I’ve got Jellyfin up and running right now on a DS620Slim NAS and it’s running pretty good so far. I’ve seen a lot of people say they prefer Plex over Jellyfin. What are the main advantages to plex?
I really like the more open nature of jellyfin and they seem more ready to embrace new features than plex. For example, last I checked, AV1 encodings are not supported by plex but are by jellyfin.
The only reason I use plex anyway is because I have the problem, that subtitles go out of sync when using the jellyfin app which is pretty much unacceptable when watching anime with subtitles only
Jellyfin is only getting better while Plex is primarily getting worse. You also need to pay for Plex to get many features Jellyfin provides for free.
also, after implementing my pi-hole, I’m not crazy about the fact plex keeps trying to send out analytics.
Something I don’t see talked about enough with Jellyfin is that the UI is much nicer than Plex. It’s so clean and uncluttered, where Plex is this bizarre mess of unclear controls and advertised content.
I couldn’t disagree more and I think you’re in the minority here.
Plex UI is just leagues ahead. Also last I checked the desktop app UI and Android TV ui is pretty bad also. Its just the Web UI in a wrapper.
To each their own and all that, but for my time, I agree with you Plex still has the edge in UI by a wide margin. The advertised content is super annoying but it is possible to trim it.
I’m new to both, and both are terrible if you ask me, but for different reasons. Where I see plex having a clear UI advantage is where it comes with a native app for that platform, which is less often the case of jellyfin (although it’s slowly catching up). Being open source, jellyfin has a clear advantage IMO because with enough traction, the community will be able to do wonderful things (think of winamp skins meets android custom ROM scene, or something to that effect).
And as a new comer having only seen the freemium side of plex, it has really weirded me out in some places (sponsored stuff, stuff of no use to me that I can’t disable, locked out stuff, including petty stuff like HDR encoding…) , so much so that I don’t see myself trusting them my credit card, and so I might never get to experience the “real thing”. That’s just how my perception of it is: Plex probably needs me to pay for it to become good, but it won’t be that much better (and still have many quirks) to justify it.
one main question should also be, do you want to selfhost or not.
because plex is not selfhosted imo due to their login servers.
I mean it is self-hosted… Everything but the Authentication component. That doesn’t make it not self-hosted
I have both. I never touch Jellyfin. Plex is just better experience in every way. If Jellyfin was as good as plex I would use that because I agree more with the philosophy.
Pour que no dos?
As a jellyfin user, I have to say that it sometimes brings more trouble than it solves. Especially for non-admin users
Plex too 😄
Currently just using Jellyfin, but have used both Plex and Emby in the past.
Main reason I switched from Plex was mobile support. I also prefer FinAmp, which I use to download music for access when I’m at work, and at home I can access my entire collection through the same app.
I recommend setting up everything through Docker. I have Portainer running, which helps manage the containers. It was pretty trivial to switch what I was using by just setting up a different container. You can also have both running at the same time off the same library, and see what you prefer.
Yeah I’m running docker for my Jellyfin and cloudflare container right now. I’ll try Plex to see how it works, but my internet might suck too much for the authentication servers
If you’re satisfied with Jellyfin, you should stick to that cause Plex ain’t bringing much to the table in all honesty. I still use Plex cause it works better most of the time really.
Jellyfins Xbox app is unusable and afaik there’s no app for Samsung tvs or at least not older ones.
Hmm how old is your Samsung TV? Jellyfin doesn’t have an official app that you can find in their app store however you can side load it (it’s called jellyfin tizen)
I’ll be honest and it was far from an easy task to side load it and I don’t actually remember how I got it installed in the end but it is doable and works great
If you’re happy with Jellyfin I don’t see a reason to switch. But if you’re missing something, do checkout Plex.
I used Plex for years.
As soon as I tried Jellyfin with a limited section of my library I was immediately finished with Plex.
- Jellyfin works with no internet connection with no stuffing around
- The app is far quicker and more responsive and IMO it looks world’s better
- It handles mixed media libraries better
- A vastly larger selection of my library can be played with zero transcoding in Jellyfin. Less load on my server, less load on my client, less load on my drives and a far, far more responsive UI as a result.
You owe it to yourself to try jellyfin. It’s amazing.
Your 4th point is the opposite for me, any kind of subtitles I have on causes transcoding in jellyfin. Its the only thing stopping me from switching fully.
Set “Burn Subtitles” to AUTO and grab the Open Subtitles plugin and make sure you are logged in. Beware opensubtitles.com and opensubtitles.org are different logins.
I’d say about 95% of what I’m playing is playing without transcoding to my LG CX Oled with Jellyfin app on it.
I don’t know enough about the triggers for transcoding to know why I’m getting this result, but my server has an obscene GPU in it. I’m not sure if this is a factor.
Interesting that I find number 3 different for me. I have a very heterogeneous library and I find plex better at choosing when to transcode and what quality to transcode.
Plex just started requiring a login to my local server. I don’t have a plex account, no reason to get one, I only stream locally. Sounds like Jellyfin is the way to go!
The antenna and music support is better on Plex imo, but I think both require to pay for premium
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I decided to go with Plex because I can use it from my roku TVs and my game consoles. I let a few friends and family members log in as well to stream and they’re primarily doing it from game consoles. Most of those people don’t even have a desktop PC. Granted, I don’t know what features in that ballpark that Jellyfin may have now, I set this up a long time ago and just haven’t really given it much thought since then.
Try both, but personally I had trouble with playback on my older android tablet with jellyfin and so I went with plex which works for me.