A nas may be overkill for what you want.
You may only need a modernish pc with lots and lots of storage so you can keep redundant copies of your library
Plex was super easy for me to set up on my old gaming pc that had multiple TB of storage.
So was jellyfin when i decided to swap.
If you only want to watch your library over your local network and dont care about remote access id reccomend going with jellyfin instead of plex because FOSS vs proprietary software. They both can be configured for remote access but it seemed easier to do in plex and also not something youd want to do depending on where/how you’ve acquired your digital library
Even if you could design your own model… How do you acquire a dataset even a fraction of the size those pretrained models from the corps.
Then how do you train the model in a reasonable time. Other than relying on cloud computing which leads to the same problem of only corps can play this game properly right now.
I designed and collected/labeled the data for a relatively small deep CNN for my masters thesis and training it on 60000 images was taking over a dozen hours (this was 5 years ago at this point so that part may be misremembered) on a 1080ti.
I have… feelings about LLMs being the big thing in AI/ml right now… because its really not much new. Maybe the transformer model kind of but ultimately LLMs are massive supervised learning neural nets trained on obscene amounts of data. And then other models use that pretrained “foundational model” to work and just tune their parameters. Which is why prompt engineer is becoming a thing.
Corpos are playing by the book here and trying to extinguish any competition before it begins by having people rely on their “foundation” models instead of innovating their own solutions
How many tutorials can you find for implementing LLM NLP tasks that dont include “import this model from X company” id wager its only maybe 33%
Hey if you ever have to kick your door in make sure to take one or two steps and firmly flatly plant your foot on the door as near to the handle/knob/latch as you can. Try to step into and kick through it in stride. You’ll need as much of your weight thrown into the kick as you can. Remember how pissed you were while they were installing the new locks youll need that
Do not use your shoulder you will injure it
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