Windows 11 is basically Windows 10 with a slightly nicer (in most respects) desktop. There aren’t a lot of compelling reasons to switch if what you have works well enough.
The control panel being much easier to navigate versus all the changes they’re making in settings along with what they’re hiding behind powershell commands is another reason.
The new start menu sucked, and is one of the main reasons I won’t switch.
Windows is so diversed you natively can install WSL (apart from cygwin in the old days) and look like hackintosh at the same time.
My laptop came with it but i downgraded to W10. My issue was with adrenalin driver which barely does its thing on W11
Had to get a new laptop for work. Came with Windows 11. It’s fine. I actually like one feature it comes with that windows 10 doesn’t have. I went through the rigamarole of uninstalling all the nonsense and stopping tracking (yeah, sure I did), and all that. It’s a pain. I did it with windows 10. And 7. And I’m sure I fucked around with XP. I’ll fuck around with every windows I get.
My PC is windows 10. I won’t upgrade. When I build a new one, who knows!
Whats the one feature you like that windows 10 doesn’t have?
Not OP but personally touch input feels much better implemented on 11 than any previous Windows
Right? Bro left us hanging. I wanna know too lol
I liked one thing about this comment, but I’ll never tell…
Computer users hate him for this one trick!
I have a rig with Windows 10, and haven’t upgraded because… Microsoft arbitrarily say my CPU is unsupported, even though it meets all the criteria.
Hell, i refuse to move off win7. And given the eavesdropping behaviour of my laptop even after a deshittification scrub, that’s not gonna change any time soon.
Is 7 still getting security patches?
officially no, even ESU ended jan 2023, but you can get around the MSE ones by a manual install. I’ve also found they allow for extraordinary ones like CVE-2023-29336
Windows 7 is where Microsoft peaked imo.
98/XP/7 was a glorious time. Then they decided way too late that they wanted to be tabletgardenwalledadmachines.
Not on fucking hardware i built you don’t.
While windows 95, windows Me… and windows 11…
Vista, you forgot vista…
We don’t talk about Vista no no no no we don’t talk about Vistaaaaa.
95 was fuckin’ revolutionary back in the day. Quickly became old man yelling at cloud tho.
Yes it was but it was not quite finished that’s why 98 came out so quickly (for the time)
I think you’re mixed up a bit. 98 was the unfinished beast, that’s why 98SE
I Beta tested 98 and was shocked that they cut the gold release when they did, they were still fixing showstoppers pretty regularly at that point during development.
I remembering loving Windows 2000. Where’s the love for 2000? It’s probably because that’s when I started really getting into things, and by that I mean looking at porn (12-13 years old), and so I needed to figure out how to unfuck my parents computer many, many times.
I use windows 10 atm. The wife is using windows 11. This is a laptop though, so I might just keep it as windows 10 and then get a new computer and put linux on it. Windows 11 has no redeeming qualities as far as I can see.
I did exactly that, but my wife is oblivious to tech, so she uses Linux without even knowing.
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I said it before, and I say it again. Once I am forced to switch to win 11, I’m not doing so. I’m simply switching to Linux.
Windows has been on a downward spiral and I don’t see that improving anytime soon
That time was when I was forced to switch from Windows 7. I switched to Linux, found that I can do there most things I usually do on a computer anyways, and never looked back. It reached to the point that someone had to give me an entire SDD with a windows installation just to coax me to use Windows 10. I rarely touch it nowadays, and every time I do, I end up being frustrated with it.
I only use windows for gaming, linux for everything else and have been for many years. I upgraded from windows 10 to windows 11 and had zero issues. It actually is starting to look better as well.
That said, more and more games run just fine on Linux now so I probably won’t need a dualboot system anymore at some point.
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I don’t mind windows 11
Gonna be honest. I didn’t mind XP, or windows 7 either.
I only got win10 because it was free and for Steam.
But now with SteamOS and all those proton updates, I really wont have a reason to use a Windows computer very soon.
I’ll use my Win 10 machine as the daily driver until the very last day of support. I game in 1080, and my 6gb 1060 coupled with my 6700k blows all but the very latest and most demanding games out of the water.
By the time I’m strong armed into Win 11, there might be a better option by then, but at the very least it will be a nice cheap time to upgrade to 2-3 year old hardware so I can continue playing factorio, but in 1440 instead of 1080.
Honestly, I can’t think of a single reason to upgrade, except possibly WSA.
Then again, basically the only thing windows 10 has over XP is WSL.
Hehehe they can’t force me to switch if I don’t have secure boot.
Wait, really? I’ve had it disabled for a while for other reasons. I’m safe from a Win11 forced upgrade?
windows can’t install unless your mobo and cpu support secure boot.
I swear, this shit infuriates me so much when I need to fix booting on some laptop
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It’s true. Windows 11 looks too different for many people, especially in Enterprise and Small Business. People know the Windows 7/10 look and layout and don’t want to learn something new.
Also, when we rolled out 10 in the Enterprise we had our fair share of issues which were eventually worked out over time. Now 10 is finally stable, no one wants to change it again.
Especially in a Manufacturing business where every second counts and any delays cost money, you don’t have time for Windows issues.
Microsoft should make Windows 10 a “Pro” OS for Enterprise and support it forever, and make Windows 11 the “Home” OS for families to use at home. After all they only did it to complete with MacOS, which is predominantly used by home users and doesn’t feature massively in Enterprise
Wow I feel like the lone Mac user on this thread.
This thread is open to anyone that wants to bitch about Windows, you’re more than welcome here.
Well, I’m stuck using a PC at work, and 32 years later they haven’t solved the BSOD. I get a kernel dump at least once a month.
That’s because windows will run on a box of rusty rocks, and works with just about anything and everything. There may be the occasional crash, but the OS WILL run.
Mac OS only runs on their own proprietary hardware that it’s optimized for, and got help you if you have to integrate it with ANYTHING AT ALL.
You’re not alone. There are dozens of us. Dozens!!!