Years ago I worked at an electronics store and have seen some very interesting products over the years with some being very useful.
Not sure how to do a poll on here but wanted to see how people matched on the ownership of some of these useful devices .
Have you ever owned a My (answers)
-PDA? Yes, I had a Palm IIIe
-DVD-Recorder? Yes. Successor to VCR sure didn’t last long… 😖
-WebTV? No. Interactive TV in the days of dial-up. 🙂
-3D Television? No
-Raspberry PI? No but I want to.
-Internet Radio Player? No This would be fun especially if it also had am/FM tuner
PDA: I loved my Palm Pilot and I can still write using that script (was quite nice when I noticed my Android keyboard supported it)
Raspberry Pi: this feels weird to be on this list! I still have one in the living room running Kodi
No to the others, although I did have one of these beauties:
Didn’t have any of these, did have a dvd burner and TV tuner card so I guess I could have had a dirty dvd recorder back then but at the time I just saved the shows I wanted to HDD, watched them and then deleted it and the burner was for movies ripped with handbrake
My parents had a WebTV when I was in highschool. They kept it for a very long time. it was awful.
I also have a Raspberry Pi Zero running a Pi Hole on my network. I don’t think raspberry pi’s are as unusual as some of the other things here. I know a lot of people who use them for various things.
Many PDA’s, a few DVD recorders. No WebTV or 3d TV. A few Raspberry Pi’s and my car’s head unit can play internet radio.
I had a Handspring PDA. Still in a box in my garage in fact, alongside my Nokia 770 “internet tablet”.
I had a Hairy Palm II
- PDA - yes. Palm Pilot and even an Apple Newton
- 3d TV - Yes, but I never used it
PDA: XDA EXEC and some others I can’t recall.
3D TV: no but I did setup my PC for 3D with Nvidia 3D
Raspberry Pi: setup a bunch of the gen 1 units as TVs at a children’s creche
Internet radio: skipped that went straight to streaming
I need to check my processor/motherboard specs to make sure I can set up 3d . Sounds like a blast.
PDA: Palm zire
3D TV: I had one once, but never used the 3D capabilities
PDA - I had a WinCE thing I picked up, never really used it
DVD Recorder - Only in my PC… ‘backed up’ lots of movies
WebTV - I think my current TV still runs WebOS…
3d TV - had one, wasn’t suckered into the £150 active glasses and got a passive set where the glasses were about 10p. Had fun with it but it never caught on.
Raspberry Pi - Loads of the things…
Internet radio player - I guess my car counts.
Those passive 3d TVs should have been cooler back then. I remember Borderlands 2 had a mode where you could use the passive 3d to do splitscreen, but full-screen. P1s screen would be polarized one way, and P2s the other way. You had some bleed between the two, but it was playable
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DVD recorder - hell yes. I probably ended up with 300 totally legally burned copies of Netflix rentals that I’ve since thrown away because DVD quality now looks like trash.
Raspberry Pi - yes,though underused.
Didn’t have the others cause they didn’t really appeal to me. No major use case, IMO
Dvd recorder, raspi sn 3DTV (still my tv. It’d a 4K LG one)
PDA: UsRobotics Palm Pilot!
DVD Recorder: No (apart from the one in the desktop), but VHS recorder Yes, a couple of them.
WebTV: No, it was never a thing in my country
3D TV: I knew it would flop, never bought one. But father-in-law was discarding his 49" one, so I got it (don’t even have the glasses). So yes, sort of.
Raspberry: Yes, bought one, 1st gen, to experiment for a project at work, but ended up using an ITX SBC, for all the RS232 and USB ports already integrated.
Internet Radio: No
Raspberry Pi doesn’t quite seek to match the rest. What’s so strange about that? I have two, a 1b PiHole and a Pi400 that I use as a Steamlink.
Out of that list I only owned a PDA. I had a HP Ipaq 214 that I used as a digital dictionary to look up Kanji by written input when I studied Japanese at university. It was right before the dawn of the smartphone and it was truly remarkable technology.