Between browsers it’s really “what is the least shit”. I don’t like how Brave is full of crypto shit, and well remember how they hooked their own promo links as well. But, it is the best Chromium browser than has cross platform sync built in I have found. And no, I’m not going to use Firefox.
“jUsT uSe sTrEeT cHaRgErS”. I had a conversation like this here a while back. That person just didn’t accept that no, the city won’t spend millions of Euros on street chargers for apartment dwellers.
I’m aware. It is forced standardization. As for “everyone”, not sure how that is defined but I assume if Google, Samsung, HP, Dell etc decide, Apple has to go along.
That is not what the law is about. We aren’t locked to a single connector. We are however locked to a standard. Meaning if the industry wants to move they can, but they all have to do it at the same time.
No, they don’t. And even if they needed to, they can do it without me knowing it. When was the last time Play gave you an update notification, let alone one that contained Play Services?
You do realize Safetynet is Google’s service, running on their servers, right? If they change how it works in the background, it will break on your phone.