Oh, you think that’s bad? Check the Texrail map. It’s the light rail line for Fort Worth, Texas.
It’s literally one line that goes from downtown to DFW airport. There’s a planned expansion that will push it slightly further further west to the medical district… in downtown.
And don’t even get me started on the bus line intervals. The one that’s closest to me runs HOURLY. It may as well not even fucking exist, and I think that’s the idea.
Are you that dense?
It’s a very realistic example of what you would have to do to cram all of the shit from a large phone into a small phone. The features that are cut aren’t fucking “arbitrary” unless you want to classify every feature difference as “abitrary” thereby making your definition of arbitrary meaningless.
If you can figure out a way to cram all of the shit in a 15 Pro Max into a form factor the size of an iPhone 4 not only will Apple suck your dick in the form of a well-earned half million dollar salary but you’ll likely get a Nobel Prize for breakthroughs in quantum computing and also making atoms smaller.
For the price of YouTube premium you could support 14 different Patreons and that dollar would give each one of those creators several times more than YouTube ever will based on your viewing habits.
And let’s not forget YouTube’s built-in ways to avoid paying the creators on their site any more money than they absolutely have to.
And to piggyback on this, the decision that’s often pointed to by sociopaths to justify that horseshit is Dodge Brothers vs Ford, wherein the Brothers Dodge invested in Ford Motor Company. Henry Ford was more interested in paying his employees and providing them with things like housing and antisemitic literature than he was in giving the Dodge boys massive ROI.
They sued and the STATE OF MICHIGAN Supreme Court, not the US Supreme Court, found that Ford had a responsibility to his investors before he had a responsibility to his employees. This does NOT mean that he had to “maximize profit”, it simply meant that Ford had to put the well-being of the business and investors ahead of the well-being of his employees.
It’s worth noting that Ford wasn’t just paying people well. He almost ran FMC like a charity, he was so focused on worker satisfaction. That’s where the issue came in. The idea that you have to underpay people because “MUXIMUSS PROOFIZ” is a Harvard Business sociopath lie.
I’m pretty sure the thousands of deaths of major traders would have had some impact. You know, what with all of the fire and burning and melting of human flesh.
But nah, let’s just do some chanting bro. Totally works, right?