Why is the negative focus always on the tech and not the political system that actually makes it a possible negative for people?
I swear, most of the people with heavy opinions don’t even know half of how the machines work or what they are doing.
Yah I think it’s fairly obvious that people are both fascinated and scared by the tech and also acknowledge that under a different economic structure, it would be extremely beneficial for everyone and not just for the very few. I think it’s more annoying that people like you assume that everyone is some sort of diet Luddite when they’re just trying to see how the tool has the potential to disrupt many, many jobs and probably not in a good way. And don’t give me this tired comparison about the industrial revolution because it’s a complete false equivalence.
No one is fighting to work like slaves. I don’t know where you’re getting that idea. People just want to put food on the table and companies are fighting that very thing. Yes, we all SHOULD be fighting for a better standard of living, but since everyone disagrees on how to achieve that, we have to fight for the next best thing.
And then everyone clapped, right?