Mo-Fr 07:00-16:00 Sa, So geschlossen
Social media fatigue is slowly getting traction. I don’t have an article or study at hand to back it up, but I read about it the other day. Especially in younger generations it’s a trend already.
Also, but that’s only my personal theorie, i think it’s a trend only among the less-hateful people. Hateful people nonstop spewing their vile messages everywhere is making “normal” people leave, which then turns off even more “normal” people.
The enraged slowly turning (unmoderated) social media into one big echo chamber.
What’s the questions-to-answers ratio to make it acceptable to write “CEO here” in a topic, in your opinion?
How much and what would he need to post so damage control would have been done (and successfull) in your eyes?
Just asking in case I become a CEO and see someone having a solvable issue with my company’s sercice.
Yeah, and about that historical comparison… WhatsApp sold out for $21bn. Signals top earners collectively would have to work for 4200 years to get there.
Those guys deserve every cent of their paycheck, because probably any of them could easily earn multiple of that at another company… given their skills and knowledge in the field.
The biggest miracle is them not selling out.
Double edged sword, but yeah.