• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I really liked my Keebio FoldKB, which I wrote about here, although for me the main attraction was its similarity to a standard keyboard, which sounds like it isn’t a consideration for you. I currently have a Moonlander, and the last time I was going on a trip, I packed it up but said “f*ck it” because it was just too cumbersome, and just relied on my laptop’s keyboard. I’ve taken my FoldKB on trips before, though, and it was much easier to take along. I think I will continue to use it on trips.

  • If your point is that Harris’s campaign team is full of people looking out for corporate interests, and that reflects poorly on her prospects for taking the side of the people when our interests oppose theirs … ok. It seems like you got a couple of snippets of evidence supporting that thesis: go, get your ducks in a row, and make a blog post with lots of links laying out the evidence as you see it, and we can consider it.

    Making a headline that’s clearly deceptive when considered to be a description of the linked article (which is totally what it is; there is no wiggle room on this) is not going to do anything but annoy people and get them to vote down your post, even if the information considered on its own is something we’d want to know. Someone else will post it with a reasonable headline, and we’ll vote that one up.

  • I’ve found ChatGPT somewhat useful, but not amazingly so. The thing about ChatGPT is, I understand what the tool is, and our interactions are well defined. When I get a bullshit answer, I have the context to realize it’s not working for me in this case and to go look elsewhere. When AI is built in to products in ways that you don’t clearly understand what parts are AI and how your interactions are fed to it; that’s absolutely and incurably horrible. You just have to reject the whole application; there is no other reasonable choice.

  • I’m on a journey to find the “one true keyboard” for me, as you can read about in parts 1 and 2 of my story I’ve linked above. One think that I really want is to be able to switch back to a normal keyboard when needed without difficulty. This means not only sticking with QWERTY, but having modifier keys in the usual places, to be mainly operated by my pinkie and ring fingers.

    If the Ergodox is like the Moonlander (my current ride) in terms of column stagger, yeah, it’s about half of what it should be (for me anyway). IMHO the top of the “A” key should almost line up with the bottom of the “D” key (speaking QWERTY here).

    From the pictures I’ve seen the stagger looks right on the Dygma Defy; but they use Kaleidoscope, the same firmware as the Model 100, and I want to keep the geeky stuff I’ve done in QMK, which I found hard to port.

  • Roszak’s notes also said that because users got hooked on Google’s search engine, Google was able to “mostly ignore the demand side” of “fundamental laws of economics” and “only focus on the supply side of advertisers, ad formats, and sales.”

    This is textbook phase one of what Cory Doctorow calls “enshittification”. Users don’t have much of a choice, so make it as shitty as you are able without them leaving? Check. Phase two (which Google is no doubt also doing) is to do give the same treatment to the advertisers.

    The pressure to maximize profits ensures that all private entities performing this sort of connection role on the internet will eventually become enshittified. There’s no escape (under capitalism).