It does not work. At most it looks like it works.
A human brain is able to understand and process information. An AI simply calculates a mathematical function. There is no reasoning and no understanding of anything, all that ChatGPT does is try to look like a human. And by “try to look like a human”, I mean “generate sentences that can be believable, on shape, to be written by a human”.
If you ask it to calculate 2+2, and then tell it that it is equal to 5, it won’t see any problem because it doesn’t understand any of it. But it will give you answers that are, grammatically speaking, reasonably human.
If I ask a rock how much is 2+2 and I throw it, and it bounces 4 times, it does not mean that this rock knows how to count. ChatGPT and similar are just better illusions, but they’re nothing more.
If anything, people who like chatGPT are the ones ignorant of how it works (spoiler: it doesn’t).
And kids with their understanding of technology being limited to youtube and tiktok have no clue about what an AI is. They see it, like most people, as a magic black box that is incredibly smart. Apart from being a black box, none of that is true.
Because you can’t express your opinions without tiktok?
Wow, now that’s a smart take.