
  • Added “overview” as a new default section for profiles
  • Added “saved” as a new section in profiles
  • Added “all” as a new section in search
  • Updated the look and feel of the login page
  • The status of your logged in session is now checked at startup and a relogin page is shown if needed
  • Added an option to hide all comments made by PipedLinkBot (Settings > Lemmy settings)


  • [Ultra] Feature extension: Summarize third party articles #416


  • The sort icon in posts & comments now matches the current sort

Github issues closed

  • Blocked communities are not blocked #425
  • Tapping into a post, Sync stops displaying the instance of users #237
  • Search bar for instance list #430
  • Instance name missing when viewing comments #421
  • The article summarizer in Ultra does not show "Summary " when using “Slides” view type and “Show image previews” turned off #409
  • Add ability to swipe between instances and communities when using the instance or community browser #405
  • Anonymous profile pic not showing #347
  • Some favoriting improvements #400
  • Subscriptions are still shown when anonymous #348
  • Would be nice if the app had an indicator in the settings of which app icon is currently chosen #399
  • FAB shown in the Theme Management preview doesn’t match the square Material 3 design #395
  • Remove the controversial comment setting #397
  • Remove the “Show user flair” setting #396
  • Move some of the features listed within Settings->Experimental to their designated spots #394
  • When changing the launcher icon the app icons take a good bit to load #388
  • Profile button in List View just a TODO #354
  • “More actions” button crashes app in comments #210
  • Opening ‘More Actions’ when in a post crashes the app #351
  • Dark overlay doesn’t work #344
  • Disable infinite scroll #337
  • The “select source” bottom sheet should dismiss when clicking camera or gallery before it shows the new intent #379
  • Remove twitter previews in the settings #359
  • Card options (columns) missing in View Type Settings menu when view is set to Small Cards #355
  • Server Donations #212
  • Support for viewing instance page #207
  • ‘Legitimate Interest’ GDPR consent settings does not save #200
  • Very unhelpful bad login notification #197
  • Adding Instances (More than just the default instance) #190

Other fixes

  • Fixed an issue where requests weren’t cancelled when changing profile section
  • Pressing About at Root (Everything, Local, Subscribed) should fetch info from the sidebar #39
  • Fixed an issue preventing searches in communities
  • Thumbnails should load much faster now
  • Fixed a crash in the settings when leaving after changing night mode
  • Fixed an issue where the logged out session would not show a profile picture
  • Fixed an issue where communities were not filtered locally when viewing instances
  • Actor pictures now fade in
  • Fixed an issue loading timestamps


  • Gradle > 8.3
  • Now building with Java 17
  • Updated to Android Studio 2023.1.1 Beta 1
  • com.github.bumptech.glide:glide > 4.16.0
  • org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin > 1.9.10
  • > 8.2.0-beta01
  • org.mockito:mockito-core > 5.5.0
  • org.robolectric:robolectric > 4.10.3
  • > 32.2.3
  • > 1.10.3
  • org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup > 1.2.1
  • org.slf4j:slf4j-api > 2.0.9
  • com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver > 5.0.0-alpha.11
  • jp.wasabeef:glide-transformations > 4.3.0
  • org.jsoup:jsoup > 1.16.1
  • commons-io:commons-io > 2.13.0
  • org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 > 3.13.0


  • The old broken tasker integration
  • org.mp4parser:isoparser
  • org.mp4parser:muxer
  • com.github.tittojose:timerangepicker-library
  • In-app Imgur gallery handling


  • Increased the number of threads available to image management
  • Increased the number of threads available to web requests
  • Finally transitioned from Butterknife to ViewBinding
  • Removed the “legacy” dark mode time picker
  • Clicking on any item that requires login now opens the login page (instead of a toast)
  • Domains are now shown for non-Lemmy hosted images
  • Changed the styling of usernames + communities
    1 year ago

    Thanks for all your work LJ, it’s clear the value we get from having you be able to dedicate so much time to working on Sync. Love seeing so much improvement to an already great app.

    I’m especially happy for the PipedLinkBot feature and profile overview.

    Edit: now that the update has shown up on my end and I’ve tried the new features, I’d like to add that I slightly misunderstood what the PipedLinkBot would do, any chance we could have an option for those comments to be collapsed by default instead of hidden?

    1 year ago

    My app crashes immediately upon opening, after the splash screen but before loading any posts. I’ve tried restarting my phone. Haven’t tried clearing the app’s cache because I don’t want to relogin and also I shouldn’t be on lemmy during work anyway lol.

    Running Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra with Android 13 and One UI 5.1. I have sync ultra.

    Edit: Clearing data worked until I restored my settings.

      1 year ago

      I tried clearing the cache and that didn’t work. Also it looks like I’m still logged in so I guess idk what the cache stores lol

        21 year ago

        Clearing the app data didn’t work either. It allowed me to launch the app and browse anonymously. I was even able to log in and browse, but when I restored my settings from the cloud backup the app crashed and now it’s back to crashing upon open.

        Side note: the restore purchases button on the setup screen did not work, but the button in the “Get Ultra” page did.

    51 year ago

    Blocked communities are not blocked #425

    How does Sync have anything to do with Blocks? I read issue #425. The initial report says “Open the community. Click the block button. Community is now in the list of blocked communities.”

    That block button has always been a server-side block recorded on the instance itself, right? So I’m assuming the submitter means they checked the list of blocks on their instance’s website.

    And then you replied that you fixed it. How is this possible?

    41 year ago

    Added “overview” as a new default section for profiles

    This is great and long awaited, however it also means months of muscle memory down the drain again 😂

    181 year ago

    Ugh, this update is so good. This app is so good. Even if Lemmy continues to lose users and content, I love opening this app because of how good it feels to navigate through it.

    • Ljdawson (Sync dev)OPM
      211 year ago

      (シ_ _)シ

      I’m going to keep building it with the faith that this is going somewhere. It’s been really fun working on this.

      131 year ago

      It’s not the user loss that is the concern, it’s the actual contributors that matter the most. As long as they stick around, it’s all good.

      So don’t stop contributing folks!

    1 year ago

    Just noticed a glitch with spoilers I think

    If you use the spoiler tag on a comment and then click on the spoiler to un-hide it, clicking edit will remove the spoiler tag code for the stuff that was originally marked. The " >! ! < " disappears in the editing page is what I mean.

    But if you never un-hide it, you can click edit on your comment and it will show the ">! !< " still there.