This is how you know it’s a honeypot now
Wouldnt someone need to be hosting a ton of exit nodes for that to work?
If someone has a Microsoft defender HE IS the honeypot. MD can just hook into that browser and track them.
Yeah, and the FBI has been doing that for at least 7 years now, to catch some pretty disgusting criminals:
If they are willing to do it to catch bad guys, who’s stopping them from doing it to monitor good guys as well?
Yeah, and the FBI has been doing that for at least 7 years now, to catch some pretty disgusting criminals
The outrage…
The outrage comes from the fact that the FBI had to literally distribute that kind of content in order to catch people, and it kind of borders on entrapment.
I don’t have any sympathy for these predators. I’m glad they got locked away. I just think the FBI is using unconstitutional means to do so
Nah fuck that.
Number 1 - the world exists outside the USA and a lot of those fuckers live there.
And Number 2 - kiddie fiddlers don’t get rights and if you can get them through entrapment the its just as good as any other means.
Innocent until proven guilty means nothing to you apparently
That has nothing to do with it though…
That’s not my understanding of “entrapment”. It needs to coerce somebody into something they otherwise would not do.
“Making available” illicit material is not coercive.
If I remember correctly, it was brought up in court but dismissed. So you’re right there.
Is the FBI gonna start giving away cocaine to try and catch dealers too?
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Thats why we use trusted bridges…
And that someone is called “The
SevenFive Eyes”.Five Eyes Burgers and Files
How you think they got Silk Road?
The only time I used TOR mode in Brave was to do download some obscure old 32 bit iPhone IPA games which was an onion link
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didnt the silk road guy use his IRL name for it somewhere and was bragging about it in someway, I remember reading that he didnt have any opsec at all
Oh shit I was not aware of that…also I found out that an fib agent was able to get in under the username “iceman”
What’s that?
Basically a trap made to look tempting or valuable, ex: police run a site to buy illegal stuff for cheap to catch the people trying to buy it, like catching flies that want the honey
In this case if Tor Browser is a honeypot it means feds run the majority of nodes and would have a high chance of being able to easily identify users.
it means feds run the majority of nodes and would have a high chance of being able to easily identify users.
Which is the case.