So here we’re gonna just shovel out all of the cheap and selectively costly licenses on our services for you to watch. All so we can proclaim VaRiEtY.
Oh that show you remembered way back when? Fuck it, don’t know or don’t care! You’ll pay for what we selected for you and you’ll enjoy it.
Braindead streaming logic.
True but the guy was the one at fault and Proton had to comply. The French Activist was using ProtonMail e-mail for bad usages which is what it boiled down to. You left out the part where they complied with Swiss government yes but they didn’t with the French authorities.
Yet it still comes down to people’s own responsibility. But people love to throw that out the window and expect everything to protect them when they get up in shit.
The one and only critique I’ll give to Proton is how they have it where you can have Google e-mails forwarded to you to your Proton address.
And it’s like…why? The entire reason you’re going to ProtonMail is to escape Google. Why the hell would you want Google to try and pry into your Proton usage when all you want is to distance yourself from them?
That’s not a bad thing. Maybe some of us don’t want to be cluttered with a lot of things we don’t really care for on using. God forbid we go back to simpler days of communication whereas now we’ve got things like Discord trying to charge people to pay actual money to have fancy little animations for your profile picture.
Is that what you think is missing? Stupid pointless things that make you feel special because you paid money for it when the true attraction should be focused on how much communicating can be efficient and caring about your privacy and security?
Let’s see…
The launcher itself ran poorly compared to Steam’s. I’ve had instances of it freezing performance down just downloading 1 game through Epic’s launcher.
You’ve locked down games behind multi-year exclusives, pissing off many people along the way that we’re now just seeing their Steam releases.
You’ve spent years giving free games away, promising not to do anymore, going back to doing it again.
The launcher and storefront are incredibly barebones compared to Steam’s. In fact, any launcher not Steam, has incredibly minimal to go with other than just running games through them.
The reason I left Twitch was because the fucking ads were unbearable. I’ve even taken a screenshot to show people that I wasn’t lying when I said I saw that Twitch expected me to sit there and listen to and watch 8 fucking ads. Ads to shit I don’t care about other than think of violent thoughts in what I’d love to do to marketers and find a way to advertise that so they get a god damn clue.
In a perfect world, maybe A ad wouldn’t be so bad. But this has gotten out of hand and out of control. We shouldn’t ever have to sit and watch a string of ads, all varying from 20 seconds to an entire minute and even longer.
And good, I hope YouTube is stupid as fuck enough to be aggressive. Drive more creators out, even hit the successes of the YouTube whores who’ve long lived on the platform. Because all that they’re going to do is affect everyone at the end of the day, all for the sake of profiting for marketers.
The ace in the hole though is that while Steam is effectively cutting down what Windows OSes it decides it’ll continue supporting, people will want an alternative to go to instead of feeling cornered with Windows 10 and 11. Because that’s all that they have right now for gaming, with Linux being optional, but gamers can be awfully picky about what they want to run.
We should’ve known this fact, when we still have those input prompt voice operators that still can’t for the life of it, understand some of the shit we tell it. That’s the direction I saw this whole AI thing going and had a hunch that it was going to plummet because the big new shiny tech isn’t all that it was cracked up to be.
To call it ‘ending’ though is a stretch. No, it’ll be improved in time and it’ll come back when it’s more efficient. We’re only seeing the fundamental failures of expectancy vs reality in the current state. It’s too early to truly call it.
It’s mainly because when everyone saw the “oh shiny” tech at first, they rushed it out as soon as possible with intent to replace people so that they can get away with doing less through AI.