It’s been a long time since I looked but I hope most cars still have physical buttons/controls for all important functions! Besides being easier and faster to use, without them if a touchscreen malfunctions (hardware or software) everything is gone and you wouldn’t be able to drive the car. Then there’s the tracking and spying, and sometimes bugs and UI changes after updates–and now ads!?# Cars are becoming as enshittified like everything else now.
Are we gonna have to physically roll down our windows again?
My car armrest has physical buttons (edit: I guess you’d call them “rocker switches”) that I can push forward or backward to raise/lower the windows. It would be absolutely ridiculous to make me navigate a menu on a touchscreen to do that–please tell me newer cars aren’t doing that?
Unbelievable levels of ingenuity.
Now get rid of the touch screen entirely. Mark my words, the first electric car unveiled as a totally analog experience will be incredibly popular.
Learning from Scout, which is also under the VW umbrella:
That’s very positive.
Thank you! Now bring back physical keys too!
The very definition of the solution looking for a problem that one.
Oh look I don’t have to put the keys in the ignition that saved me a whole tenth of a second. Of course now it’s possible to lose my keys in my own car.
Aw, just when they were about to get rid of the steering wheel, shame.
Btw, is that a tablet dock i see?
The thing in the middle under the display? I’d assume its a scrolling wheel, kinda like on your mouse but very wide
Nah, it was somewhat of a joke about the built-in but locked away infotainment systems.
ahh well, guess that is my ! moment of the day
I swear I‘ve read this headline like 4 times in the last month in this very community.
Too bad, i liked the way it was going… in my experience 80% of the buttons are unnecessary, provided of course that the automation is well thought out .
That 20% though…you want that to be physical.
hoping the whole industry follows after, please subaru go back to the climate control buttons
Not out of the goodness of their own hearts mind. It’s probably more because Euro NCAP are going to be deducting score for not having physical essentials in 2026.
Nah, this „news“ is from early to mid last year. Their designers simply took notes and realized touch screens suck for a vehicle.
And I doubt they’re much more expensive.
Thank you!
I don’t care what the reasoning is behind the decision (customer feedback vs. changes to safety ratings), I’m just glad it’s happening and I hope all manufacturers follow suit.
This has been my gripe with new cars ever since I found myself needing one in 2022. Everything I looked at had a huge infotainment system front-ending climate and cabin controls. Want to turn your steering wheel heat off mid drive? Ha! Tap this specific spot on this screen 3 times and hope the car doesn’t bounce while you’re doing so or you’ll accidentally turn something else on. Want to use voice controls? Joke’s on you, they only work 50% of the time.
God forbid something happens to the control board (which costs thousands of dollars to replace if you’re outside warranty), because then you’re completely hosed.
You know what always worked without fail? The buttons in my 2005 Corolla.
would be nice seeing them doing it instead of talking about it
I mean, that’s step 1? It’s not like they can do an instantaneous cutover, they’ll need to figure out what’s vital enough to deserve buttons, come up with a design/layout for that, find a supplier for them, get them in, start assembling the cars with them… Honestly they’ve probably already done a lot of that behind the scenes already before saying anything publicly. Point is, it’s not like there’s a button in the factory to start making cars with buttons instead.