What’s a good and cheap tenting solution for split keyboards? I currently use rubber stands but I can’t get the angle high enough for my liking.
Currently using these and they work pretty well. https://a.aliexpress.com/_mqz9UNE
Yeah those work reaaaaal good i have four of those on my fifi, two on each board.
I found they worked merely okay. Maybe I just didn’t have them positioned correctly but it was a little tippy. This was on a lily58, so the size may have made good balancing a bit tougher.
Either way, I switched them out for the magfrotto tenting, which works super duper well
Yeah, they are tippy.
I got mine perfectly balanced now tho, but with a lot of adjusting.
Oh okay nice! I’m glad to hear it! I had the decently balanced but thumb keys would tip it a bit. So I just decided to upgrade so I wouldn’t have to deal with it.
Plus the new setup is modular so when I assemble my next keyboard all I need to do is add magsafe stickers
I used books to put board over, quite adjustable, though not the best.
If it’s cheap enough to you, the z-tripod is only 25$ (you’ll need two). You could find even cheaper version were you just put the keyboard on it and rely on gravity to keep it from moving.
To give you an idea, manfrotto pocket tripod + magsafe adapter+magsafe rings is about 120€ (about the same in $ I would guess). To me that starts to qualify as expensive.
A very cheap version if you have a 3d printer (or a friend who owns one) would be to design your monoblock stand like this https://www.printables.com/model/311468-corne-tilt. There is the option to print legs too (https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/corne-keyboard-tenting-mod). Jlcpcb or other manufacturers can print them for you (but mind the shipping and taxes).
I designed and 3D printed my own blocks! Didn’t know this was already out there haha
Depends on the definition of cheap, but you can find stuff on thingiverse and get it printed/print yourself if you have the hardware. Otherwise a tripod for each side seems to be fairly popular, either with gorilla grips or simply legs you sit on the desk.
Adjustable Cell Phone Stand for… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KDWXCK4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I got 2 of these and they work pretty well. I put Velcro on mine to hold it in a little better cuz I’m a heavy typer.
If you have access to a 3d printer, try looking for a tenting case on Printables or Thingiverse. The CRKBD printed case I downloaded was pretty good. Plus I was able to modify the design over time to suit my needs. My current iteration is over a year old and I love it.
I use these phone holders; cheap, sturdy, easy to tighten and fold down: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BP1ZQTJ1
Bean cushion/rice bag, anything deformable. Works really well. Buy two smaller ones for distance of you want.