidirectional.
Holy shit… Dude you need to reevaluate your world view.
Nazis go to cinemas and pay tickets, supporting the cinema’s business. But that doesn’t mean the cinema endorces nazism. Your logic is simply flawed.