From personal experience intel QSV wasn’t worth the trouble to txshoot on my hardware. Mine is a lot older than yours though. Vaapi has worked well on my arc card
I feel you. T9 on my sidekick in 2008 was better than my current predictable text. At one point my screen was so broken that I was using maybe a 1/4" sliver of the screen to text, and text prediction was solid enough to give actual suggestions
They’re acceptable for basic productivity but very sluggish if you’re coming from a flagship device. Get an S10 series if you’re looking for something cheap and Samsung
Most routers have an option to point at a custom DNS first with a fall through for external DNS providers. Best bet is to log into your router and poke around
I’ve been looking for a photo viewing solution for a nextcloud instance and immich seems really nice. Basically looking for something with similar features as iPhotos (stretch goal)
Have you had any bad experiences with bugs or features not working correctly?
Considering Texas’s major tech hub including FB offices are based in Austin idk what bias they think they’re eliminating