I don’t think that Elron can really do math, so who knows.
This is the 4-D chess at play actually - now that it’s been delisted, there can’t be any securities class action against him. taps forehead
The Saudi loaners will be satisfied. The banks might not.
This is dee-dee-dee chess, I think.
Big W for the ADL, ratio’ing Musk harder then anyone else ever could
South African Magician Makes $40B Disappear!
Nah, he just donated 40B to the former ownership. Keeping the big bucks in the hands of the ultra wealthy.
Can this man baby just go away? No one cares dude. Enjoy your overpriced echo chamber.
Put another rich guy in charge of spacex first please! I don’t want to be stuck on this rock forever 🥲
I don’t want to be stuck on this rock forever
I have some sad news…
- you’re stuck on this rock forever
- anyone alive today who sets foot on mars will likely regret it before they die
- robots will conduct all worth while exploration and discovery this millennium
This guy must be from the future. Oh wise one tell us all your secrets.
Ever heard of having some hope my guy? Hate to break it to you but I hope humanity leaves this rock and isn’t stuck here forever. If humanity stays on this planet forever we will 100% go extinct either by war, virus, or the most obvious asteroid impacts or the guaranteed one the sun expanding over a few billion years. If we want to live till the end of time and space itself we HAVE to leave.
The tech we will rely on for interplanetary travel is pretty much settled science, it just takes time and money to implement.
Hoping for unexpected breakthroughs isn’t going to help much.
luckily, he has minimal influence over SpaceX, and only really provide high level direction. Same with Tesla.
Twitter, though… the turnaround time on his whims is staggering
Considering the fuckupery at Tesla (especially as of late), this may not entirely be true. It seems that he has slightly more influence at Tesla than he does at SpaceX, which has been doing a pretty great job.
Glenn Shotwell runs SpaceX and is a competent adult. Nothing to worry about on that front, thankfully.
Ah ok i thought it was musk boy. Tbh I don’t look too much into who the ceo of a company is. Mostly just what they do which i why i love spacex. I take it all my downvotes are the musk haters lol. I’m neutral on that whole thing with him. Can’t say anything about the whole twitter situation as i have never used it.
Him buying twitter was just some sort of narcissistic flex on his daughter.
deleted by creator
I don’t think he ever intended to buy it. He was forced to buy it due to his own stupid actions.
On one hand, I can’t wait for his empire to crumble and on another hand, I don’t want to see this many Elon/X/Tesla links about something so seemingly useless.
And he’s blaming the anti defamation league…
Nothing says definitely not a racist Nazi like blaming the Jews for your failings. Nazis would never blame the Jews for everything.
deleted by creator
Imagine being so conceited that you think you’ll walk away from defaming the ADL.
He’s defaming the anti-defamation league. Ooh, what delicious irony!
Calling the ADL Nazis is probably the funniest thing he’s ever said
Cheer up Elon - it wasn’t worth $44B when you bought it, so it’s lost significantly less value than you think!
Most valuations by actual economists and the like was in the 20-25B range. So it still lost a 5x in value, which is only marginally worse than 10x.
Meanwhile, you have the Elon fanboys still pretending Twitter is doing better than it ever has.
Does he still even have fanboys? Like maybe a dozen or so?
I see a lotta Blue subscribers riding him, but they’re surely a loud minority
Meanwhile, you have the Elon fanboys still pretending Twitter is doing better than it ever has.
replyWell, it is, if you’re a Nazi.
Same person
The point of acquiring Twitter wasn’t to make money; it was to take away something that woke lefty journalists like and give it to fascists.
Have you considered that Elon Musk is a dumbass rather than a super genius?
The guy didn’t plan on buying twitter. He was made to after he tried gaming the system and fucked it up.
And? I seem to recall that he fantasized about doing it loudly enough and in enough detail, that he was legally obligated to follow through to avoid being charged with securities fraud. The reason he wanted to do it was to take a communications medium away from the liberals and give it to the Nazis.
This is marvel-brained fantasy. The guy played games and ended up with a business he doesn’t understand and never should have been in charge of. He’s not a super-villain, he’s an ordinary villain, dumbass nepotism case.
Yea it’s this. If he was smart he wouldn’t make himself look like a total idiot every week.
Both things can be true
Honestly, i think he wanted to oump and dump the stock and was flabbergasted when Twitter forced him to purchase it for the full price he states.
To see him explain it on Xitter or with a cartoon meme or whatever, he was in the “center”, and the radical left was so extreme that they brought the Overton window to the left and ruined his day, and were super mean to him, too, I guess. In other words, look at what you made him do, all normal Americans!
Or something. I guess the super-mean liberals also stole his hair, too.
Is that pronounced “shitter”? Very appropriate.
That’s the best pronunciation, IMHO.
And now that it’s more like a shitty and smaller version of reddit (i don’t see real people posting there anymore), i don’t see how it can recover.
I mean, it was never worth what he paid for it. But, he’s definitely devalued it by a lot.
It was also on a severe downward trend for about a year prior to him buying it.
I swear this is playing out like Brewster’s Millions more and more each day
Except Brewster was a decent guy.
At this point I’m starting to think he wanted to topple Twitter. Nobody is this careless.
My guess is he launched Tesla in China and wanted a WeChat clone, and as he has bought pretty much every company rather than founded them, he just thought it was rinse repeat.
Twitter as WeChat is exactly what I’m guessing Musk is attempting. I wouldn’t be surprised if he started linking Teslas and the Supercharger Network to Twitter.
He has mentioned that the three would have some interconnectivity via his xAI platform. Along with StarLink providing the networking to the platform.
What all it means and how it all works has yet to be seen. Pretty hard to work on new ideas when your company is hemorrhaging money faster than an executive at a top dollar strip club.
Yeah, good points. Maybe all his companies are like this, it’s just the first one that’s been so public and shown his true colours.
Him calling that diver a pedo was when I realised what a moron he is.
Maybe all his companies are like this, it’s just the first one that’s been so public and shown his true colours.
I’m not going to look for it now, but there was a Twitter thread from last year that kind of talks about this.
Basically, SpaceX and Tesla are companies that grew up with Elon as an early investor, and have learned early on how to contain him. They institutionally have firewalls in place to keep him from wrecking the real work they’re doing, like dedicated Musk-handlers that slow walk his bad ideas until he changes his mind a few days later.
Twitter basically had none of those institutional firewalls, and could not container him with company culture.
My hypothesis is that wealth causes brain damage.
When you have a net worth measured in the billions of dollars, it’s genuinely impressive to be able to lose money. With that kind of sum behind your name, you could just do nothing and out-earn most people on the planet with just interest alone. To actually be able to lose money? Now that takes work!
Since Elon is just flushing money down the toilet do you think he might do me a solid and slice me off like 50k? Brah, that’s like if I dropped a penny on you from my last paycheck, right? I ain’t even getting greedy.
Like he could do that for 800,000 people and it would just be buying twitter, right?
With $40 billion you could give a random person $1 million today. Then give another person $1 million the next day. And so on, for 100 years.
And you’d still have a private jet, a bunch of mansions, a fleet of luxury cars, and a bunch of yachts.
It’s completely bizarre that a billionaire that’s so desperate to be popular doesn’t just give money to people. They don’t want to give up the power that wealth gives them and so try to trick people into liking them.
I’m assuming he could still be accruing wealth if he did that.
Assuming he made at least 5% or so per year on investment income, that would be 2 billion, and if you assume a 20% tax rate on that, it would be 1.6 billion, still more than 365 million it would take to give away one million every day.
And so if he could live on less than ~1.2 billion per year, he’d still be gaining wealth…
Didn’t Elon have the opportunity to end world hunger for 8 billion dollars a couple years ago?
Almost. He said that if anyone could present a plan on how to end world hunger for $6B, he’d sell Tesla stock to pay for it.
The U.N. publicly presented a plan on how they’d use that $6B, but it fell way short of that goal. Which isn’t surprising, since they never claimed they could solve world hunger permanently for $6B. Musk’s challenge was rhetorical because the bar was impossibly high. He was really just trying to make the point that he does not have the money to truly end world hunger.
The U.N.'s plan for that $6B would “feed 42 million people for one year, and avert the risk of famine”. That’s nothing to sneeze at, obviously, but it’s not a permanent solution.
Friendly reminder, for context, that the U.S. military budget is $842B. For one year.
As much as I dislike Musk, I think your argument is a bit of a straw man. He responded to something or someone saying it was possible for $6bn. They stopped responding after Musk said “open books for accounting” or something. The UN shouldn’t have responded at all since it wasn’t feasible
I still think it’s interesting information, and feeding 42 million people for a year is a better deal than funneling that money to people like musk or the DoD.