I’m saying this for years, but a) it’s quite late (seems like a 1990s issue) and b) OpenNIC is a bit of a joke atm (but support it anyways)
ICANN never should’ve been a creature of US-NTIA, but of the UN. The US has no right to decide for the digital world how everyone communiticates. No one really should (apart from about stuff like CSAM).
Additional features, custom formatting etc.
NewPipe for example can download video or audio from YT, has fine-tuned speed and pitch control (like 137% speed and 83% pitch or something ridiculous like that), plays audio in background and subscribes to various sources (Soundcloud, Bandcamp, YouTube (a bit of Peertube)) in one feed without an account.
TLDR Ease of Use
700.000 litres also sounds like much more than 700 m³. The average German citizen consumed 129 litres per day or roughly 47 m³ annually. The water consumption of 15 people is less than most blocks.
Energy consumption might be a real problem, but I don’t see how water consumption is that big of a problem or priority here.
While mostly rich people problems, privacy is not the opposite of expression.