I mostly agree with you. I’d say the “rest of us” have a certain population that feel like getting on with their own life is now being made impossible/illegal/unsustainable. That leads to disharmony between citizens who would be better off teaming up against the common enemy of Oligarchs. The GOP feels like a symptom of legal human rights violations at this point. If we just keep living our own lives like I would also like to, the blight will just continue to get worse.
I’m not an expert just parroting info from Jayz2cents (YouTuber), but the big AI groups are using $10,000 cards for their stuff. Individuals or smaller companies are taking/going to take what’s left with GPUs to do their own development. This could mean another GPU shortage like the mining shortage andi would assume another bust would result in a flooded used market when it happens. Could be wrong, but he’s been correct pretty consistently with his predictions of other computer related stuff. Although, 10K is a little bit less than your fully loaded SUV example.
It’s funny you use southwest as an example in this. I flew with them for the first time this year and it was easily the worst technical experience from an IT perspective that I have ever had. Sure I got from point A to point B, but everything involved with buying the ticket, getting through security, tracking my flight, boarding time, etc was worse than every other flight I’ve been on. The app was awful and basic features like delay notifications or pulling up the digital ticket made an already expensive as hell experience way more stressful. Windows 95 isn’t keeping up