I have read about some guides and in the progress doing the dactyl manuform, and I have seen that many people used some tape called “kapton tape” or used some shells pulled out from the wire to seperate the columns and rows of the matrix.
I want to know that is it safe to use the electrical tape for this purpose because I have read some comments said that the electrical tape will melt and cause everything around it sticky.
Kapton is the right answer. Electrical tape would work, it’s not going to melt or catch on fire, however, it’s not a permanent solution and the only thing it sticks properly to over time is itself. If you used Scotch Super 88 or some other really decent grade of tape it would probably last a very long time, but you’re far better off getting some polyamide kapton tape
Don’t use electrical tape. It will do exactly what you read it will do - break down over time and leave a sticky, hard to clean up mess. Just buy some kapton tape, future you will be much happier with the results.
If toy have some old silicone around, e.g. used for grouting tiles then don’t use it!
I learned the hard way that it has an expiration date and doesn’t harden after…
@humanplayer2 @dactylmanuform “Doesn’t harden” undersells it. IT STICKS TO EVERYTHING AND WILL CONTAMINATE YOUR LIFE!
Haha, so true! Cleaning it off my cardboard prototype, where I’d also used it for cable management… wasn’t fun.