Yeah I feel like the upvote button is ignored by these people, it may be more affected. Personally I was never particularly bothered by it, but it doesn’t really warrant a comment.
I like constructive discussion, please feel free to add your own thoughts, but don’t say you agree and leave us hanging.
What makes you say that New York doesn’t have that, most of the city is well served by rapid transit. And I was talking about Manhattan specifically, which is one of the most transit dense places in the world, even if you leave out local buses and just stick to subway and BRT, you can basically get anywhere in the borough. Yeah, parts of the outer boroughs lack frequent transit (especially SI),but most NYers don’t drive, sticking to trains and the occasional taxi. If New York isn’t transit oriented, I don’t know what is.
It’s not profitable, it just lowers the operating ratio, which is what railroads (quite stupidly) judge their productivity on.
Operating ratio =/= more money despite what they think.