This was posted a lot of times, and it’s not defined what “spoken” actually means. E.g. you can hear Orbán speaking English in this video:
Those are definitely English words, and by Hungarian standards it’s not that bad (Only 25% of Hungarians can speak English according to 2022 census). But is this the same level as other leaders? On other threads it was mentioned that Erdogan can speak some other language just not really well, so it’s not counted here.
This was posted a lot of times, and it’s not defined what “spoken” actually means. E.g. you can hear Orbán speaking English in this video:
Those are definitely English words, and by Hungarian standards it’s not that bad (Only 25% of Hungarians can speak English according to 2022 census). But is this the same level as other leaders? On other threads it was mentioned that Erdogan can speak some other language just not really well, so it’s not counted here.