How I set up my keyboard for unparalleled ergonomics and portability
Love the magnets!
Super clever way to have a portable setup that you organize once and move around with you. I wish your post had even more pictures of the way you put everything together.
It’s so clever I might want to do something just like that…
Lol, I talked myself out of adding more photos. 😁 I’ll happily go back and add more, and comment again when I’m finished.
Yea please! I’m such a nerd when it comes to the “how it’s made”. Will happily look at however many photos you put of your setup. (And the name of the accessories that you’re using too)
For example what’s the black base that you’re using for your split boards?
Okay, I’ve updated the post with lots more pictures and details at the end, including links to the all the bits and pieces. 😊
Sweet… Thank you, this is great!
Love all the pictures you added, really shows how your setup is so portable and easy to adjust for your preferences. Almost perfectly vertical is quite cool.
I didn’t realize the voyager had a metal base plate? That’s pretty handy.
Appreciate the Amazon links, after all I’ve had the same difficulties sourcing locally ¯_(ツ)_/¯
You’re welcome! Yeah, the magnetic base plate on the Voyager was really tipped me into buying it, since otherwise it’s so similar to the Moonlander. I did add MagSafe stickers to the base of the Moonlander to use with the tripod mounts, and that worked well, but it wasn’t quite as amazingly adjustable and the magnetic attraction was sufficiently strong but not as strong as the Voyager’s.
Very neat setup. Looking good
Thank you!
What are the little pink dots on the keyboard?
Stickers! To help me know which row I’m touching.
Where can I get stickers like that?
They’re often called “jewel” or “gem” stickers, and these are the ones I have. I just had them on hand from an earlier project (bedazzling Flo masks!), so most of the stickers in that pack aren’t suited to the keycap use case.
So far they’re staying on well, but if they start falling off I’m going to try using silicone glue to keep them on.