I have a home server that I’m using and hosting files on it. I’m worried about it breaking and loosing access to the files. So what method do you use to backup everything?
On hope
This is the way.
It’s kind of broken at the moment, but I have set up duplicity to create encrypted backups to Bacblaze B2 buckets.
Of course the proper way would be to back up to at least 2 more locations. Perhaps a local NAS for starters. Also could be configured in duplicity.
Backblaze on a B2 account. 0.005$ per gb. You pay for the storage you use. You pay for when you need to download your backup.
On my truenas server, it’s easy as pie to setup and easy as 🥧 to restore a backup when needed.
My server is a DiskStation, so I use HyperBackup to do an encrypted backup of the important data to their Synology C2 service every night.
cronjobs with rsync to a Synology NAS and then to Synology’s cloud backup.
I backup using a simple rsync script to a Hetzner storage box.