Hi fellow selfhosters!
What hostnames do you use for your systems and services?
And maybe why if it’s an interesting story.
I’ll start:
Steam Deck: krax
Smartphone: krix (once I get LineageOS installed again)
MiniPC: krux
Reserved for future use: krex & krox
Creative, I know. 😅 The names have no deeper meaning. The x comes from Linux. That’s it.
I know some of you use god names of certain pantheons, such as Thor. But I find that boring as a lot of people are doing that.
Now let your pants down and tell me all about
your embarrassing host names!
My first computer job was at a college that used names from ancient history and mythology. So I mostly still do that. Medea is my plex server. Zeus and Hera are the hosts for docker and VMs. Heimdall is the router.
The only break in the pattern is my storage, which is currently NASC and NASD…
Oh and my personal machine used to be HAL_9000 (complete with wallpaper and theme sounds) but now I just name it “box.”
Three-letter words that can be typed with one hand, since I have to type them frequently.
$ egrep "^([qwertasdfgzxcvb]{3}|[yuiophjkllnm]{3})$" /usr/share/dict/words
This is the way.
Username checks out
Yes, yours too.
You have a mighty big hand if you reach l and a with the same one
Mine just moves 😉
? A and L are on opposite ends of the keyboard.
Hmm, this wouldn’t work well for me since I use Dvorak. All the vowels are on the left and the most common consonants are on the right.
My consonant options on the left hand are: py (top) and jkxb (bottom).
Norbert, Norbina, Morbert, Morbina, Hassio, Nassio
@Krik devnull, devzero, devrandom
obv, devnull runs fileserverNice!
Is devrandom your router or something?
@sugar_in_your_tea pihole and searxng :)
You’re a monster. My scps would go nowhere
@Krik For my personal devices, i use the names of the 12 Colonies of Kobol from Battlestar Galactica. So I currently have 2 laptops: Aerilon and Caprica. When I get a new phone, I’ll probably name it Scorpia or Tauron.
Choosing a good naming scheme depends on how many you need, and how often you add to your collection.
If you need some inspiration, check out this list. https://namingschemes.com/Main_Page
my local hostnames are all David Bowie related. I have: outside (my laptop) blackstar (server 1) starman (server 2) heros (desktop1)
I am a simple person.
My PC: Panda
My wifes PC: notpanda
Docker VM: dockerhost.homeAll my hostnames are after Zen Buddhist concepts, like shikaku, hongaku, mushin, wuwei, jiyu, etc. My printer is the only thing that breaks this trend, it is named pos
Why not Saṃsāra? Or maybe it’s Rin’ne in Japanese?
I have been saving that one for when I get a framework laptop
They’re all some kind of machine. Steam deck: SteamMachineryV1
PC: ArchMachineryV2
Phone: Android_μMachine
Oddly enough my server goes by MonoVerse, which I named first and I guess it just stuck.
Lol, my server goes by “nas”
Man I’m lame.
Used to be {env}-function##
Now it’s {env}-{vlanlocation}-function##
VLAN location such as DMZ, Infra, Jump for jump boxes, IOTSec or IOTInsec, Etc
After a long career in tech, one of the things I start to push for when I inevitably take over ops at my new job is to eliminate the silly names.
I don’t do it because I hate fun, I do it because when someone yells, “Squirtle has dropped off the network!” I don’t want to have to go consult a lookup table to learn that Squirtle is a staging environment postgres replica and not the primary billing database.
As a result, I apply the same standards to my home network without shame.
It’s the right move.
I tell you, the first time you’re sat in front of a CEO and an auditor and you have to explain why the big list of servers has a highlighted one called C-NT-PRIK-5 is when the fun stops.
Explaining that it’s short for ‘customer network tester Mr. Prickles 5’, and is actually a cacti server never really seems to help the situation.
At least a few of the customers got a laugh out of it being on the reports!
I just read this as:
you’re sat in front of a CEO
the fun stops.
Agreed. Lol
AI from fiction:
HAL M.O.T.H.E.R AM Jarvis
I named mine after different Half Life characters: GMAN- Server FREEMAN- Main Gaming Rig ALYX- Laptop
And so on…
When I was 18 and in my first job, my boss and I installed the very first windows NT file servers for a major uk public sector organisation. They were all named after beers that we’d drunk on team nights out. We had Blacksheep, Tanglefoot, Snecklifter, and so on. They were in a test environment so it didn’t matter. Until they went into production…
That was over 30 years ago now, but I still usually resort to beers.
Slightly unrelated but when my family was remodeling our kitchen in the home I grew up in, we pulled the oven out and found the side of the cabinet had an interesting scrawl on it that must’ve been from one of the builders:
“When you’re out of Schlitz, you’re out of beer.”
I found it so amusing wondering what the motive behind that was. So I guess your hostnames kinda reminded me of hidden beer-related tradesman graffiti. XD
Mine are named after the penguins from the Madagascar movie : Skipper, Private, Kowalski, and Rico.
Unfortunately there’s only four so I often supplement with a suffix. For example, I’ve got an old windows laptop kicking around that is “rico-w”
… I should really commit to a naming scheme with a wider array of options.
Why limit yourself to the penguins?
Yeah… I should expand. The penguins are just my favorite part of those movies and it matches the Linux motif that I started with yet falls apart, you know, when I name a windows laptop
: P
Man I do variations of food truck that don’t exist. Example. Gaming pc : food station Phone:food truck Laptop: foodpad Server:foodcentre